Newsletter – 15 October
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students,
Welcome back to all students and families for our final term in 2021! I hope that all families had a relaxing holiday and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We have a few new students joining our school this term and we welcome them warmly to our Liwara Community.
Read MoreMini Newsletter – 24 September
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students,
As Term Three draws to a close, I would like to acknowledge and thank the Liwara School Community for their enthusiastic involvement and support in the many events we have held this term.
Read MoreNewsletter – 17 September
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students,
What an eventful couple of weeks it has been at Liwara, where children experienced many opportunities to showcase their talents and join in with the fun at recent events: Science Water Corporation Incursion; Australian Earth Science Education Incursion, Footsteps Dance lessons; Confirmation Celebrations; Learning Journey; Interschool Dance Competition at Mandurah Catholic College and to finish up the week, our Liwara Athletics Carnival. Many thanks to all staff involved in coordinating these events which continue to highlight our school’s wonderful community spirit.
Newsletter – 3 September
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students,
Congratulations to our Liwara Primary Choir who received an award of Excellence for their performance at the recent Performing Arts Sacred Choral section. Mrs Plint was so proud as they took to the stage and enthusiastically participated and sang with gusto and melodic unison. A special vote of thanks goes out to Mr John Fernandez who accompanied the choir on his guitar to make the performance even more special.
Newsletter – 20 August
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students,
It has been heartening to see the enthusiastic response we have had to the newly added extra curricular activities as we have been working hard behind the scenes to deliver some more activities run by outside organisations. Families will be dealing directly with the individual company and information for signing students up to participate will be dealt with directly with the businesses. They all have their own: fee schedule paid directly to the individual business, a set day and times for their activity.
Read MoreNewsletter – 6 August
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students,
Pope Francis celebrated the first-ever World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly on Sunday July 25, 2021. He elevated a theme that he has sought to promote since his inauguration homily as Pope in 2013, when he said one of the duties of being a Christian is protecting the elderly.
Read MoreNewsletter – 23 July 2021
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students,
Welcome back to the start of Term Three. I hope you had a well-deserved break; I certainly did. It gave me the opportunity to recharge my physical and emotional batteries. As always, we have a busy term ahead and already things are happening at full pace. With so much happening around the school, it is good to keep a regular eye on the website calendar so you are fully informed and aware of the many things that our students are involved in each week. As a staff we meet on a regular basis to articulate the common vision we have for the children in our care. The rich educational experience that is offered at Liwara can only be enhanced by the wonderful energy, enthusiasm and commitment demonstrated by the staff in all our discussions. As always it is a pleasure to see the children back from their holidays, happily catching up with their friends and the staff.
Read MoreNewsletter – 2 July 2021
I doubt any of us predicted the term would be ending quite the way it has! With the changes to our end of term Pupil Free Days due to the recent COVID lockdown, our term will officially end this Friday 2 July for staff and students. Term Three will commence for students and staff on Monday 9 July.
Read MoreNewsletter – 18 June 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
On behalf of the School Advisory Council and the Leadership Team I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who participated in our recent School Community Survey.
Newsletter – 4 June 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Lapathon 2021
Last Friday saw the return of the P&F organised Lapathon. The oval was abuzz with colour and smiles as our runners and walkers gathered stamps per lap to raise precious money for our school.