Prayer - Patience

FAITH          TRUST          RESPECT          MERCY

Our Leadership Team

From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Caregivers

This will be our final newsletter for the term and it is hard to believe that we are almost halfway through the year and what a wonderful way to end the term, with the focus on Wellness this whole week.  Our students and staff have been engaged in so many wonderful activities.  There have been buddy activities, lots of relaxing, deep breathing and mindful movement; a Puzzle & Trivia day; Class Discos; Fancy Fashion  Free Dress Day - with all activities focusing on 'Kindness & Heart Activities'.  The large staff Wellness Team have also been looking after their colleagues wellness with -  'Munchy Monday',  where they organised a Subway lunch; 'Tasty Tuesday' where we began the day with an amazing breakfast and more snacks after our Staff Meeting in the afternoon; 'Thirsty Thursday' where we enjoyed some quality time together drinking some creative mocktails after school and ending the fantastic week with Fashion Friday.  After such an interesting and unexpected three months this last week of term has been a blessing!

All families were sent an important letter in their Seesaw App 'Whole School Announcements' tab.  It details our  move towards  using only one communication portal for all school information, from the beginning of Term Three.  I urge you to check this tab and keep an eye on it on a regular basis once we start the new term.  To make sure all families are supported with this change for the first few weeks of the term,  each time the office upload any whole school communications they will send out an SMS via SEQTA to alert parents to the recent upload.

Semester One Reports are now available on the SEQTA Engage Portal. The reports have been significantly modified due to the recent period of remote learning.  Parents wishing to discuss their child's progress with the class teacher will be invited to do so early in Term Three.

As we should  just be entering into COVID-19 Phase 5 when we begin Term 3, if things continue as they are currently tracking, things will hopefully be looking a bit different.  The recent announcement by Premier McGowan of Phase Four of the WA COVID-19 Roadmap has seen schools adjust accordingly. As the government  has stressed the importance of Western Australians continuing to keep up physical distancing in large gatherings of the 2sqm rule to protect the students and staff, we will begin Term Three following directions from Catholic Education WA.   We are prepared to begin class assemblies from the beginning of Term 3, in a slightly modified format.  They will be held in the Ahern Centre attended by the class performing the item and their family members only.  The expectation at this point is, for family members who do not live in the same home to keep to the 2 sqm.  We will have the chairs set 2 sqm apart to enable the safe distancing for all visitors whilst in the school grounds.

With our current restrictions easing slightly we have decided that we can now have the students attending Mass again. Years 2 to 6 students will be attending one Parish Mass each week starting with our Year Six students.

Certificate Presentations have been revised and our senior students will  be taking over the running of the presentations and live streaming this to all classes.  They will begin with our School Prayer followed by the Acknowledgement of Country and the National Anthem will be sung as well as birthdays being celebrated.  The Leadership Team will read out the certificates and I will continue to hand them out to the students in their classrooms and the teachers will take the photos and upload them to Seesaw for the individual students.

We are currently conducting interviews for enrolment into our Kindergarten 2021 classes so if you, or someone you know, have a child born between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2017 and wish for them to attend Kindy at Liwara in 2021, applications for enrolment should now be completed and forwarded to Karen, our enrolment officer, in the school office.  We are also conducting Pre Kindy 2021  (3 Year Old) interviews  so if your child was born between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018 and wish for them to attend Pre Kindy at Liwara in 2021, please ring the office and speak to Karen.

I have some exciting news to share with the community and I am sure you will all be equally as proud of her as we are!  Mrs Anthea Pickering has been seconded to a new Catholic school, St Martin de Porres in Broome,  opening on Monday 20 July 2020.  Anthea will be leaving Perth in the second week of the school holidays to fly up and begin working with the Principal, Mrs Panda Gardner, in setting up all the administrative side of the school and will be there for the remainder of 2020 to get the school running . A wonderful experience for Anthea and the Broome community are very lucky to have her spending six months up there.  Mrs Karen Rosser and Mrs Julie Basso will be working in the office for the remainder of the year with Anthea heading back to Perth in December 2020.

I urge you all to take time to relax and enjoy the company of one another and self.  May you all have a wonderful holiday!

God bless

Andrea Millar

Kindy Enrolments1

From The Assistant Principals' Desk

Sacramental Programmes


Preparation for the Sacraments of Confirmation, First Eucharist and Reconciliation have continued in the respective classes as per normal during the Covid era. After school Catechist classes however, have been suspended during this same time. As the celebrations of the sacraments are Parish-based, the celebrations cannot take place until the catechist students are adequately prepared. For First Eucharist and Reconciliation, this is expected to be the case later in the year. Confirmation, on the other hand has been temporarily suspended by the Archbishop until further notice. This temporary suspension will be reviewed ahead of the commencement of Phase 5 of the Western Australian Government’s COVID-19 roadmap which is scheduled to commence on Saturday, 18 July 2020. 

Parents of Liwara students will be suitably advised once dates and formats are confirmed for each of the celebrations. 


All Saints Parish is in need of volunteers to clean our beautiful church.  The roster at the moment requires you to clean once every eight weeks.  If you can help out please contact Cathy Mak on 0409 447 005 or the Church Secretary on 9447 6225.  Thank you.


Values Awards

PPG - Vivienne Byrne 

PPR - Nickolas Buchinger 

1G -   Olivia Mercer 

1R -   Isla Richardson

2G -   Aiden Schafer 

2R -   Chalie Stuber

3G -   Tayla Scott 

3R -   Harriet Barker

4G -   Lily Hales

4R -   Caitlin Stewart

5G -   Aidan Murray

5R -   Mackenzie Gilford

6G -   Finn Allsworth

6R -   Mackenzie Scott


Student Wellbeing

Wellness Week at Liwara 

Students as well as staff have relished the opportunity to slow down and take time to focus on our mental health and wellbeing.  

Students thoughts on Wellness Week activities .......

Wellness week is fun because we get to try new and fun activities - Zoe H Yr 6
I've enjoyed the kindness videos and stories we have watched each day - Conor Yr 4
My family went on a family picnic in the afternoon because we had no homework - Holly Yr 3
2 Red have requested that they have Mel for Mindfulness everyday after lunch - I couldn't agree more !! - Mrs Burston & Yr 2R
From meditation to relaxation, Wellness Week is the best!  - Antonio Yr 6
I loved the mindfulness because it was calming and enjoyable - Izabel Yr 5
In wellness week I got to do some relaxing things and more of the things that I just want to do. - Mackenzie Yr 5
I was able to go for walks with my dog Tex because I didn't have to do homework. - Aliyah Yr 3
Because I had no homework I got to spend time with my family. - Campbell Yr 3
I loved not having homework because I could go on bike rides with my family - Lily H Yr 4
I loved not having any homework. - Holly Yr 1
We liked the disco because it was groovy, funky and fun because we had to do the 'Chicken Dance. - Zadie, Emaleah & Seanna Yr 6

Staff Wellbeing

Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind and a tranquil spirit. Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness.

Thank you to our Wellness Team

Thank you to our amazing Wellness Team. What a lovely surprise in my pigeon hole this morning.  It was just the perfect start to my day! ❤️ I'm just loving this whole wellness concept and I know the children are too! - Andrea Millar.
Thanks to everyone on the Wellness Week Team for the beautiful breakfast this morning! As always, a lot of teamwork behind the scenes. What a wonderful spread and a lovely Liwara way start to the day! Thanks for all your support! - John Greenhill
Thank you Wellness Team- you have been amazing! ❤️🌹 - Jacqui Chivell
Thank you Wellness Team for the amazing breakfast - I feel really blessed. - Gaye Margetic
Thanks for the brilliant planning for this week, Wellness Team. What we havin' for breaky tomorrow??   😂 - John Dols
A big thank you to ⭐Bronwyn⭐ who supplied and made up all the Wellness packs for staff.❤️ - Belinda Bywater
What a wonderful Tuesday morning! You are all absolutely amazing and so many wonderful and enticing home made treats too... The effort and enthusiasm around the school is an absolutely joy to be a part of.  Just four more days and you will all be on your well deserved two week break.  Hopefully you will all do as little as possible but as much as you choose.❤️ - Andrea Millar
Thank you to everyone on the Wellness Team. Such a special way to end what has been a CRAZY Semester!! You are all amazing xxx - Victoria Walker
staff wellness1
wellness breakfast
staff wellness
staff learnt
Staff Friday

Important Dates

Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information

5th July  - 19th July - School Holidays

Sunday -

Monday -

Tuesday -

Wednesday -

Thursday -

Friday -

Saturday -


Year 6 Student Ministries


A HUGE THANK YOU for supporting our FOODBANK collection. 

The donations we received were amazing, we were very pleased with what we collected. 

We know that FOODBANK will love the donations and many families in need will benefit. 


The Social Justice Ministry  

(Christina, Amalia, Annaleigh, Darcy, Evan and Wyatt ) 


SJ Ministry Food Collection
SJ Ministry -food collection

Reach Expo

On Wednesday 1 July we held the Reach Expo in the library, students were able to learn about a range of different topics. There was many different types of projects ranging from Minecraft worlds, quizzes, information sheets, PowerPoints, iMovies and even a phone charger powered by a bicycle. The library was buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm from both the presenters and the students that came to see the projects.  

The Reach students improvised and adapted to the Coronavirus restrictions and have also been busy putting together content to build a Virtual Reach Expo online for parents to be able to view their projects next term. 

reach 5


Italian Cultural Treasures

In Year 6, as part of our Italian program, we researched and created an article called: Italian Cultural Treasures’. It was a great way to conclude language learning for Semester 1. What an interesting way to learn from each other’s magazine articles! 

Jake Lee's article

Italian Festival Week Student Competition in 2020

It is with great pleasure that I announce the Kindergarten Year level WA winner of the ‘Italian Festival Week Student Competition in 2020’. Congratulations to Matilda McCarthy, in Kindy Red. 

We are also very pleased to have, at Kindy level, two merit winners: Samara Widanapathirana (Kindy Green) and Lachlan Murphy (Kindy Red).
The other Merit Winners are: Zoe Burn, Scarlett Ford and Kasia Watson (Pre-primary) and Sienna Burrell and Charlie Stuber (Year 2). 



The Week 10 Sustainability Wrap 

Our Green Team ended the term on an exciting note. In between showers of rain today, we added a second car tyre to each of the potato gardens outside the Year Two classrooms. We then added even more straw to fill the car tyres. The potatoes will soon be growing up past the edge of the second car tyre. We look forward to seeing their growth when we arrive back at Liwara in Semester Two.
Have a wonderful holiday and keep living sustainably.
Best wishes from the Semester One ‘Green Team’ 

Mr Greenhill, Jim, Wyatt and Jaime. 


Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

Our OSHC service operates throughout the school holidays and also on Pupil Free Days.  The centre opens at 7am and closes at 6pm each week day.  Children are provided with breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea.  Children help to plan the menu and items they like to include are pancakes, cereal, toast, yogurt for breakfast.  Pasta dishes for lunch and muffins, dip and fruit and veggies for afternoon tea.  the menu is always on display in the centre.

The Vacation Care program includes themed days that include - puppets, pirates and science.

The first week of the holidays is fully booked on both Monday & Tuesday and there are limited vacancies for other days.

Bookings are essential and are open to all children who attend the school from Pre Kindy to Year 6.

To access the program click on the link below -



OSHC Vac Care


triple P

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program

A FREE program that teaches practical and effective ways to enhance family relationships and manage common child behaviour issues.

For more information click on this link - Triple P - Positive Parenting Program

During the school holidays,  Helping Minds are offering one hour workshops

for children in WA aged 8 – 15 who are:

All Saints' Parish News

All Saints' Catholic Church

ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024​
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225      FAX: 9246 2692​
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)​


& Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm​

MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am​

Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm​
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm​
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)​

Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & ​

5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request​


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Would you like to find out more about the Catholic Faith?

We are here to answer your questions, help you to find as much information as possible, and guide you through the process to receive the sacraments and become a Catholic if that’s what you desire.

Sessions are aimed at

  • Adults from non-Christian backgrounds;
  • Adult Christians from other Christian faiths;
  • Adult baptised Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and

Eucharist, or want to refresh their knowledge and understanding.

Come along and find out what the Church has to offer. We commence shortly.

For further information, please contact the Parish Office (Mon, Wed and Fri 10am—3pm) on 0466 604 754

24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry 10th May 2020


Youth Group Goal 

For the youth to understand the importance of the Bronze snake on the Israelites journey and how it relates to their lives now.

Goal Status 

This was achieved, as through the talk given, everyone was engaged to relate it to their lives now.

Youth group Attendance - 19

Youth Group Talk 

The bronze snake, lead by Augustine

Three main points:

  1. The bronze snake was made because the Israelites were complaining, and God sent down snakes to bite them.
  2. Just like the Israelites looked at the bronze snake to survive, we can turn to the cross and know we have been saved.
  3. We can always turn to God after we have sinned and know that he will have mercy on us and will take us back.

Next Youth Group Theme - The spies in Cana 

24:7 Greenwood Online Youth Group

For all youth in Years 6-12
Every Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Ahern Centre
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information  

God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers


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Archdiocesan Newsletter

The Record

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Uniform Shop1