Liwara is an active learning community where all involved energetically contribute to maximise student’s learning opportunities. It is of great importance that parents and teachers co-operate in the life of the school.

Parent Organisations

Parents and Friends Association

Liwara Catholic Primary School Parents and Friends Association is the key parent body in building our community. Through regular social and fundraising school functions the P&F brings parents together to contribute to their children's school and to get to know each other.

Liwara’s P&F Association plan a variety of things throughout the year such as New Parents Night, Night Under the Stars (NUTS), Mother’s Night, Father’s Night and the famous Liwara Fair to name but a few.

The P&F always has something fun and enjoyable planned each year for families in the school and even for friends out of the school. The funds that are raised have been used for many things to assist and help the students and staff, from air conditioners to playground improvements to helping the library buy new books.

Liwara has a great tradition of parent involvement, which helps the Liwara families become the united community that we are now.

It is this strong family involvement over the years that make this school stand out and creates that famous Liwara spirit.

The committee meetings are generally held on a Monday evening, Week 2 and 7 of each term at 7.30pm. We hope that every family coming through our school will enjoy a time on the committee and make the contribution they committed to in accepting enrolment. Any enquiries please contact the P&F Secretary on

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Liwara Catholic School Board

The Liwara Catholic School Board is the official community body set up under the auspices of the bishops and collaborating with the Catholic Education Commission to assist in the management of the financial and planning aspects of the school.

Members are elected from the school community to serve two year terms (max of 3 terms) along with the ex-officio members, the Principal and the Parish Priest, and the appointed representatives of the P&F and Parish Council.

The work of the board is reviewed annually at the Annual Community Meeting.

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