Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff and Students,
As Term Three draws to a close, I would like to acknowledge and thank the Liwara School Community for their enthusiastic involvement and support in the many events we have held this term. The lovely photo gallery of Term 3 memories below will remind you of how much we have experienced. This term has been extremely busy but we have managed to embrace all the opportunities in a positive and collaborative way. I would like to thank our dedicated group of staff for their ongoing commitment and dedication in providing the best possible learning opportunities for our students. I hope those of you lucky enough to have a break over the school holiday period have a chance to relax and recharge those batteries for next term. Thank you again for all your support and involvement, as it because of our wonderful families that we continue to strengthen our Liwara community.
Wishing you God’s blessings
Andrea Millar
School Core Values
At our End of Term Mass today, we presented the first of our new Values Medal focused on the Mercy. Value. Cast your mind back to March of this year when I shared some design concepts in the newsletter. The designs were created by our students from Year 3 to 6 based, on our Schools Values. We then took the students’ designs to a graphic artist who we had worked with in 2015 with our school branding. The designs were combined to create the individual values concepts which have become our medals. We had hoped to have the medals ready for Term Two but due to production delays connected to COVID, the process was prolonged but the good news is that they were delivered this week in perfect time for the End of Term Mass Values Award presentations.
Students who were gifted with a Value Award and generic medal in Term 1 for ‘Trust’ and ‘Respect’ in Term 2 will be presented with their new medals at our Beginning of Term 4 Mass on Friday 15 October. Miss Leddin will be sending out individual Seesaw messages to families of these students about the presentation of the new medals.

Term 3 Memories

Important Dates
Term 4
October 11 - Pupil Free Day - Laudato Si - Staff Professional Development
October 12 - Pupil Free Day - MMA - Staff Professional Development
October 13 - First day of Term 4 for students
October 15 - Opening Term Mass & Liwara School Disco
October 19 - 21 - Book Fair
October 19 - Advisory Council Meeting & P&F Meeting
October 20 - School of Thought
October 22 - Certificate Assembly & Interschool Athletics Carnival
October 31 - Family Mass
November 1 - All Saints' Feast Day Mass
November 5 - Certificate Assembly
November 12 - Liwara Fair
November 17 - Kindy 2022 Parent Information Session
November 19 - Music Performance Assembly
November 23 - Advisory Council & P&F Meetings
November 25 - Nativity Assembly for Pre Primary Parents
November 26 - Nativity Assembly
November 29 - Annual Community Meeting
December 8 - Graduation 7 Thanksgiving Mass
December 9 - Year 6 Disco
December 10 - End of Term Mass & Last day for students
After School Activities

Uniform Shop
Faction TShirts
The Uniform Shop are now selling our faction polo tops with the school logo on the front. This will take our uniform to the next level of looking smart and consistent with colour and fabric as all students will eventually be ‘sporting’ the new tops as they outgrow their current faction shirt.
Opening Times
The uniform shop is open for your uniform requirements during school terms on Thursday between 8.15am - 9.00am.
Ordering Details
Uniform order forms can be found on the school website https://www.liwara.wa.edu.au/school-uniform/. Full payment is required when you place the order and items will be delivered to your child's class on arrival. If you have any questions about uniforms please send them via email to sales@jfe.net.au or call 9204 1701
School Holidays Service Hours
CLOSED : 27/9 – 29/9
OPEN 30/9 & 1/10
CLOSED : 4/10 – 6/10
OPEN : 7/10 & 8/10
Marriage Encounter Weekend
Now the children are back at school, why not give yourselves some time together? What better way to celebrate the gift of your unique love than to make time to focus on your Marriage – your most precious asset. Come and join us at a Live-Out Marriage Encounter Weekend on 16-17 October 2021 to be held at Prendiville Catholic College, Ocean Reef. Book online at www.wwme.org.au or contact Brendon and Valerie on 0424 220 625 or email wabookings@wwme.org.au
If you would like to receive any more information regarding Worldwide Marriage Encounter please do not hesitate to contact us.

Catholic Church Insurance
All of our students are covered for 24 Hour Accident Insurance through Catholic Church Insurance Ltd. Students are covered even if the injury occurs out of school hours. Claims can be made online using the link - https://ccinsurance.org.au/Client-Centre/Claims/Pages/SchoolCare-Claim-Form.aspx OR download and complete the PDF and return it to the School Office. CCI School Care
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 0466604754
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
PARISH OFFICE OPENING TIMES: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 6.00am & 9.00am
Saturday – Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am, 10.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & 5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request
Church Cleaning
All Saints Catholic Church is looking for volunteers to join their cleaning crew! As a volunteer, you will be given a cleaning task that will take you 30-60 mins and you will be on roster once every 7 weeks. You can clean at a time that suits you best. If you can help, contact Heidy Verweij, 046 6251 314 or heidyverweij@gmail.com
Are you an adult thinking about becoming a Catholic?
Not sure where to begin? Like to find out more without obligation or pressure? If you are interested, in discovering what the Church has to offer or for further information, please contact Fr Elver (0466 604 754) or Juliet Southgate (6113 2799)