Prayer - Patience

FAITH          TRUST          RESPECT          MERCY

Our Leadership Team

From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students,

A huge thank you to our grandparents for supporting our inaugural Grandparents’ Day… with our final count on the day of 250! A special thank you to the staff who once again gave generously of their time and talents, with the tables laden with delightful treats! Father Elver’s homily encapsulated the very essence of the important role our grandparents play and the classroom visits were a huge success!



It has been heartening to see the enthusiastic response we have had to the newly added extra curricular activities as we have been working hard behind the scenes to deliver some more activities run by outside organisations.  Families will be dealing directly with the individual company and information for signing students up to participate will be dealt with directly with the businesses. They all have their own: fee schedule paid directly to the individual business, a set day and times for their activity.    Some of the activities have a minimum or maximum number of participants each week so it is good that many families have  signed up  already, with our first Music Rocks session starting today! Music Rocks Australia Year 1 to 6 "Where students experience a range of instruments, with the program  built around developing students confidence and providing an opportunity for students to play multiple instruments." 

On Tuesdays students will have the opportunity to be involved in the Pro Football Training, PrePrimary to Year 6 - "Each session children will be learning new techniques within the game of football and also finish the school day in a positive manner having been engaged in a fun and positive environment."  The first session will be running next Tuesday 24 and is being offered as a free session so children can experience the program and parents can then make an informed decision. Once again our community have got behind these initiatives with 49 students already signed up for the free session of Pro Football on Tuesday and 16 for Music Rocks.

Miss Leddin has been extremely busy this week celebrating National Science Week and preparing many fun and informative lessons for our students based on the theme "Different By Design" which honours the United Nations International Year of Fruits and Vegetables and the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development. I am sure many experiences have been shared at home, over the dinner table.  The staff were lucky enough to share some special snacks at morning tea on Tuesday and asked to pick the 'different by design' theme in the tasty treats!

Mrs Plint has been working feverishly with our choir and their performance at the Performing Arts Festival where they participated in the Primary Sacred Choral Music section at St Benedict's on Monday was very well received.  Congratulations to the students and Mrs Plint!

Today, our choir were once again performing in the One Big Voice (OBV) extravaganza.  It is Australia's largest children's choir, open to all schools, public and private with students from Years 3 - 7). OBV culminates annually in two massive concerts at the RAC Arena.  Over 7000 students and their families celebrate in joyous affirmation of the life changing power of song!

Invitations for our annual Father's Day Breakfast on Thursday 2 September have been sent out this week so please ensure you send in your replies as soon as possible so we can move forward with the catering needs. More information about where we will be holding it,  will be communicated via Seesaw, closer to the date, as we plan to hold the event in the safest possible way with our students present. The change for the breakfast, if weather permits, will be the school oval.

Our Year Three students and others who will be making their First Reconciliation, tomorrow,  celebrated the special day together at their Reconciliation Retreat on Tuesday.  Special thanks go out to Mrs Sarah Carberry, Miss Alberta Bodeker and our Parish Catechists for preparing and sharing their knowledge with our students.

How wonderful that we are able to hold the annual Book Week Parade next Tuesday 24 August.  I know the students are extremely excited, as are the staff, who will once again be sharing their talents with the school community!

Wishing you God’s blessings

Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk

Fathers’ Day Breakfast

A breakfast for all significant males in the lives of our students will be held in the Undercover Area on Thursday 2nd September commencing at 7.30am. For catering purposes, we ask that the return slip on the invitation sent home earlier this week, be returned to your child’s class teacher or the school office as soon as possible.

First Holy Communion Photos

For those who made their First Holy Communion last term, you can find preview and order the photos of your special event, taken by Roman International Photography, in a Dropbox folder according to the dates via these links:

Masses 12th & 13th of June:

Masses 19th & 20th of June:


Full collection:

The password for each file is 210612

You will also find images from all previous years. The password for each is the file number. There is also a pricing list within the same folder.

Please be aware that final editing and cropping will be completed during printing for optimal quality and look. Please also be aware that large group photos that exceed the backdrop will also be fixed before printing.

Whole School Prayer

The Year 5 students will lead us in prayer in the Church on Monday 23rd  August commencing at 2.40pm. All are welcome to attend.

Music Performance Assembly

A number of our instrumentalists will have the opportunity to perform at our Music performance Assembly on Friday 27th August in the Ahern Centre commencing at 2.30pm sharp. All are welcome to attend.

Performance Assembly.

The Year 4 students will be presenting a Performance Assembly in the Ahern Centre on Friday 3rd September commencing at 2.30pm. All are welcome to attend.


Important Dates

Term 3

August 20 - Reconciliation Ceremony

August 24 - Book Week Parade @ 9.00am

August 27 - Music Performance Assembly

August 28 & 29 - Reconciliation  Certificate Masses

August 30 - Pupil Free Day

August 31 - Pupil Free Day

September 2 - Father's Day Breakfast

September 3 - Performance Assembly Yr 4 & Father's Night

September 11 & 12 - Confirmation Masses

September 14 - Learning Journey

September 17 - Liwara Athletics Carnival

September 18 & 19 Confirmation Certificate Masses

September 23 - Early Learning Centre Carnival

September 24 - Mercy Day & last day of Term 3 for students


October 11 - Pupil Free Day - Laudato Si - Staff Professional Development

October 12 - Pupil Free Day - MMA - Staff Professional Development

October 13 - First day of Term 4 for students

December 10 - Last day for students (TBC)


Our Classroom news

Science Week

This week we celebrated Science Week. The theme this year is Food: Different by Design. All classes participated in fun Scientific activities such as using Makey Makey’s fruit pianos and iPad microcope converters to examine various fruit and vegetables.




Book Week - 2021

Theme: Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds
Dates: Term 3: August 21-27
Our Book Week Parade will be held on Tuesday August 24 at 9am in the Ahern Centre.
Excitement is growing as there are only 4 more sleeps until the parade.

The CBCA Books of the Year have been announced and the picture book 'No! Never! by Libby Hathorn & Lisa Hathorn-Jarman won Book of the Year.  We have been voting on the books we have read so far and could not agree more with the CBCA judges choice (but Mrs Margetics' really enjoyed 'Your Birthday Was the Best! by Felicita Sala.  Books will be available for loan after book week.

The school staff are busy preparing a 'surprise' for the children after the parade - we hope you will be able to recognise them!

download (5)



Our OSHC Children Say....

Over the last few months at OSHC, we have creating different sewing projects.  A while back educator Amanda asked us to create a mind map of our sewing hopes.  Educator Marie liaised with the school and about a week ago, we have been able to borrow the sewing machines.  Now, educator Mojgan helps us sew with the sewing machines, but we still hand sew.  We’re still learning, but we are getting better by the minute and we hope that one day with Mojgan’s help that we will sew as good as her.

Lily, Eva and Beth

Pic 3
Pic 2

Canteen News

We received some lovely potatoes from the school garden, perhaps some spudzees are coming up at recess?

We have a special week planned for Book Week.  Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds.

Don’t forget your spare change next week for recess, and pop over and have a look at our great canteen display and the special book we have chosen to feature this year.

Thanks once again to our fabulous volunteers.  We love chatting with you and look forward to seeing you again shortly.

Deb & Cathy.


Uniform Shop

Opening Times

The uniform shop is open for your uniform requirements during school terms on Thursday between 8.15am - 9.00am.

Ordering Details

Uniform order forms can be found on the school website Full payment is required when you place the order and items will be delivered to your child's class on arrival.  If you have any questions about uniforms please send them via email to or call 9204 1701

Parents & Friends News

Click on the image to view the latest P & F Newsletter.



To acknowledge Prendiville Catholic College’s 35 Year celebrations, we are reaching out to all past students who attended the College from 1986 to 2020. You are a special group of individuals who hold a unique place in the heart of Prendiville Catholic College and play a significant part in our history, values and identity.

Please stay connected by visiting our College Alumni page and completing the form on the link below to receive news about upcoming events:

You can also follow us on our Facebook page:

10, 20 & 30 YEAR REUNIONS

This year we will be organising 10, 20 & 30 year reunions for the graduating classes of 1991, 2001 & 2011. Please update your details and register your interest at:

And if you’d like to be part of organising one of these reunions, please contact us at:


Primary school

Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the October and summer school holidays. VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations. They are a great school holiday activity and they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.

Enrol at

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program

Click here for more information


Marriage Encounter Weekend

Now the children are back at school, why not give yourselves some time together?  What better way to celebrate the gift of your unique love than to make time to focus on your Marriage – your most precious asset.  Come and join us at a Live-Out Marriage Encounter Weekend on 16-17 October 2021 to be held at Prendiville Catholic College, Ocean Reef.  Book online at or contact Brendon and Valerie on 0424 220 625 or  email  

If you would like to receive any more information regarding Worldwide Marriage Encounter please do not hesitate to contact us.

Catholic Church Insurance

All of our students are covered for 24 Hour Accident Insurance through Catholic Church Insurance Ltd. Students are covered even if the injury occurs out of school hours. Claims can be made online using the link - OR download and complete the PDF and return it to the School Office. CCI School Care


All Saints' Parish News

All Saints' Catholic Church

ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024​
TELEPHONE: 0466604754

PARISH OFFICE OPENING TIMES: Monday, Wednesday ​& Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm​

MASSES: Monday – Friday 6.00am & 9.00am​

Saturday – Vigil -6.00pm​
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am, 10.30am  & 5.30pm​
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)​

Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & ​5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request​

Church Cleaning

All Saints Catholic Church is looking for volunteers to join their cleaning crew! As a volunteer, you will be given a cleaning task that will take you 30-60 mins and you will be on roster once every 7 weeks. You can clean at a time that suits you best. If you can help, contact Heidy Verweij, 046 6251 314 or


Are you an adult thinking about becoming a Catholic?

Not sure where to begin? Like to find out more without obligation or pressure? If you are interested, in discovering what the Church has to offer or for further information, please contact Fr Elver (0466 604 754) or Juliet Southgate (6113 2799)

24:7 Greenwood Youth Group

For all youth in Years 6-12

This Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Church meeting room

Click on the links to download the latest newsletters.

247Greenwood Update 15th August 2021

247 Greenwood Update 8th August 2021

Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information

God bless,

Anthony and Georgia

24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers


Uniform Shop