8+ 1.5hr $235 per term (Advanced)
8+ 1.5 hr $210 per term (Beginner)

This choir aims to enrich the learning happening in the music classroom, as well as expose its young musicians to new types of music. Our School Choir is made up of students from Years 3 – 6 and they have many opportunities to perform during the year at Masses, One Big Voice, Performing Arts Festival and Assemblies. There is a strong demand to be a member of Liwara’s Rock Band with our senior students auditioning at the start of each school year.

Footsteps specialises in curriculum, age-based movement programs for our students in years 1-6. Students enjoy engaging in the dance and drama programs which have been developed around the Australian National Curriculum.
Footsteps Dance programs develop students’ social skills, confidence, fitness levels, creativity, expressive skills and coordination, ensuring we provide a safe, positive and stimulating environment for all students!
Students learn to dance both individually and with a partner, promoting social interaction and confidence building, as well as improved fitness, coordinating and gross motor skills.
Students participate in the Footsteps Dance program during school hours in Term 3. At the end of the program parents are invited to attend the Footsteps Dance Showcase.
The Instrumental Music Program is an extension of the Classroom Music Program and provides children with the opportunity to experience the expressive qualities of music through learning to play an instrument. Our program caters for all levels of ability, from beginner to more experienced students. Through this program the students are led to an awareness of music and an appreciation of the part music plays in their own lives and in the lives of others.
Lessons are offered as individual or in small group. Highly qualified and experienced tutors teach these instruments privately on a rotational roster during the school day, with before and after school time slots also available.
Liwara has a well-established Instrumental Program including -
- voice
- drums
- piano
- guitar
- fife
- flute
- clarinet
- violin, and
- brass
If you are interested in your child learning a musical instrument please contact our Administration Officer for further details.

Lunch Bunch provides students with the opportunity for students to learn to be more accepting of each other, which has a ripple effect into other areas of life. It offers a place of respite for those children who are feeling overwhelmed in our busy playgrounds. Often a child simply needs to connect with others, feel part of a group or make a friend. Lunch Bunch is a great way to do that.
Children have the to opportunity to participate in planned activities such as sewing, crafts, games, mindful colouring, and Lego to name a few. The simplicity of these crafts and activities works within the lunch bunch period and also facilitates conversation and sharing.
By participating in planned activities and being given extra opportunities to experience direct instructions of social skills our children learn how to make and interact with friends. It allows staff to connect personally with our students, giving them an opportunity to spend quality time with them.
Lunch Bunch is run once a week on a Thursday in the Enrichment Room, students who participate are encouraged to ask a friend to join them.

Liwara Netball Club is run by the committee who consist of Liwara parent volunteers. Registrations to play are open to all children from Liwara, boys and girls, from Year 2 – 6.
The netball season runs between May and August, generally run on Friday nights at either 5.15 or 6.30pm for Years 2 – 4 and Saturday mornings at 8.30am or 10am for Years 5 and 6. These times are always subject to change by Wanneroo Districts Netball Association (WDNA) at Kingsway where we play. There are no games during school holidays.
Children train on the school netball courts, on a week day suitable to the volunteer coaches/managers either before school (7.30 – 8.30 ) or after school (3.15 – 4.15). Training usually starts in mid March.
In recent years we have also offered a skills clinic called NET for the Year 1s and sometimes Pre Primary students also. This is also run by generous parent volunteers for 8 weeks after school during late Term 3 and early Term 4.
Registrations always open early February so we aim to receive Expressions of Interest in December of the year prior via our email liwaranetball@gmail.com ,so that we can make sure we get the relevant information out to all those who are keen!

At 8am sharp each Tuesday and Friday morning of Terms Two and Three, students from Kindy age to Year 6 gather to run laps of the school oval. As many as 90 students, including some parents, can be seen running, at various paces, around the school oval first thing in the morning, often chatting with friends as they run. It's a great opportunity to catch up and get the heart racing in preparation for the day's events.
At the end of each session, the laps get recorded and, at the end of season, laps are tallied and Gold/Silver/Bronze Club Members' Certificates are awarded to participants who have achieved certain distance milestones during the season. Awarded at the annual Athletics Carnival is a medal to the boy and girl of each year level who has run the furthest distance with the title of Champion Boy or Girl for that year level.
The program is available to students from Pre Primary to Year 6 every Wednesday from 3.00-4.00pm.
9 x sessions = $156.00
On arrival at the school oval children will be split into groups according to age.
All sessions will be run by qualified coaches who hold WWC cards. The sessions will be fully inclusive and fun-based, catering for all abilities.
Please register at www.sports-x.com.au
Please contact us via email for further enquiries: rtownsend@sports-x.com.au