Newsletter – 21 May 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We have achieved great things this week and the flow of energy around the school has been uplifting. We began with our Family Mass on Sunday 16 May which also included the First Eucharist Commitment by our parents and caregivers.
Newsletter – 7 May 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Year Six Camp: The Year Six students and staff were very excited as they left for camp on Tuesday morning for 3 whole days and nights! We know that they will have a fabulous time, as they raft, tower climb, canoe, explore and challenge themselves and each other, developing problem solving and leadership skills.
Newsletter – 23 April 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
A warm welcome back to school and I would like to share how much in awe I am of the lovely weather we have been gifted with during most of the school holidays and continuing into the new term. Our prayers continue to be with our students, families and colleagues who have been affected by Cyclone Seroja and we ask God to bless each and every person touched by the devastation and surround them with His love and protection.
Newsletter – 1 April 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
As we come to the end of Term One, I would like to thank all students, parents and carers who have contributed to the success of the various events that have been part of our school program so far this year. I would especially like to congratulate the students for a wonderful term, filled with self-driven learning and for attacking all tasks with enthusiasm and vigour. Thank you to the dedicated and committed staff who prepare and implement programs of work which invigorate and challenge our students across all learning areas and for their selfless giving of their time and talents. I think we have all earned a holiday!
Newsletter – 19 March 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers
As Western Australia moved to the COVID-19 Roadmap Phase 4b on Monday 15 March, we have been busy planning and putting into place the quickest and safest ways for our community to be present at whole school events and in the classrooms, as part of curriculum based activities, in accordance with Phase 4b restrictions, pending no further outbreaks in WA.
Read MoreNewsletter – 5 March 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Thank you for the important role you play, especially in our current climate, to ensure that partnerships with all community members have been established to strengthen the links between school and home.
Newsletter – 19 February 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
It has been wonderful to see the joy on our students faces as they arrived at school this week with such enthusiasm and hope for all that the new school year holds for them. There has been a definite ‘buzz’ around the school as the children settle into the year rekindling friendships and making new ones.
Newsletter – 11 December 2020
Dear Families
Welcome to Week 9 of Term 4.
As I write my last piece for the Newsletter in 2020, I write with a deep sense of pride and gratitude for all we have accomplished this year. As in previous years, we began the school year with great enthusiasm and excitement as we gathered as a Liwara community and no one could have predicted the challenges that lay ahead of us.
Newsletter – 27 November 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
As we get to the end of Week 7 and with students finishing the 2020 school year on Friday 11 December, we are well and truly nearing the end of another school year! It will continue to be a busy time, nonetheless. Please continue to check the calendar provided on the school website for dates of remaining events. Most importantly, our Annual School Community Meeting will be held on Monday 30 November at 6.30pm. I encourage you to come along and celebrate the amazing journey of Liwara throughout 2020.
Read MoreNewsletter – 13 November 2020
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Congratulations to our Year Six students who recently received the sacrament of Confirmation. Our thanks go to Fr Elver, Mrs Remy McGavigan, Mrs Federica Huntington, our Parish Catechists and the choir led by Mrs Keegan who sang so beautifully once again.
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