A Prayer for Inner Peace & Strength
Lord, I come before you ready to pour out my anxieties and fears at Your feet.
I am claiming and declaring Your promises for blessings of peace and strength over my life.
Bring a peace into my soul that passes all worldly understanding
and make me a light for others to see Your strength.
Our Leadership Team
From The Principal's Desk
Dear Families
As we come to the end of Term One, I would like to thank all students, parents and families who have contributed to the success of the various events that have been part of our school program. I would especially like to congratulate the students for a wonderful term, filled with self-driven learning and for attacking all tasks with enthusiasm and vigour. Thank you to the dedicated and committed staff who prepare and implement programs of work which invigorate and challenge our students across all learning areas and for their selfless giving of their time and talents .
Our sincerest thanks to you all for the messages of thanks and support that we have been receiving these last few weeks, and what a few weeks they have been! Our foray into home learning has been an interesting journey and we are very grateful to you all for your patience and support of our hard working staff. This is all new to us and if we back one another, we will achieve great things. Your children are doing an amazing job and so are you!
This week has been very much about familiarisation and the ironing out of possible glitches in the online learning platforms. We greatly value your feedback but also ask that you are gentle with yourselves and your children and just do what you can on a daily basis. We will move together into this new online educational environment gently and supportively.
Our school term ends this Friday, 3 April therefore next week is the first week of the holidays and this will continue to be a time of isolation, as far as possible. I strongly encourage you to refrain from moving outside of your home and yard and mixing with others. I know this is extremely difficult for us all but it is so important in our shared efforts to combat COVID-19.
For those parents and caregivers still engaged in providing essential services outside of the home, our Liwara Outside School Hours Care will continue to offer care with the staff supervising the children between the hours of 7.00am to 6.00pm from Monday 6 April to Thu 9 April. We are also offering our normal Vacation Care program, for the children of essential workers, from Wednesday 15 April to Tuesday 28 April, which was a designated Pupil Free Day before the COVID-19 pandemic arrived.
Teachers will be providing At Home Learning for all our students from Tuesday 28 April, the beginning of Term Two. At present I have no new information regarding how long we will continue with 'At Home Learning' but I will certainly keep you updated with any new and relevant information.
Some Handy Hints Below:
- Be kind to yourself!
- Don’t panic, all students are in the same situation and they will be okay. In education, each day we meet children where they are at in their development and tailor their learning accordingly. We will continue to do so when they come back to school.
- Establish a daily routine – this is key!
- Don’t overdo it! When children return to school we want them to still love learning. Make sure their learning is age appropriate – let the information provided by the class teachers be your guide.
- Include quality family time in your routine as well as some independent work time and some quiet time to retreat to your own rooms.
- Some online educational games are great when you really need to get some of your own work done.
- The most effective way to embed learning is to teach it to someone else, so get your older children to assist younger students e.g read aloud to each other and assist each other with their work.
- Don’t under-estimate how much students can learn from home activities such as: they learn oral language, taking turns and strategy through board games, mathematics (such as measurement) through cooking, problem solving through puzzles and so on.
- Include household chores in your child/ren’s daily routine or as ‘homework’ to reduce your stress such as making their beds, tidying their room, doing dishes.
- Give them some choice in their routine and with their learning. Have lots of breaks especially if there are getting fatigued.
- The most important thing during this time will be your family’s mental health. Make this a focus! We have provided you with suggested resources for this. Model self-care. This is also where the inclusion of the following in your daily or weekly routines is vital:
- The Arts – music, dance, art and craft
- Fitness
- Outdoor activities
- Play
- Oral language is the foundation of all learning so talk to each other!
- Reading is also a key foundational skill. If you do nothing else, READ, READ, READ!!
Finally, we are here to help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child/ren’s teacher!
Copy of the letter that went out to families on Thursday 2 April below:
Dear Families,
During this time of uncertainty, we are committed to keeping you updated with the latest information that impacts the care of your child. Liwara Catholic Primary School and our Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) will continue to provide your child with a place of care in a safe and familiar environment. Our priority is to provide services to families of essential workers and caregivers such as grandparents, who are not able to assist at this time and who require childcare during these uncertain times.
During the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic we have and will continue to remain open for our children, whose parents are recognised as essential workers - any working parents still employed in our community to provide necessary services.
From Monday, 6 April to Thursday 9 April, 2020 we will be offering a creche during normal school hours – 8.30am – 3.00pm. Children will be cared for in our Outside School Hours Care centre by our OSHC staff. The program will run in a similar way to our Vacation Care program with fun games and engaging activities throughout the day. The children will be provided with lunch and morning tea each day. You will not be charged any fees if your child attends the creche during school hours.
OSHC will continue to operate our Before and After School Care program for the children however, to attend either before or after school care they must be enrolled in the service. If you need your child to be cared for before and/or after school and they are not already enrolled in the OSHC program, we must have their completed Enrolment Form before they attend. The is a government requirement. I will attach the Enrolment Form to this email.
Vacation Care will be operating between 15th and 28th April. Enrolment and Vacation Care booking forms need to be completed if you require care for your child during these dates.
To download an Enrolment Request Form click on this link
To download the Vacation Care Program and booking form click on this link.
We warmly congratulate Mr John Greenhill and Signora Rossi who were married on Sunday 22 March. The ceremony was celebrated by Fr Stephen and because of the COVID-19 restrictions, only their witnesses and a photographer friend were present. Congratulations!

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
In these unusual times, when we are unable to celebrate Mass with our Parish, it is important to keep our faith active. There are many online resources we can access. The Catholic TV website allows us to watch a weekly audience and to celebrate daily Mass with Pope Francis Papal Programming which is an online weekly audience with the Pope.
Click on this link to access these videos.
Click on this link to access Mass on a daily basis
Setting the Scene to Pray Holy Week at Home
To help us move through the Liturgies of Holy Week in this time of absence, we could arrange an altar or create a space of comfort where we could go and pray.
Click on this link - Creating A Sacred Space in Holy Week.
Holy Week
It is important to still recognise and celebrate special holy days with our families.
This Sunday 5th April is the commencement of Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday.
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday celebrates the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on his donkey. There were many people who wanted to see him. People crowded around him and called his name. They also knelt down and waved palm fronds as Jesus passed by. Jesus had been to Jerusalem many times before. Jesus knew that God had a plan for him and that this would be his last visit to Jerusalem.
Holy Thursday
The Last Supper was on this day. Jesus sat down to eat with 12 other people called his disciples. His friend Judas was there that night. Jesus shared his bread and wine with everyone and reminded the disciples that it is important that they serve one another. He lovingly washed the feet of his disciples. After the meal was over, Jesus wanted to be alone to pray. Guards appeared a short time later and Jesus was arrested.
Good Friday
Jesus was forced to make a huge cross and carry it up a hill all by himself. He had a crown on his head made out of thorns. He was nailed to the cross. Good Friday is a day to mourn the death of Jesus, but also to celebrate that he gave his life for everyone.
Holy Saturday
After Jesus died, he was put in a tomb which was like a cave. The guards rolled a big rock in front of the opening to make sure that no one could get in or out. They knew that Jesus was dead, but they still wanted to close off the opening just to make sure he didn't get out.
Easter Sunday
This is a special day for Catholics to celebrate that Jesus is risen. Enjoy this special day with your family!
Helpful Websites
This website can assist you with how to talk to and celebrate Holy Week with your family.
Click on this link - Teaching Children about Holy Week
Caritas Project Compassion
During the time of uncertainty, please continue to contribute to Caritas’s Project Compassion by making donations into the family box that was distributed to each family at the beginning of Lent. These boxes will be collected at the first opportunity when schools re-open.

Student Well Being
Students attending school this week were treated to a mindfulness experience.
Mindfulness can be described as: maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.
Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them — without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment.”
Children tend to live in-the-moment and can sometimes worry about current and future events. Mindfulness can therefore be a great tool for relieving this anxiety.

Important Dates
Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information
6th - 10th April - Week 10
Sunday - Palm Sunday
Monday - Extended school holidays begin
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday - Holy Thursday
Friday - Good Friday
Saturday - Holy Saturday
Sunday - Easter Sunday
Our Classroom News
Year 4 News
Our last few Maths lessons were all about measurement. We swapped our devices and books for a variety of measuring tools. We measured benches, seats, pens, tables, our arm span and books. We had a few giggles along the way, especially when we realised that our arm span is not 52m, by making errors like this, we better understood just what a metre looks like.
‘I really enjoyed doing this. I wanted to find out about the really tall stuff.’ Eva
‘It was a really good way to learn about cm and m. We got to measure a lot of different things.’ Lily

Visual Arts
Visual Arts Website Contribution Week 7, Term 1 from Mr Greenhill
Our students have been having a wonderful time being engrossed in their Visual Arts learning. Pre-primary students have used Jeannie Baker’s beautiful book “Window” as an inspiration this term for drawing their own imaginary scenes. They have also had fun learning and practising techniques for the Visual Art elements of line and space. Pictured are six recent examples of student work.
In Year One, students have been inspired by Dutch artist, Piet Mondrian. They have used watercolour pens to create their own Mondrian inspired artworks reinforcing their learning about colour theory, in particular, primary colours which feature in Mondrian’s famous abstract works of art. We could create a gallery with these beautiful Year One artworks!
Year Two have been using their imaginations and were inspired by Julia Donaldson’s book “The Gruffalo”, to create their own imaginary creatures. They have sketched and coloured, using a variety of media and made a colourful, textural, patterned border. As can be seen in the photo, these works in progress are now nearing completion. We have wonderfully creative Year Two students!
In Year Three, our WA Curriculum leads us to be inspired by art from Asia. Our Year Three students have drawn and learnt about the Chinese Year symbol, which this year is, a rat. Students have also learnt about and sketched our endangered Australian water rat, known as Rakali. This rat is slightly larger than the common Rattus rattus, having a furry and often white tipped tail as well as webbing between the toes of their back feet. They are ideally suited to our wetland areas. One of this term’s Year Three Visual Art carrier projects, photographed, is a Rakali mask design. In this project, students were asked to show colours of celebration in Asia, the Japanese Kanji characters for Rakali which translates as big, water rat, as well as their own Rakali pictures. Year Three students have also recently begun learning the Japanese art of paper folding, Origami.
In Year Four, students have built on their learning from Year Three. Students have been introduced to the works of many well-known pop-artists, such as Warhol, Rizzi and Hockney. The image below shows cactus coloured in bright contrasting pop-art style. Together, all these images become works of pop-art like those of Andy Warhol where there is repetition of images. Our Year Four students have also recently been learning perspective drawing. This learning and practice will culminate in students creating a perspective drawing in the pop-art style of artist David Hockney. We eagerly await students completing this carrier project.
In Year Five, students have been busy designing their Aboriginal nation, images for Whadjuk Gift, a Mater Dei College initiative in which Liwara students have been involved since 2019. Students will create wrist bands in Aboriginal colours to wear on the day of Whadjuk Gift celebration at Mater Dei College.
In Year Six, students have revised colour theory. They have recently started to create beautiful kaleidoscopic artworks, like those pictured below, created by Mrs Keegan. This exciting carrier project will run over many weeks.

News from the Library
Reading should be fun – not just a compulsory part of the curriculum. Unless it’s something that excites children, they’re unlikely to become an eager reader for life. There is nothing better than seeing children, from the youngest to the oldest enjoying and reacting to a story.
Reading, just for fun, increases vocabulary and will expose children to a wealth of experiences to stimulating their imagination. Reading also introduces children to language that they would not have heard in everyday conversation.
The links below are just some suggestions for you to support you to promote that love of reading.
Every day at 11am, you can listen to one of David Walliams’ World’s Worst Children stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! Click on the link to go to the website -
Click on this link to catch up on stories missed last week - ELEVENSES CATCH UP
These audio recordings will be available until Sunday.

Joondalup Public Libraries eResources
Joondalup Libraries provide access to a huge range of downloadable content to suit all interests and reading levels. You have free access to over 136,000 titles as eBooks, digital audio books, digital magazines and streaming video of films, TV and documentaries.
To access online resources you must be a library member. You can phone your library to reactivate your membership if it has expired and obtain a password to access the online resources detailed below.
Click on this link to access the City of Joondalup Libraries Login

Memories from term 1
Our Favourite Memories
The Year 6 Publicity Ministry visited classes in Week 8 and asked the students to share their favourite memories of Term 1. Here are some of their responses.
Kindy - Neve:
“My favourite memory of Term 1
was the hospital corner.”
Pre-Primary - Hudson:
“My favourite memory of Term 1
was playing in the playground.”
Year 1 - Mason:
“My favourite memory of Term 1
was playing Lego with friends.”
Year 2 - Andy:
“My favourite memory of Term 1
was Harmony Day.”

Year 3 - Jerome:
“My favourite memory of Term 1
was playing line tag in sport.”
Year 4 - Isabelle:
“My favourite memory of Term 1
was the Swimming Carnival.”
Year 5 - Caidan:
“My favourite memory of Term 1
was playing dodgeball in sport.”
Year 6 - Mackenzie:
“My favourite memory of Term 1
was the camp and getting to know everyone better!”

Sustainability - Mr Greenhill & the Green Team
As the school term end approaches, sustainability remains a constant focus at Liwara. We eagerly await the winter rains to water our newly sprouting winter vegetable crops around the school. In Term Two, the Semester One Green Team will be straight back in action. They will be recycling, planting, weeding, lawn mowing, mulching, helping junior primary students learning to water the new sustainable gardens, monitoring the success of our school plantings and establishing a new worm farm for the junior primary students. We expect another action-packed term of sustainability! Already beetroot seedlings are sprouting and, within a few weeks, they will be ready to transplant into the sustainable garden beds.
With many students now being at home, why not try the science project. Try to grow your own celery plant. Cut the bottom two to three centimetres of a celery plant and place it in a small container about one to two centimetres deep in water. Then place in a sunny spot such a window ledge, change the water every couple of days and watch your celery begin to grow stalks and leaves. Once there are plenty of leaves, transplant the celery to your vegetable garden or even a medium sized plastic garden pot. Your plant will grow slowly, love sun and regular watering. As the celery grows, you can cut off stalks as you wish. There you will have sustainability in action.
Despite all the disruptions brought by COVID-19, our school community has lived the motto, “Stay calm and keep recycling!” We have now stockpiled nine bags of recycling for Greenbatch! Please keep saving and storing clean type 1 and 2 plastics and aluminium cans for Greenbatch during the holiday period. Our school has done a wonderful job so far and with any luck, we shall soon stockpile twenty bags for Greenbatch ready for the start of the recycling credit scheme.
Handy Hints for Sustainability
This week’s handy hint for our Liwara community is to “turn your thermostat down”. During the cooler months save on your heating bills, whether they are gas or electric, by keeping the heating temperature at your home between 18 and 20 degrees. Every degree that you turn up your heater means much more of the pollution causing climate change, and an increase to your heating bill by around ten percent, per degree. This simple strategy can help you and your family save for the future and still be comfortably warm at home. Similarly, in the intermittent warm weather we have experienced this autumn, keeping the air temperature setting air-conditioning systems at 24 degrees celcius, will take the edge off the heat and cost families less in power bills. Opening windows to let in the cool early morning air and closing doors and windows before 9.00am, is also a great way of keeping the temperature of your house cool. Asking your children to help fosters good habits for the future.
We encourage everyone in our Liwara community to work together to live more sustainably. Our combined efforts, in living sustainably, directly impact the future that we create for our children.
Wishing you all a peaceful, joy-filled and safe Easter. God Bless.

Parents & Friends News
Firstly, thank you to all the contributors to and the organisers of the Easter Raffle. Your generosity and community spirit, in such trying circumstances, are what Liwara School Community is all about.
Sadly with the latest changes to the operations of the school we have decided to postpone the drawing of the Easter Raffle. All tickets that have been sold will be retained for a future Raffle with a similar theme (namely chocolate).
Please hold on to your current tickets and donations. Once we have a clear indication of the plans for next term, we will relaunch the raffle and communicate new timings/details. Lastly I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Easter break.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free you call me direct on 0491 148 893
Thank you
Sam Lane
Liwara Community Information
Parenting Tip - Helping Parents Cope During a Pandemic
Parents are our students’ first teachers and now their role as teachers is more important than
ever! While under duress, parents must must be let in on the secrets of how we teach, that
works best. Most parents and caregivers are at home now, under pressure because they have
been stood down, lost their jobs or because they are working from home. In each of these cases,
they now also have their children with them – constantly. We may be able to reduce some of
that extra pressure by helping them to understand some guiding principles of teaching and
learning that we use every day -
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225 FAX: 9246 2692
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
& Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am
Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am &
5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request
To view this newsletter click on the link below.