Newsletter – 22nd July 2022
The Liwara Newsletter, Volume 24
In this week’s newsletter:
Welcome to Term 3
NAIDOC Week recap
Staffing Changes
Friday’s Whole School Mass
and more…
Newsletter – 24 June
Dear Parents and Caregivers
First Communion – Our prayers and congratulations go out to our Year 4 students and families on such a special occasion and hope that by receiving Jesus they will grow in love, forgiveness and service for others, to be like Jesus. Thank you to our teachers, Mrs Karen Swift and Mr Barry McGilloway, Fr Elver and the Parish Sacramental Team who have been guiding and supporting all the students through their preparations. The Masses have been lovely and a wonderful reflection of the commitment of our faith and your support and prayers for our children and families at this special time is greatly appreciated.
Newsletter – 10 June
Our students and staff were very excited last Friday and were all out together to soak in the sunshine around our new playground equipment that was installed by Adventure+ playgrounds with a community grant funding of $20K going towards the project provided by an ‘Invitation Only’ opportunity that Anne Aly put our P&F forward for a Stronger Communities Grant application. Our hard working P&F applied for this grant late last year, with the Liwara Netball Club as their sponsor, and were successful! Thank you P&F and the LNC!
Newsletter – 27 May
Dear Parents and Caregivers
As I write this newsletter, I am eternally grateful for the amazing group of staff and students we have at Liwara, who are keeping things ticking along regardless! Our school is being impacted in a large way with both staff and students being infected with COVID-19 and therefore needing to stay away from school. Please be patient as we navigate through this challenging time and do your part by keeping your child home if they have symptoms.
Newsletter – 13 May
Dear Parents and Caregivers
In celebration of all our mothers and mother figures in our school community I would like to share this reflection, retrospectively.
• It is Mother’s Day, a time to remind me to remember. Remember all that you have done for me, all that you are, and all that you will ever be in my life.
Newsletter – 29 April
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
A warm welcome back to school for Term 2! I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday break and were able to soak up the glorious weather and get ‘out and about’. A special welcome to our new students and their families. We are delighted to have you in our community and look forward to sharing our Liwara journey with all family members. We are extremely excited to be finally beginning the re-roofing-new ceilings and new air conditioning units on our Year 4/5/OSHC & Enrichment Rooms. I have a pre-start meeting on Monday 2 May when I will have more information of the actual date of site possession.
Newsletter – 1 April
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
One more week of school! It is hard to believe we are so close to the end of Term One. A term that has brought many challenges to our usual programme of events. We wish to thank all students, staff and parents who have been so patient and understanding of the continual adjustments that have had to be made as a result of the constantly changing conditions under which we are operating. Our priority in decision making has always been in the best interest of all in the community, in particular, the safety of our staff and students and the quality and continuity of education for our students.
Newsletter – 18 March
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We come together to celebrate Harmony Day on Monday 21 March. This special day was created in 1999 to celebrate unity and diversity. harmony Day is celebrated worldwide by reflecting on the ways we can live in harmony with our neighbours, regardless of their background or circumstance. Since Harmony Day was first initiated there have been over 55,000 events held. Our HASS coordinators, Mrs Andrea Rattray and Mrs Andrea Shilkin, have planned some wonderful activities to mark this celebration. The students are asked to wear orange accessories. Each class will be participating in a special activity to mark this celebration.
Newsletter – 4 March
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Congratulations to all our students who received a Merit Certificate last week and to our Year 6 students who led us in Whole School Prayer last Monday. Despite the challenges we are all dealing with our senior students created and shared this beautiful prayer –
Newsletter – 18 February
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students,
Welcome to the end of Week Three of Term One, 2022. While our return to school has not been what we hoped or planned for, I am extremely proud of how well everyone has settled into the new year and re-engaged with school.