Newsletter – 21 August 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome to Week 5, Term 3!
On Saturday 15 August we celebrated the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Assumption is celebrated because Mary was taken up into the glory of heaven not only her soul but also with her body. So each year when we celebrate this feast day of Mary, we can ask our Blessed Mother Mary to guide, protect and care for us.
Read MoreNewsletter – 7 August 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
It has been a great week with a few school events being re-launched and implemented, which we are extremely grateful for. We are coasting into Week Four soon and the term continues to ‘roll along’ smoothly and happily with the students and staff working diligently and contentedly. Although school life has settled into a relatively steady routine, Phase 4 of COVID-19 restrictions still require us to keep certain parameters in place, until further notice.
Read MoreNewsletter – 24 July 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
A warm welcome to Term Three! It was uplifting welcoming all the students back to school on Monday 20 July as they meandered through the grounds , with lovely smiles on their faces. I hope the holidays gave you the opportunity to step back a little from the busy school days and enjoy many shared family opportunities either at home on somewhere around our beautiful State.
Newsletter – 3 July 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
This will be our final newsletter for the term and it is hard to believe that we are almost halfway through the year and what a wonderful way to end the term, with the focus on Wellness this whole week. Our students and staff have been engaged in so many wonderful activities. There have been buddy activities, lots of relaxing, deep breathing and mindful movement; a Puzzle & Trivia day; Class Discos; Fancy Fashion Free Dress Day – with all activities focusing on ‘Kindness & Heart Activities’. The large staff Wellness Team have also been looking after their colleagues wellness with – ‘Munchy Monday’, where they organised a Subway lunch; ‘Tasty Tuesday’ where we began the day with an amazing breakfast and more snacks after our Staff Meeting in the afternoon; ‘Thirsty Thursday’ where we enjoyed some quality time together drinking some creative mocktails after school and ending the fantastic week with Fashion Friday. After such an interesting and unexpected three months this last week of term has been a blessing!
Newsletter – 26 June 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
One more week to go and as we come to the end of Term Two, I would like to thank all our students, families and staff for their outstanding efforts this semester. I am sure everyone is more than ready for a calm and relaxing holiday. I hope we get many nice sunny days for us all to get out and about, keeping abreast of government restrictions, but hopefully able to enjoy many beautiful camping grounds, natural adventure playgrounds and spacious parks.
Read MoreNewsletter – 12 June 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
I once again thank you for your continued support, patience and encouragement during this period of ever changing routines and conditions, surrounding COVID-19. Ensuring meaningful learning experiences for our students is always at the forefront of all our thinking, planning and delivery of the curriculum and one of the big positives that has emerged due to our current health challenges has been the agility demonstrated by students, staff and parents in developing and enhancing their own capacity through incredible commitment and creativity.
Read MoreNewsletter – 29 May 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
It has been wonderful watching our students settling back into school these past few weeks. Each day, our school routines and practices are returning to a different but smooth ‘normal’. The sound of children at play and engaged in learning is music to our ears!
Newsletter – 15 May 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
We have achieved great things this week and the energy around the school has been lifting each day as our numbers have grown to almost a full cohort. There has been a great display of patience and resilience by all members of our community as we manage the changes and challenges that each day brings, especially for the young people entrusted into our care.
Read MoreNewsletter – 1 May 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
I trust that you have had a relaxing and quiet holiday break. Although different from most other holidays, my hope is that all families enjoyed quality time together finding joy in the company of one another.
Newsletter – 3 April 2020
Dear Families
As we come to the end of Term One, I would like to thank all students, parents and families who have contributed to the success of the various events that have been part of our school program.