O God today we pray for optimism. Help us to understand that our human tendency to see failure at every turn is not an attitude that is healthy or good for us. When the projects seem unsurmountable help us to “just start” and trust that the little step of faith will bring continued success. Help us to lay aside fear of failure and embrace trust in the process of just putting one foot ahead of the other. When we think we are alone in our struggle and no one knows life quite like we do, show us how beautiful and wondrous life can be for us today, if we just continue with our optimistic attitude about life.
Our Leadership Team
From The Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers
We have achieved great things this week and the energy around the school has been lifting each day as our numbers have grown to almost a full cohort. There has been a great display of patience and resilience by all members of our community as we manage the changes and challenges that each day brings, especially for the young people entrusted into our care.
I once again thank you for your ongoing support, patience and encouragement during this period of ever changing routines and restrictions. It has been a challenging time for us all in so many ways but with strength and resilience we will ride the waves together!
Our Pre Kindy program resumed this Wednesday and it was lovely to have many of our littlest students back at school.
Our overall attendance has continued to rise and it will be wonderful to see even more students back at school from Monday 18 May. At Liwara we continue to prioritise student safety with additional cleaning of high contact areas and good hygiene practices.
A very special thank you to all our parents, caregivers and amazing staff for making the drop off and pick up such a seamless operation. The staff just keep on giving of their time and support for our students. Most morning we have many extra staff assisting the supervised gates and this has allowed our students to feel welcome and safe every morning and afternoon. A reminder that gate #6 (top drive through) is now being opened morning and afternoon so it will be good to have more families using this, if they don't have Kindy to Year 1 students, as this will lessen the line of cars waiting to pick up or drop off down Tuart Road.
A big thank you to our P&F Committee for launching the Readathon, to encourage our children to 'READ....READ.....READ' even more than usual and with our Library re-opening on Monday 18, children can return to borrowing each week, albeit only one book at a time to allow for quarantining for a week, when books are returned.
Our instrumental music tutors will be resuming their lessons at school from Monday 18 May so be prepared for their communication in readiness for next week.
A reminder that the Premier the Honourable Mark McGowan, has informed the WA community that all students are to return to school from Monday 18 May. Please refer to the communication that was sent out via Skoolbag yesterday for more information: 1. Return To School Letter 2. CEWA Return To School Quick Reference Guide 3. Media Release 4. Novel Coronavirus Update from the Chief Health Officer.
May God's blessings continue to shine brightly on our Liwara community.
Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
School Photos
With the return of students, we are able to distribute the individual, class, family and group photos that were taken by MSP Photography last term. These will be sent home to parents via the students on Monday 18 May.
Caritas Project Compassion Boxes
Now that students will be returning to school next week, we ask that any outstanding Caritas Project Compassion boxes, that have donations in them, be returned via your child’s class teacher before Thursday 21 May in order for them to be forwarded on to Caritas. On behalf of Caritas, we would like, once again, to thank the Liwara School Community for its generous contributions to this annual charity event.

Student Wellbeing

The health and wellbeing of students, families and school staff remain a priority, as we navigate the new learning landscape.
Teachers, parents and caregivers play an important hands-on role in assisting children in engaging in learning at this time, as well as supporting them through any anxiety or worry they may be feeling.
Some tips are -
Providing age-appropriate and accurate information to your children while limiting news and social media as appropriate. Make sure the information that they receive is accurate and true. Share with your children what you are doing to keep them safe. Help them have a sense of control by teaching proactive strategies that they can do to stay healthy, such as handwashing, exercising, and eating well.
Further information can be obtained from the following link -
Important Dates
Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information
17th - 23rd May - Week 4
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday - Ascension Thursday
Friday -
Saturday -
24th - 30th May - Week 5
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday - National Simultaneous Storytime
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
News from the Library
Some really exciting news!!! The library doors will be thrown open on Monday, May 18th. Children are encouraged to return their books before school on their library day. Children who do so will be in a raffle draw for one of 3 weekly prizes.
Every year a picture book by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools and many other places around Australia and New Zealand. Now in its 20th successful year, it is a fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy.
This year the story 'Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas' written and illustrated by Lucinda Gifford will be read to all classes by Mrs Millar.
We are looking forward to having a colourful, vibrant, fun filled, literature rich day.
Wednesday May 27th will also be a FREE DRESS day and students and staff will be encouraged to be sparkly and fabulous by showing us their ‘blingiest’ styles. We are hoping to see staff and students with a feather boa, sparkly bow ties or even a glittering tiara.
Free Dress needs to be suitable choice of clothing with closed in shoes and no high heels. Students also need to be dressed in appropriate, modest and comfortable clothes, free to perform their usual classroom work and other activities ie no strappy or off the shoulder wear and no midriffs on display or mini skirts!
Sustainability - Mr Greenhill & the Green Team
Welcome back to another wonderful term of sustainability at Liwara! Our Year Two sustainable garden has been planted out with carrot and beetroot seedlings and sweet potato runners. We look forward to seeing the sweet potato runners sprout in the coming winter months. We are also still waiting for our regular potatoes to begin growing from the straw in our recycled car tyres. With the help of our enthusiastic Year Two and Year Six students, we will see more results as the winter rains help us with watering!
We have been gifted some bokashi recycling systems from one of our school families and our school canteen shall be trialing the use of this system during Term Two. Bokashi is a composting system that quickly and easily converts food waste anaerobically into a soil improving product. This will be a sustainable way that we can enrich the soils in our school grounds.
We encourage our school community to “Stay calm and keep recycling!” We have now stockpiled eleven bags of recycling for Greenbatch! Please keep saving and stockpiling clean type 1 and 2 plastics and aluminium cans for Greenbatch at home. Once restrictions ease, we hope to resume recycling drop-offs at school. Greenbatch has indicated that due to COVID-19, the planned recycling credit scheme may be deferred until next year. Despite this, we shall keep praying and we won’t lose hope!
Handy Hints for Sustainability
This week’s handy hint for our Liwara parents is to continue to “Say no to plastic straws and plastic bags”. It is estimated that approximately ten million plastic bags are used every day in Australia. This is a startling statistic despite the rapid uptake in the last twelve months of alternatives to non-recyclable plastic bags. Saying no to plastic straws is also a positive step that we can all make, as these wash up on beaches around the world every day. Plastic bags and straws from Australia contribute to an estimated eight million tonnes of plastic waste dumped or washed into our oceans annually. So, our tip for this week is to say “No straws please!” when restaurants re-open in the coming weeks and later, when bars re-open. Promoting this message to our children helps us all to make a difference to ocean pollution and fosters great habits for the future.
Stay safe, stay positive and keep recycling, Liwara! Together we make a difference! God Bless.
Families in preparation for 2020-2021 Child Care Subsidy provisions
You need to do this even though you aren’t currently paying child care fees. This is because Centrelink will use this estimate to work out how much CCS and FTB you will get in the next financial year (beginning July 1, 2020).
There’s more information about updating your family income estimate for the 2020-21 financial year on the Services Australia website.
Parents & Friends News
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225 FAX: 9246 2692
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
& Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am
Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am &
5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry 10th May 2020
Youth Group Goal
For the youth to gain an understanding of Moses’ time in the desert and his encounter with God at the burning bush and how it relates to their lives now.
Goal Status
This was achieved as through the video clip shown and talk delivered, we were able to explore this period of Moses’ life, and connect it back to the lives of the youth now.
Youth Group Attendance - 15
Youth Group Talk - Look at your life through heaven’s eyes, presented by Georgia
Three key points:
- We can sometimes run away from our problems, but God will always bring us back and help face them.
- God equips the called, not calls the equipped.
- In our own life, we can sometimes not see what God’s plan is for us, but it is important to remember that we are part of his master plan.
Next Youth Group Theme
The return of Moses to Egypt: the first nine plagues
24:7 Greenwood Online Youth Group
Sundays 6.30pm for young people in years 6-12
Contact Anthony 0481 737 771 or Georgia 0458 197 685 for more information.
To join us online, please connect with Georgia or Anthony on messenger and follow us on Instagram @247greenwood
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers
The Record
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