
FAITH          TRUST          RESPECT          MERCY

Our Leadership Team

From The Principal's Desk

Dear Families                                

The season of Lent is upon us again and it is a time for us to focus intentionally on what helps or hinders our commitment to Christ.  It may be better not to give up something but to take on something, to build our spiritual muscles.  At the beginning of Lent the first thought of many adult Catholics is to give something up and the standard was to give up chocolate of other sweet temptations.  A colleague of mine told me that he had urged his children to move beyond giving up sweet treats and to focus on giving up something that made others around them unhappy.  About halfway through Lent he asked his children how they were doing with their Lenten promise.  One of his young sons had promised to give up fighting with his brother and sister during Lent.  When his father asked him how it was going, the boy replied, “I’m doing pretty good, Dad—but boy, I can’t wait until Easter!”. The response indicates that this boy had only partly understood the purpose of Lenten ‘giving up’.  Lent is about conversion.  It is about working towards changing permanently what we do so that we become better people, not just for the 40 days of Lent but for the rest of our lives.   

NEW FAMILY EVENING: Thank you to the dedicated group of P&F members who hosted the New Family Sundowner last week and made such an impact on our new families.  In discussion with our new Liwara members, they shared with me how welcome they have felt from the very start and the evening sundowner was just the icing on the cake! Thank you, to all that were there to set up and down and made our new parents feel so welcome. A special thank you to Mrs Gaye Margetic and the OSHC team who ran the creche on the evening as the parents were extremely appreciative of their support.  

SCHOOL CLIMATE SURVEY:  Liwara Catholic Primary School is recognised as an inclusive community with strong connections to our parents. In order to reinforce our commitment in living out our motto “Strength in Community,” and as a response to the School Climate survey, the Liwara staff would like to invite  parents to join a focus group, to provide valuable feedback on new and reviewed documents relating to whole school improvement.  If you are interested, please contact the front office and leave your name and details (email and mobile number) by next Friday 13 March.

3 YEAR OLD PROGRAM:  If you know of any families in our community or in your local neighbourhood with children who have turned three or approaching their third birthday, and who would like to know a bit more about our 3 Year Old Kindy program, please encourage them to contact the school as we currently still have places in our Wednesday program.  If they are interested in their child attending on a Friday, we are slowly building up those numbers  as we need  at least 12 students enrolled before we can offer the second day. 


I  would like to invite all our families to our Flag Presentation Ceremony on Monday 16 March at 10.15am.  Jessica Stojkovski, Member for Kingsley will be presenting the school with an Australian, West Australian and Aboriginal flag on behalf of Dr Anne Aly, Federal Member for Cowan so we can proudly fly all three flags in our newly installed flagpoles in the garden area flanked by the beautiful grass trees and bush tucker garden.  We hope to see many of you there.  Please respond to the invitation when it is sent out next week, for catering purposes.


From The Assistant Principals' Desk

Caritas Project Compassion 

During Lent, Liwara will be supporting the fundraising efforts of Caritas through the Project Compassion program. Each family in the school has received a Project Compassion collection box into which donations can be made. Each class will have their own collection box as well. At the end of Lent, these boxes will be collected and the proceeds forwarded to Caritas for distribution to those less fortunate. Please make this a focus in your family during this time. 

School Assemblies 

The first of the Class Assemblies will be held next Friday, 13th March commencing at 2.30pm and is being presented by our Year 5 classes.  A Music Assembly will be held on Friday 20th at 2.30pm.  All community members are welcome to attend these assemblies. 

Sacrament Enrolment Weekend 

Enrolment for any child receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Year 3), First Holy Communion (Year 4) or Confirmation (Year 6) are expected to attend a Parish Mass this weekend, March 7th /8th to enrol for a Sacrament. Mass times are Saturday 6.00pm, Sunday 7.30am, 9.30am and 5.30pm. It is imperative that you enrol with the Parish for these Sacraments.  

Theology of Sacrament Parent Meeting 

The Theology of Sacrament Parent Meeting for any parent whose child is receiving a Sacrament this year (Years 3, 4 & 6) will be held on Tuesday 10th March in the Ahern Centre commencing at 7pm. This year’s presenter will be Dr Karl Brown. Please make every effort to attend this very informative meeting. 

Swimming Carnival 

The Liwara Swimming Carnival for all Year 4, 5 and 6 students will be held on Thursday 12th March at the HBF Arena, Kennedya Drive, Joondalup commencing at around 9.20am. Entry for spectators is $2.60, payable at the gate. Students are required to wear their School Sports Uniform over their racing bathers and will need to be at school by 8.30am as buses leave promptly on the bell at 8.40am. Further details will be forwarded to relevant classes soon. 

Year Five Day Camp 

We would like to wish all the Year 5 students and staff the very best for their upcoming Day Camp at the Point Walter Recreation Camp this Friday. 

Student Well Being

Sensory Program

After observing and networking with other schools, Liwara is very excited to launch our very own Sensory Program. Our Program will begin in Week 7 and will run Monday-Thursday from 8:30-9am in the Ahern Centre.

In order to meet a wide range of needs, it is our aim each session, to provide students with sensory experiences that include proprioceptor, vestibular and tactile activities.

Students from Year 1- 6 will be selected to participate in the Program. They will work in pairs and rotate through 10 activities spending 2 mins at each station. ​

Our Year Four students enjoyed trying out some of the many activities today.



Important Dates

Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information

8th  - 14th March - Week 6

Sunday - Sacrament Enrolment Mass

Monday -

Tuesday - Sacrament of Theology Night

Wednesday -

Thursday - Swimming Carnival

Friday - Class Assembly - Year 5

Saturday -

15th - 21st March - Week 7

Sunday -

Monday - School Prayer - Year 4, P & F Meeting

Tuesday - Board Meeting

Wednesday -

Thursday -

Friday - Music Assembly

Saturday -

Our Classroom News

Year 6 - Camp Reflections

Year 6 have just returned from camp at Bickley Recreation Centre. We have reflected on our experiences using strategies from the 'Seven Steps for Writing Success' program.

Luke S

Woo goes the wind as I go down the deep dark bushes. It is pitch black outside and my torch flicked off. I scream as I hear things coming from the bushes, out jumps my teacher from the bushes and almost scares me to death. I jump back and scream, then laugh. She got me good, it was so funny.

Jessica G

Kevin, the enemy circled us slowly and then ran back into the bush. As soon as he had left a crackle came from the walkie talkie in my hand. The message was

‘Code Blue’

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. We were safe! The enemy could not catch us when it was code blue. We trekked through the undergrowth towards our first target marker. When we were almost at our destination, we heard from the walkie talkie, ‘Code Red!’ just when we though that was all the message came through. ‘Get together NOW or the enemy will get you’

Taylor B-P

‘Click,’ that was the sound of the carabiner detaching from my harness. ‘Click, click,’ that was the sound of two carabiner’s clasping on to my harness. I was ready to fly. I stepped off and soared like an elegant swan. Just kidding, I soared like a koala attached to a falling tree. And just like that, my screaming stopped. And just like that, the ride had ended. And just like that, the koala ran from the tree.

Ruby H

‘Bash, bash, bash,’ was the noise the wobbly ladder made as my (now red) sneakers made while I was stomping up to the flying fox. “Hello,” announced the man named Ben. Ben started to clip me up to jump off the platform! I was clenching my sweaty hands, wiggling my toes and then Ben yelled, “when you’re ready!” I jumped off the platform and I’m so glad I did!



From Our Library

Book Week 2019 Prizes

A photo of our 'Super Hero' display based on the 2019 theme 'Reading is My Secret Power' was submitted to the IEUWA and today we were presented with six of the CBCA shortlisted books from 2019 in recognition of our entry.

The display was featured in the library during Book Week last year and was the work of the Pre-Primary students in 2019.

The children used their imaginations to create self-portraits illustrating their unique 'Super Powers'.....

In readiness for Book Week 2020 the theme is 'Curious Creatures, Wild Minds' - let's see if we can create another prize winning display to make it three years in a row!





It has been another fantastic week in sustainability at LiwaraGreenbatch have sent us new bin liners and we have begun stockpiling our bags of recyclingPlease keep bringing in your rinsed Type 1 and 2 plastics and aluminium cans for Greenbatch recycling.  Our Greenbatch recycling drop-off point is outside the Visual Arts Centre.  Just look for the green and black sign! 

At Liwara we have a new superhero in our midst and you can be a recycling superhero too!  Mrs Regan has volunteered to be our Redcycle recycling collector.  Students and caregivers can stop the tide of plastic in our oceans by bringing clean, dry soft plastics to school and putting them into our newly labelled redcycle soft plastic collection bin which is in the school under cover area.  Mrs Regan will drop full bags of clean soft plastics at a larger redcycle collection centre (such as Coles or Woolworths).  

Students already know that if you can’t scrunch the plastic, then it should be recycled elsewhere. 

 Handy hints for Sustainability 

If you and your Liwara family want to live more sustainably in 2020, here is one of the things you can do. This week’s tip is to Use reusable cups, such as keep cups!”  

Students already reuse their drink bottles. Can parents and caregivers reuse their coffee cups in a similar way?  It is reported that Australians consume over 50,000 cups of coffee every half hour. Apparently, that is more than the consumption rate in the USA. Unfortunately, take away coffee cups are made from virgin materials rather than from recycled paper and cannot even be put into workplace recycling bins. They enter general rubbish which ends up as landfill with even more plastics that break down into smaller and smaller plastics. These micro-plastics eventually make their way into the ocean and even our drinking water. So, a good  waste. Reducing all of our waste footprints, is the way to go! 

Let’s all try to live more sustainably and have a great week Liwara! 



Wk5 Sustainabilty 2

Parents & Friends News

Community Information


Welcome back to the new School Year. I hope you all enjoyed a safe restful holiday. My name is Sally Steffanoni and I am the Liwara Primary School Community Nurse. Community Health Nurses are primarily involved in early detection of health concerns and promotion of health and wellbeing for children and their families. All children are offered a School Entry Health assessment during their Kindergarten Year. This includes a vision and hearing screen, BMI , dental check and if indicated speech, language and a general developmental assessment. I am also able to do health assessments, vision and hearing on any other student that parents are concerned about. Parents will need to fill in a consent form available from administration.  

I also work with teachers to support health education sessions. I am available to provide information, advocacy and support to students (and their families) to help them make informed decisions about their health, wellbeing and development and if required refer students to another health professional.
As I am the Community Health Nurse for several Schools I don’t have a consistent day I will be on site at Liwara Primary School. However I can be contacted on 0414896506 or email on Sally.Steffanoni@health.wa.gov.au. I am available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any request for information or concerns.  

Sally Steffanoni
Community Health Nurse. 


Welcome to new families, very soon enrolment forms will be issued to each family. Please take the time to read the information provided before completing forms.

Return the completed forms to either your school office or post it to Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre as soon as possible.

Please attach to a separate piece of paper the names and year level of older siblings already enrolled at a Dental Therapy Centre as unfortunately with the new forms this information has been omitted.

Kind Regards
Janet & Cath


Tuesday 17 March – 9.00am

Tour lasts for approximately 1 hour and is followed by morning tea with our Principal Mrs Julie Hornby and our Head of Year Seven, Mr Anthony Davies.

To register, please phone our Enrolments & Marketing Officer Ms Lee-Ann Ottenhof on 9247 9223.

mercy college

All Saints' Parish News

All Saints' Catholic Church

ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024​
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225      FAX: 9246 2692​
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)​

EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au

& Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm​

MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am​

Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm​
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm​
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)​

Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & ​

5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request​

24:7 Greenwood Youth Group

Youth Group Goal
For the youth to gain an understanding of the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation,
both in their own lives and in the Church.

Goal Status
This was achieved, as through the talk and activities during the night, such as the water fight,
the youth were able to connect to and learn about the Sacrament of baptism.

Youth Group Attendance  - 25

Youth Group Talk/Focus  - Reconciliation presented by Georgia

  1. We receive Confession to be cleansed from our sin.
  2. We shouldn’t fear confession but see it as God welcoming us back to Him after we’ve sinned.
  3. The stages of Confession.

Next Youth Group Theme  - Confirmation

Last Week’s Non-Youth Group Ministry Activities / Mass

Parish/Newsletter Promotion

24:7 Greenwood Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6-12
Every Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Ahern Centre in Liwara Catholic Primary School
Coming Up: Confirmation fire night
Call Anthony on 0481 737 771 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information

God bless,

Anthony and Georgia

24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers


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