FAITH          TRUST          RESPECT          MERCY

Our Leadership Team

From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

The busyness of Term 4 has continued with many exciting events and learning opportunities. Classes are working hard on their interesting Term 4 learning outcomes.

Book Week

In Week 2 we celebrated Book Week with our fabulous Book Week parade. It was wonderful to see the children dressed up as their favourite book character and there was a mixture of older released books and newer books with a few new characters coming to our parade this year. As usual the staff at Liwara got into the theme by dressing up as crayons, hungry caterpillars and ladybirds!

Early Childhood Athletics Carnival

Mr Dols and the children have had a busy start to the term as well. We had our Interschool Athletics Carnival last Friday and yesterday we held our Early Years Athletics Carnival for Kindy and Pre-Primary students. It was wonderful to see the children having so much fun and all the staff cheering them on.


The Year 6 students will receive the sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th November. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare to renew their Baptismal Promises and receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Through Confirmation, the Holy Spirit gives Catholics the increased ability to practice their Catholic faith in every aspect of their lives and to witness Christ in every situation.

Liwara Fair

The P&F Fair Committee have been working very hard and we are all getting exciting for the Liwara Fair. The Fair Committee have had extra challenges to face with the COVID restrictions and have worked within these restrictions to provide us with a fun fair for all to enjoy. Please make sure you read the P&F information via the School Newsletter and Seesaw.

Have you bought your Fair ticket? This is very important and should be purchased prior to the Fair commencing.

Thank you to the Liwara staff who are also busy making delectable delights for the Gourmet Stall. The staff have also volunteered to work at the stall so please come along and visit us. There are many other goodies being delivered to the Office and we thank ALL parents for their generosity.

School of Thought

A group of Year 6 students took part in the School of Thought radio show hosted by Joondalup Councillor John Logan. All students in Year 6 were involved in choosing the topic and writing the script. Their topic was Wellness. We are so proud of our students!

Crazy Hair and Free Dress Day

On Thursday, 5th November Liwara will be hosting a ‘Crazy Hair and Free Dress Day’.  Students and staff are welcome to come to school in their craziest outfits and wildest hair styles! Students will need to wear comfortable shoes and appropriate clothing for the day, no colour hairspray is allowed. All students will need a hat. A gold coin donation would be appreciated, to help animals in need at the RSPCA. There will be a competition to see who has the craziest outfit and wildest hair, with one person from each year group chosen to receive a prize. Let your creativity shine!


Wishing you God's blessings.

Andrea Millar


Kindy Enrolments1

From The Assistant Principals' Desk


Most of our Year 6 students will be receiving the sacrament of Confirmation on the evenings of Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th November in the All Saints' Parish Church, commencing at 6pm. We wish them well in the lead up to such an important step in their Faith Journey.

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to all the Year 4 students who, in the past two weeks, have received the Holy Eucharist for the first time. May they be always enlightened to seek Jesus’ strength through the Eucharist. A reminder that they need to attend their nominated Parish Mass over the next two weekends to receive their certificate.

Class Masses

The Year 3 and 4 classes will be attending Parish Masses during the upcoming fortnight.

Certificate Assembly

Our last Certificate Assembly for 2020 will be held on Friday 6th November. As the COVID restrictions are still in place, only the students will be attending this assembly.


Merit Certificates

Term 4 Week 2

PPG  Lianna Del Pinto & Marcus Smoker

PPR   Jonah Musca & Maisie Tennyson

1G     Mya Paganelli & Olivia Mercer

1R      Isla Richardson, William Huggins & Lucy Williams

2G      Abbie Holland, Jayden Widanapathirana & Mikey Lyons

2R       Nicholas Ng & Alexis Magorian

3G      Abbey Sarullo, Marco Pavlovich & Emily Nemere  

3R      Jerome Pires & Lily Falkingham 

4G      Lucas Manganaro, Beth Johnson & Henri Killian 

4R      Jack Casey-Crowley, Stella Franotovic & Niamh McSweeney

5G     Gabriel Millington, Selena Caloeira,  Luke Style, Sebastian Dimitropoulos-Agnew & Marcella Maxwell 

5R      Savannah Debono, Logan Kerridge, Darcy White & Christian Yates 

6G      Dylan D’Souza & Ruby Hodge 

6R      Rhiarna Trichilo


Sport News


In the past four weeks of school there have been 3 carnivals in which our students have participated.

Liwara Athletics Carnival

Modified to accommodate COVID restrictions, the Liwara Athletics Carnival day was reduced to running events only as all field and team events were conducted during Physical Education classes during the term. The weather was perfect, the performances outstanding and atmosphere electric. A great day was had by all. Congratulations to Aroona (blue) on their win.

Interschool Athletics Carnival

Again, the weather was perfect for nine local schools to compete against each other in Track and Field events in Ridgewood. Seventy-five Liwara athletes donned the school athletics singlets and showed their colours to the other schools. There were some outstanding performances and a great amount of cheering for each other in the team. Congratulations to all those selected to represent the school and well done on your contribution.

Liwara Junior Athletics Carnival

For the first time, the Pre-Primary joined the Kindy classes to create the inaugural Liwara Junior Athletics Carnival. Parents of students from both year levels witnessed young sportsmen and women run hard and perform well in classic team games such as Egg & Spoon Race, Sack Race and Hurdles.



Important Dates

Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information

1st November - 7th November - Term 4 Week 4

Sunday - All Saints' Day & First Holy Communion Certificate Masses

Monday -

Tuesday - Confirmation Mass

Wednesday - Confirmation Mass

Thursday - Crazy Hair Free Dress Day

Friday - Parish Mass - Yr 3 & Certificate Presentation

Saturday - School Fair & Holy Communion Certificate Mass

8th November - 14th November - Term 4 - Week 5

Sunday - Holy Communion Certificate Masses & NAIDOC Week

Monday - Parish Mass - Year 4

Tuesday - Board Meeting

Wednesday - Remembrance Day

Thursday - NAIDOC Celebrations

Friday -Class Assembly - Year 3 & One Big Voice

Saturday - Confirmation Certificate Masses


Our Classroom News

News from Kindy

Creepy Crawlies in Kindy Green 

In Kindy Green we have been learning about insects. 

We read ‘Creature Features’, a book about the  different features of insects and made a class brainstorm of what we know about bees, worms and  spiders.

We even caught a mole cricket in the storeroom. We kept it to look at but remember – “Now that you know, I’m letting you go”  

We made colourful paintings of insects using big brushes for background and fine brushes for adding  details.  They look amazing! 

Kindy Red Term 4 

In Kindy Red we have been investigating different creepy crawlies. We looked at books for information and brainstormed what we thought were creepy crawlies. From these ideas we made a checklist of some common creepy crawlies. In partners, we used this checklist to investigate what was living in our school playground. If we found a creepy crawly, we ticked it off.  

Investigating by looking at books.  

We have made ladybirds out of paper plates and stamped dots on their backs.  

To create spider webs, Kindy students used their Peggy Lego skills of ‘Tall man pull down and sideways sideways’.  We then designed unusual spiders for our web creations 

After singing and acting out the Nursery rhyme ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ we talked about the four main parts of the story. After discussing language of positions, first, second, third and fourth we cut and ordered the pictures that matched the rhyme.  

We had a go at drawing our own spider. 

The class watched a video on spiders. The clip highlighted some interesting facts about spiders. We have created a poster with some of the details that we remembered. 

Over the next few weeks, we will be investigating bees. Mr Ridout, our Gardener has his own bees, and he is going to bring in some honey from the hive for us to investigate and even try.  


Student Wellbeing


Today we held Talk-and-Walk-a-Thon in support of Mental Health Month. This was a great opportunity for our students to not only engage in physical activity, but also to engage in discussions and build connections with their fellow students.

We believe it is important that our students feel safe, connected and supported at school and within the wider community. We know young people connect and chat through their devices but this can’t replace the need for connecting with others through face- to-face conversation.

The simple act of starting a conversation with someone new can lead to wonderful benefits of expanding networks, celebrating differences, discovering similarities and making it easier for students to seek help when they need it. Initiating conversations becomes easier if provided with the skills and opportunities to practice them.

The Talk-and-Walk-a-Thon has been designed to upskill students, provide an opportunity to form new connections and to experience the powerful effects of exercise on mood and wellbeing.



Library News


Our Book Week parade was held on Thursday October 22nd.  The parade was compared by Mrs Shilkin and storyteller Glenn Swift who kept children engaged with their banter and jokes.

Children in their colourful and creative costumes looked amazing as did the staff who were dressed as crayons inspired by the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit' by Drew Davwalt. Thank you to everyone for your amazing and inventive costume creations! There were so many wonderful outfits and shared stories about much loved and treasured books.

The fun continued with an incursion presented by Storyteller extraordinaire Glenn Swift. Students and staff were engaged and delighted as they were entertained.  Glenn's enormous repertoire had both students and staff 'belly' laughing at his hilarious stories about Monkeys & Hats; Harry, Sally & the Crocodile; The Elephant's Truck; and The Well.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions parents were not be able to attend this event. However, photos and videos of the day were uploaded to Seesaw by classroom teachers.


Whadjuk Gift


On Tuesday, 27th October, the Year 5 classes attended Whadjuk Gift at Mater Dei Catholic College. The day provided the children with a great opportunity to investigate Aboriginal language and culture within our communities and share many experiences with other Year 5 classes from surrounding schools.

The Whadjuk Gift celebration is based on the 250 different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations within Australia. Students were encouraged to connect with their local Aboriginal communities, developing positive relationships with community members and, through this, design a shirt that represents that nation. The students then represent the nation where their school is located, by participating in a range of sports based activities.  In Visual Arts, the Year 5 students designed a logo for an Aboriginal Nation in Western Australia and voted on the design that best represented that region and community. The chosen designs were Mia L (Wardandi) Aidan M (Wiradjuri) Grace C (Pinjarup).



What a wonderful fortnight of sustainability at Liwara. Our Green Team have been monitoring our waste sorting. Students have been using the school bins really well in the undercover area, taking most waste home especially on “Wrapper Free Wednesdays” when our school canteen is closed. We encourage all of our students to continue to reduce the amount of waste they bring to school, recycle correctly at school and at home and to reuse whatever waste they can.

Our Pre-Primary Green students have been excited to bring up the Kindy/Pre-Primary food scraps bucket to the Visual Arts room where we recycle the scraps in our worm farms. We look forward to watching the newly constructed Pre-Primary sustainable gardens grow with the help of the worm tea which will be produced from recycling the Pre-Primary and Kindy food scraps! Keep up the great recycling Kindy and Pre-Primary. We can’t wait to see what Pre-Primary and Kindy plant in their new gardens!

Congratulations to our wonderful Year Three students who entered Bunnings “Sing like Spring” competition with two beautiful spring collages. The prize our school won was a new planter box and this will be cared for by our Year Threes with the assistance of the Year Six Green Team. This week the Green Team have planted more seeds. In a few short weeks, the Green Team look forward to planting seedlings in both the Pre-Primary and Year Three sustainable gardens.

Handy hints for Sustainability

This week’s handy hint for our Liwara parents is to “Recycle properly”. Knowing what you and your family can and can’t recycle is important. For example, did you know that our yellow recycling bins at home do not recycle dirty paper plates, greasy fast food boxes such as those from chicken or pizza, polystyrene containers or packaging, pet food bags, laminated or waxed paper and the majority of juice cartons. All of those items go straight to landfill.

But, they do recycle all glass, plastics such as water and juice bottles, paper such as newspapers, junk mail, receipts, greeting cards and cardboard boxes and metal including aluminium cans, foil and bottle caps! If the plastic you are about to recycle has Type 1 PET or Type 2 HDPE symbol emblazoned on them, please send them to school with your children to put into our purple and green Greenbatch bins along with any aluminium cans.

Let’s all keep recycling properly! Together we can make a difference and fund raise for Liwara through the new Container Deposit Scheme.

Enjoy the Spring sunshine!


Canteen News

Thank you to everyone for supporting our Book Week in the Canteen.

We had a great week and the children loved the display and the extra items we sold at recess.

We have started to have a few volunteers come in and help us. Thank you so much for your time, it is very much appreciated.

We have a NEW canteen menu available.  Click on this link to view or save -


Can You Spare Half An Hour?

We would love your help.  The students love seeing their parents at the counter at recess time (10.40am).

You are also welcome to choose a time to suit your day.  Even half an hour at 9am to organise the lunch bags is a great help.

Please call us - 6224 2000


Deb & Cathy


Mater Dei College Enrolments

Is your child currently in Year 4? Mater Dei College will be interviewing Year 7 2023 families in February/March next year. For more information please contact our Enrolments Officer, Ang Lourens on or 9405 4777. Thank you.

Mater Dei College is very excited to announce that we will be starting a Basketball program next year.  For more information click on the following link -

The Warwick Greenwood Junior Cricket Club

Junior Blasters is for boys and girls new to cricket typically aged (K - Y1) as of 30 June 2020. WGJCC focuses on players building their skills through fun, game based activities. The games are designed for small groups to ensure every child gets a go, allowing them to test and learn new skills. When they have mastered the basics they will be ready to graduate to Master Blasters (Y2-Y3) where they can play modified games of cricket.

Download the registration form here

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newspaper recycling (002)


WAAPA Summer School 2021

This summer WAAPA is thrilled to be able to offer an exciting school holiday program at our campus in Mount Lawley. There are classes for students from Year 1 to Year 12 in drama, acting, screen performance, film making, music theatre and of course Shakespeare. For information about the many courses on offer please visit or contact Gabrielle Metcalf at or 9370 6775.



MercyCare is a not for profit, Catholic provider of services and we are trying to raise the profile of services in the community that aim to keep people over 65yrs living at home for longer. These services are government funded and assist individual’s in their own home with services such as transport, meals, gardening, domestic assistance etc.


Parents & Friends News

All Saints' Parish News

All Saints' Catholic Church

ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024​
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225      FAX: 9246 2692​
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)​

PARISH OFFICE OPENING TIMES: Monday, Wednesday ​& Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm​

MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am​

Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm​
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm​
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)​

Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & ​5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request​


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Would you like to find out more about the Catholic Faith?

We are here to answer your questions, help you to find as much information as possible, and guide you through the process to receive the sacraments and become a Catholic if that’s what you desire.

Sessions are aimed at

  • Adults from non-Christian backgrounds;
  • Adult Christians from other Christian faiths;
  • Adult baptised Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and

Eucharist, or want to refresh their knowledge and understanding.

Come along and find out what the Church has to offer. We commence shortly.

For further information, please contact the Parish Office (Mon, Wed and Fri 10am—3pm) on 0466 604 754

24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 25th October

Youth Group Goal -For the youth to learn about the Parable of the Prodigal Son and the importance of it, both in Jesus’ time as well as how it relates to us now.

Goal Status  - this was achieved through the talk and video given on the night, where one of our leaders explained the parable to the youth and linked it back to how it is still applicable in our lives.

Youth Group Attendance  - 18

Youth Group Talk / Focus  -

The prodigal son-Sebastian

Three key points:

  • Jesus tells the story to show that God will always be waiting for us when we leave and break communion with him and he will always accept us back.
  • Even if we are at rock bottom, God will take us back if we turn to him.
  • We shouldn’t be begrudging when others are welcomed into God’s love, but we should show them the same love he shows us.

24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 18th October

Youth Group Goal-

For the youth to learn about the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the importance of it, both in Jesus’ time as well as how it relates to us now.

Goal Status -This was achieved through the talk given on the night, where one of our leaders explained the parable to the youth and linked it back to how it is still applicable in our lives.

Youth Group Attendance- 20

Youth Group Talk / Focus -

The Good Samaritan-Charli

Three key points:

  • Jesus tells the story to show that we shouldn’t just be looking out for those who are like us, but to live a life on the path of God, looking out for everyone.
  • Our merit doesn’t come from our status, but how we love others and love God.
  • We shouldn’t be aiming to do the bare minimum when it comes to God, we should look out for all and try to help all those we can.

Parish/Newsletter Promotion

24:7 Greenwood Youth Group 

For all youth in Years 6-12
Every Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Church meeting room
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers

Archdiocesan Newsletter

To view this newsletter click on the link below.

The Record

To view this newsletter click on the link below.

To view this newsletter click on the link below.

Columban e-Bulletin

To view this newsletter click on the link below.


Uniform Shop1