Newsletter – 29 May 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
It has been wonderful watching our students settling back into school these past few weeks. Each day, our school routines and practices are returning to a different but smooth ‘normal’. The sound of children at play and engaged in learning is music to our ears!
Newsletter – 15 May 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
We have achieved great things this week and the energy around the school has been lifting each day as our numbers have grown to almost a full cohort. There has been a great display of patience and resilience by all members of our community as we manage the changes and challenges that each day brings, especially for the young people entrusted into our care.
Read MoreNewsletter – 1 May 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers
I trust that you have had a relaxing and quiet holiday break. Although different from most other holidays, my hope is that all families enjoyed quality time together finding joy in the company of one another.
Newsletter – 3 April 2020
Dear Families
As we come to the end of Term One, I would like to thank all students, parents and families who have contributed to the success of the various events that have been part of our school program.
Newsletter – 20 March 2020
Dear Families
We celebrated Harmony Day this Monday along with our Flag Presentation Ceremony when Jessica Stojkovski, Member for Kingsley, presented the National, Western Australian and Aboriginal flags to our community.
Newsletter – 6 March 2020
Dear Families
The season of Lent is upon us again and it is a time for us to focus intentionally on what helps or hinders our commitment to Christ. It may be better not to give up something but to take on something, to build our spiritual muscles. At the beginning of Lent the first thought of many adult Catholics is to give something up and the standard was to give up chocolate of other sweet temptations. A colleague of mine told me that he had urged his children to move beyond giving up sweet treats and to focus on giving up something that made others around them unhappy.
Newsletter – 21 February 2020
Dear Families
Thank you for the important role you play each year to ensure that partnerships with our whole community have been established to strengthen the links between our school and the home.
Newsletter – 7 February 2020
Welcome to the new school year! I wish everyone a joyful and positive 2020. It has been wonderful to have the students arrive at school this year in a calm and settled manner and I thank all parents and carers who have played a significant role in allowing this to occur.
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