From 2026 our Kindergarten program will run on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Pre Kindy will be held on Thursday and Friday.

Both programs start at 8.45am and finish at 2.45pm.  If these times are not suitable for working parents, we also have on offer before and after school care for students attending these programs.


To apply to enrol your child, please download the Application for Enrolment Pack, fill out and send back to the school office at enquiries@liwara.wa.edu.au or return to the School Office at 5 Tuart Road, Greenwood WA.

There is a non-refundable application fee of $55 and this will be charged prior to processing. Please note that completing an application does not automatically gain you entrance to the school and applications do not guarantee entrance for siblings (applications are per child).

We begin offering places two years before a child intends to start school. It is essential that applications are made as early as possible to secure your spot.

Information included in the Application for Enrolment Pack:

- Student Enrolment Policy

- Enrolment Application Form

- Enrolment Application Fee

- Data Collection Information

- Enrolment Checklist

- Parish Reference (if applicable)

Once we have received your application, we will process the Application fee. Our Enrolment Officer will be in contact with you regarding an appointment with the Principal.

Applicants are contacted approximately two years before the intended start date.

For more questions regarding your enrolment please contact our Enrolment Officer at enquiries@liwara.wa.edu.au