God of goodness and mercy,
Hear my prayer as I begin this Lenten journey with you. Let me be honest with myself as I look into my heart and soul, noticing the times I turn away from you. Guide me as I humbly seek to repent and return to your love. May humility guide my efforts to be reconciled with you and live forever in your abundant grace. Transform me this Lent, heavenly Father. Give me the strength to commit myself to grow closer to you each day.

The Liwara Newsletter, Volume 2
16th February 2024

In this week's newsletter:
- Parent Support
- Capturing Moments
- Book Club Coordinator
- Parent Information Evening
and more...
Dear Parents and Caregivers
I hope this newsletter finds you all in good spirits as we navigate through Term One together.
We have now entered the season of Lent which marks a period of reflection, repentance and preparation. Lent is a 40-day observance, excluding Sundays, that begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. It is a time for spiritual discipline, self-examination and a focus on prayer, and self-reflection.
Parent Support
Our P&F Group met on Tuesday evening, and it was great to see some new families join our longer term parents who came along to support one another and to give of their time and efforts to demonstrate a commitment to community building and fundraising for special projects and initiatives which benefit our students. Our P&F Committee along with some of our Class Representatives will be hosting the New Parents’ Sundowner this evening, Fri 16 February. It will be a wonderful opportunity for our new parents and caregivers to get an early ‘taste’ of the welcoming spirit of our special Liwara community.
Capturing Moments
On behalf of the staff, I extend our heartfelt gratitude to all students and parents for presenting immaculately for our MSP school photo shoot very early in the year. I would like to thank the dedicated MSP photography team for their professionalism and expertise in capturing the essence of our vibrant school community. Their hard work and creativity have truly made this year’s photo session a resounding success. We eagerly anticipate the arrival of the finished photos and cannot wait to share them with you.
Book Club Coordinator
Welcome to our new coordinator, Lyndal Marron, for taking over from Jen Jones who has been running the Scholastic Bookclub for the last seven years. Thank you for volunteering your time to give our students the opportunity to engage in reading in many different ways. A very special thank you to Jen for taking over from Marina Heath in 2017 and continuing to give the children such joy when they receive the catalogues each term.
Parent Information Evening
It was great to see so many of our parents and caregivers, stream into the school yesterday evening, despite the weather! Your involvement and support are crucial for the success of our educational programs and the teachers were thrilled to get to meet so many of you to share their ‘story’ of how the year is going to proceed for the students in their care.
Staff Farewell
It is with mixed emotions that I announce the departure of Karen Rosser from the Liwara front office team. Karen has been working at Liwara for the past eight and a half years, part time and fulltime, on occasions when staff have been away on leave. She has recently moved to Whitford’s Catholic Primary school as their new Enrolment Assistant, a brand-new role at the school, and they will greatly benefit from Karen’s skills and expertise which will enhance their front office team. When we held our staff farewell, I thanked Karen, on behalf of the entire Liwara community, for her support, enthusiasm and welcoming presence.
Carpark Student Safety
Please keep vigilant and do not park and leave your car in either of the drive through sections in the top and bottom carparks at any time, as this creates a safety issue for our students with cars moving in and out of the carparks.
Thank you to all the families that have returned their 2024 Medical Action Plans. A reminder that all medications used within the school grounds need to be checked at the front office and recorded.
If you are unsure of your requirements, please contact the front office on 6224 2000

We currently have a limited number of vacancies for Kindy 2024, I urge you to contact our Enrolment Officer, as soon as possible, to discuss the enrolment process. I will be meeting with future and current parents for our 2025 Kindy and Pre Kindy placements commencing mid Term 1 onwards. Enrolment information and applications can be downloaded from our school website HERE or a paper copy can be collected from the school office.
Best wishes and God Bless!
Mrs Andrea Millar
Project Compassion
We celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass with the All Saints Parish on Wednesday, 14 February. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Project Compassion brings thousands of Australian schools, parishes and supporters together to raise funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities across the world. Project Compassion boxes were sent home this week. Thank you for your generous contributions this Lenten season.
Liwara Family Mass
This term’s Family Mass will be held in the All Saints Church on Sunday, 18 February commencing at 9.30am. All families are encouraged to attend and those students who attend in school uniform are allowed to wear 'free dress' at school the following day (Monday, 19 February).
Certificate Assembly
Our first Certificate Assembly will take place on Friday, 23 February in the Liwara Hall at 2:30pm. We invite families to celebrate the achievements of our students with us.
Whole School Prayer
Year Five will lead Whole School Prayer on Monday, 11 March at 2:40pm in the All Saints Church. We welcome all families to join us.
NAPLAN will take place in weeks 7 and 8 this term for all students in Year 3 and Year 5. Testing will take place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 13-15 March and Monday, 18 March at 9am each day. If your child is absent, they will complete the test in a make-up session in Week 8. If you have any concerns, please schedule a time to discuss NAPLAN with your child’s class teacher.
Ms Angela Leddin & Mrs Jesseca Francis
Assistant Principals
In Term One we are focusing on our school value of Respect. Each student is reminded of the different ways we can show Respect to God, others and ourselves. All classes have this poster up on display as a constant reminded.

TERM 1 - 31 January to 28 March 2024
TERM 2 - 15 April to 26 June 2024
TERM 3 - 15 July to 20 September 2024
TERM 4 - 8 October to 6 December 2024
Pupil Free Days & Public Holidays 2024:
- 4 March - Labour Day
- 29 March - Good Friday
- 25 April - Anzac Day
- 3 June - Western Australia Day
- 27 June - Pupil Free Day
- 28 June - Pupil Free Day
- 2 September - Pupil Free Day
- 3 September - Pupil Free Day
- 7 October - Pupil Free Day
Week 4
18 February - Family Mass @ 9.30am
20 February - Neurodiversity Meeting @ 9.00am
23 February - Certificate Assembly @ 2.30pm
24 February - LADS Camp (TBC)
25 February - LADS Camp (TBC)
Week 5
26 February - R U Legal Incursion
26-29 February - Wellbeing Week
26-29 February - Kindy Screening
1 March - Wellbeing Week
1 March - Kindy Screening
We are pleased to announce that we are now a member of the Your Move Schools program. Your Move is a Department of Transport program that encourages students and their families to get active by walking, scooting and riding to school, or catching public transport, more often.
Simply by changing how your son or daughter travels to school a few times each week can deliver lifelong benefits. Increasing active transport to school has been proven to lower childhood obesity, establish healthy habits and improve concentration and academic performance. Reducing the number of cars around the school at drop off and pick up times also helps improve safety and reduces pollution.
Check out the snapshot below of how our school travels to school at the moment.
So, join the Your Move movement! Get in touch with our school’s Your Move Champion, Ciaran Sanders, and help us to earn points that can translate into funding for active transport facilities and activities. This short video is a great introduction into what the program is all about and the benefits for our school.

In Year One we made pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent begins. People use their eggs, milk and butter to make pancakes before Ash Wednesday.
We each made a Lenten Promise of something we would try to do for others during Lent.

All students are encouraged to return their borrowed books before school from 8.15am to go into the weekly raffle draw.
Library Days
Tuesday – Years 1 & 2
Wednesday – Years 3, 5 & 6
Thursday – Kindy, Pre-Primary & Year 4
Book Returns
If you have outstanding library books, they can be dropped into the main office.
Library Bags for Sale
The Liwara Craft Group have made Library bags. They are selling them for $10.00 a bag and all profits go towards the craft stall for the School Fair.
If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these beautiful bags, they can be purchased through Trybookings:
Bring your receipt to the Library and select a bag!

Mrs Clark
We have been extremely busy at lunchtimes selling lots of icy treats. We hope the frozen yoghurts and fruit help to cool the students down even just a little.
We sold out of the berry, mango, banana and apple & cinnamon and of course plain pikelets for Shrove Tuesday. What a busy morning tea. We hope you enjoyed them. Yum!!!
Thank you for supporting the canteen.

Deb & Adriana
The Uniform Shop is open Thursdays from 8.15am - 9am for all your uniform needs! Doors will not open outside of these hours.
Please note that students are required to wear their summer uniform for Term 1 2024.
JFE Details
Phone: 9204 1701
Email: saes@jfe.net.au


To read this week's P & F Newsletter, click here
Please see our current Try Bookings Form and Reimbursement Form below:
To keep up to date, head to our private Facebook page by clicking here.
7 Liwara Place
Greenwood, WA
Father Elver Delicano
Monday – Friday 6am & 9am
Saturdays 6pm
Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am & 5:30pm
Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am - 3pm
m: 0466604754
e: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au

Last week at 24:7 Greenwood we had an amazing night! After starting our night with some free time to chill and have some fun together we then had our first game of the night, Memory Race. This was a new game we hadn't played before but it really put our quick thinking and memory skills to the test. Our second game for the night was Bopper which everyone really enjoyed before we moved into our content for the night.
We were lucky enough to have Tom Brennan (graduate of the youth group and now a Catholic school teacher) join us and tell us all about how decisions and destinations in our life play an important role in our journey to God. It was a very insightful and encouraging talk and made for another wonderful night at Greenwood youth group.
Next Sunday night we will be continuing our term theme of Heart of Faith by exploring the idea that Heaven is Relationship. We will also have a water fight event after the 9:30am Mass.
Can't wait for the AFL season to start?
Summer Kick Auskick is back for 2024 at Warwick Greenwood JFC - 5pm to 6pm at Ellersdale Reserve, Warwick. Open to all Pre Primary to Y2's, all community members welcome.
Summer Kick is perfect for players that would like to learn a few more skills and for anyone wanting to just try before signing up to the season. WGJFC Auskick sessions are coordinated by an AFL level 2 accredit coach.
Girls are welcome to join our girls only Auskick program and sessions.
Starting, Monday 22nd January for 12 weeks. Bring your friends!
All enquiries to michael.nemere@hotmail.com or 044 964 5772.

Dental Health Services
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
Greenwood Primary School | Merivale Way, Greenwood,Wa,6024
Ph: (08) 92035611 |

The Anglican Grace Chapel in Joondalup and St Vincent De Paul Northern Conferences jointly open a drop-in centre for the homeless and disadvantaged each Monday and Friday at the Grace Chapel. Volunteers offer and serve a heated meal, tea and coffee and hampers of donated food for the guests.
More volunteers are desperately needed. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Peter on 0491 048 207 or email: ryansite@tpg.com.au.

We are now accepting Pre Kindy - Year 6 enrolments for 2025, 2026 & beyond. Please contact the school if you have any questions on 6224 2000 or via email: enquiries@liwara.wa.edu.au for more information.