Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers
One more week to go and as we come to the end of Term Two, I would like to thank all our students, families and staff for their outstanding efforts this semester. I am sure everyone is more than ready for a calm and relaxing holiday. I hope we get many nice sunny days for us all to get out and about, keeping abreast of government restrictions, but hopefully able to enjoy many beautiful camping grounds, natural adventure playgrounds and spacious parks.
On Tuesday afternoon, an email was sent out to all parents, and all those currently registered with SEQTA Engage have been asked to re-provision their account due to our change of administration systems. Parents have been asked to remove/delete all existing bookmarked history from their SEQTA Engage accounts, on all devices, in readiness for a ‘Welcome’ SEQTA Engage email which was sent out today, inviting parents to set up a new account. Once the ‘Welcome’ email is received, parents have a week to click the link to set up their new accounts. Mrs Pickering has had quite a few parents ringing in to say how seamless the process has been.
After an interesting and quite different sort of term, we are looking forward to some fun in the last week of school. Our staff Wellness Team have been working overtime to plan a week of ‘Wellness’ for the students and staff. More information is included in this newsletter.
I would like to thank our energetic and creative P&F for their tireless work in coming up with different events in 2020 but especially for their hard work and wise decision to pick up the postponed pre COVID-19 Easter Raffle and change it into a Chocolate Raffle so the students and families wouldn't miss out on the excitement of being one of the many lucky prize winners. The innovative way in which they handled drawing the prizes, incorporating the current restrictions but having the whole school being 'present' was quite a wonderful event! A special thank you also to our Year 6 Publicity Ministry who assisted with all the technicalities of our technological world. Thank you to Angela Ford and her team from our hardworking P&F for keeping the Liwara spirit alive! To Lyndal Marron who coordinated her first big P&F event, and her support crew, for coming up with a safe way to keep our students occupied and engaged with reading, whilst isolating at home... the Readathon was another wonderful event and the teachers were suitably pleased that the children were reading more than ever!
Acting on advice from the Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB for Catholic Schools in WA, the following directives commence on Saturday, 27 June 2020.
Words from the Archbishop " .....It is incumbent upon each of us to continue to excercise responsibility in keeping infection rates low and demonstrating diligent citizenship as well as Christian concern and charity. I take this opportunity to again acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of our clergy and all those women and men across the Archdiocese of Perth who have continued to adapt to 'the new normal' in our gradual return to our parishes, worship, Catholic agencies and communities of faith. I extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to each and every on of you.
Today, I recommit the Archdiocese of Perth to the support of, and compliance with, government directives and associated public health advice. The Western Australian and Federal Governments continue to issue ongoing public health advice in relation to COVID-19. The Archdiocese of Perth continues to be guided by this advice through our ongoing commitment to monitoring any threat posed by COVID-19 to Catholic communities across our Archdiocese......."
- Churches and chapels are permitted to open with capacity limits determined by the two square metre per person rule, excluding the people required to conduct the service.
- There is to be two square metres of floor space per person with each person practicing physical distancing by keeping 1.5 metres from persons of other households.
- Seating in the Church: Physical distancing of one person per two square metres must be observed inside the church. Available seating must be clearly marked with signage to assist in maintaining a physical distance of 1.5 metres.
- Holy Water fonts/stoups in all churches are to remain empty
- Hand sanitizers are to be available at each entrance to every church.
We are planning to hold our first Term 3 Mass for our Year 5 and 6 students on Thursday 23 July and will keep the community informed at the beginning of Term 3. Listed above are just a few of the directives that will impact on our school Masses.
SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMMES: As COVID-19 restrictions ease for the commencement of Term 3 we will soon be able to resume having Fr Elver offering Class Reconciliation services to our Year 4 – 6 students as well as the Sacraments of Reconciliation for our Year 3 and First Eucharist for our Year 4 students. The Assistant Principals will keep our community informed in communications with Fr Elver who is closely following the Archbishop’s advice.
ENROLMENTS – KINDY 2021 PRE KINDY 2021 & KINDY 2022: Interviews for Kindy and Pre Kindy are currently being conducted. If you know of any families who have students who fall into any of these categories and want to join our Liwara community, please inform them of the importance of contacting the office immediately.
May the weekend hold many wonderful family times
God bless
Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
Sacramental Programmes
Preparation for the Sacraments of Confirmation, First Eucharist and Reconciliation have continued in the respective classes as per normal during the Covid era. After school Catechist classes however, have been suspended during this same time. As the celebrations of the sacraments are Parish-based, the celebrations cannot take place until the catechist students are adequately prepared. For First Eucharist and Reconciliation, this is expected to be the case later in the year. Confirmation, on the other hand has been temporarily suspended by the Archbishop until further notice. This temporary suspension will be reviewed ahead of the commencement of Phase 5 of the Western Australian Government’s COVID-19 roadmap which is scheduled to commence on Saturday, 18 July 2020.
Parents of Liwara students will be suitably advised once dates and formats are confirmed for each of the celebrations.
All Saints Parish is in need of volunteers to clean our beautiful church. The roster at the moment requires you to clean once every eight weeks. If you can help out please contact Cathy Mak on 0409 447 005 or the Church Secretary on 9447 6225. Thank you.
Merit Certificates
Week 8 - 19 June 2020
PPG Starr Thorpe & Ciaran Lyons
PPR Ava Buck & Archer Ferguson
1G London Shipley, Tali Fraser & Laik Hampton
1R Chelsea Maciel-Wakefield & Xavier Tardrew
2G Oliver Davini, Kira Howlett & Joshua Perkins
2R Max Mc Carthy, Myla O’Connor & Rosie Haynes
3G Aliyah Debono & Madison Huggins
3R William Androszczuk & Isaac Ndirangu
4G Ruby Deurloo, Fernanda Vieira, Lily Hales & Tom Bozich-Cobbledick
4R Lucas Towart, Larissa Friedlieb, Keira McGee & Masen Callus
5G james Brennan, Chloe Pires, Stella Williams & Grace Candeias
5R Oliver Browne & Mia Leather
6G Jordan Manifold, Roisin McCormack & Emily White
6R Ava Kimberley, Aaron Craig & Jalyn Klijn Francesconi
Week 9 - 26 June 2020
PPG Matthew Ng & Chloe Mercer
PPR Levi Shanks & Henry Roscoe
1G Shania Trevisan Singh & Zachary Murphy
1R Kian O’Connor, Milana Etrelezis & Zara Bialy
2G Alyssa Crilly & Wade Fox
2R Miles Orange & Ellena Byrne
3G Leila Croxford & Kayla Grant
3R Ashton Burrell & Leah Colley
4G Lily Byrne & Max Frediani
4R Sorca Oldham & Ashley Fitt
5G Gemma Fox & Benjamin Hawkins
5R Caitlin Portwood & Cora Lyons
6G Hannah Greenhalgh & Eilish McGee
6R Luke Sarullo & Evie Gard
Physical Education News - Cross Country Running
Due to the impact of Covid restrictions earlier in the Term, the Liwara and Interschool Cross Country Carnivals were cancelled. However, students from Years One to Six were given the opportunity, in their Phys Ed lessons later this term, to practise for, and compete in, a simulation ‘final race’ against their peers.
The results of these races are:
Race/Place | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
Boys | ||||||
1st | Charlie Scott | Darcy Anderson | Blake Bialy | Matthew Staniforth | Sam O’Brien | Oliver Clarke |
2nd | Alexander Ferrierra | Aiden Schafer | Connor Clarke | Flynn Hayter | Campbell Bishop | Sebastian Pope |
3rd | Tom Mak | Michael Lyons | Campbell Portwood | Kai Rose | Hudson Allsworth | Ali Muir |
Girls | ||||||
1st | Zara Bialy | Sienna Burrell | Aiza Torkington | Abigail Allison | Mackenzie Gilford | Zadie Torkington |
2nd | Charlie Davies | Charlie Stuber | Molly O’Brien | Edyn Conroy | Mia Host | Sophie Traeger |
3rd | Evie Cochrane | Ellie Canzurlo | Sophia LeBlanc | Niamh
McSweeney |
Caitlin Portwood | Scarlett Holton |

Student Wellbeing
Wellness Week at Liwara
In Term 2, Week 10, Liwara will be hosting a Wellness Week. The purpose of Wellness Week is to give students, staff and families an opportunity to slow down and take time to focus on our mental health and wellbeing.
During Wellness Week, no homework will be set and families are encouraged to take this opportunity to spend time with each other, go walking or a bike ride, cook a meal, spend time in prayer and enjoy quality time with each other.
At school, the students will be participating in the following activities:
Mindful Movement- Each class will attend a scheduled session focusing on being calm .... breathing and stretching.
Disco by Special Events Ministry- Individual classes will attend the disc in the Ahern Centre at allocated times.
Kindness Tree- A Kindness Tree is a creative and beautiful way to encourage and acknowledge acts of kindness within a school.
‘Fashion Friday’ (Free Dress Day)- Students and staff celebrate the last day of Term 2 in their most fashionable outfits. Please ensure your children are warm, comfortable and appropriately dressed for school and their footwear is suitable for running around in the playground.
Parents please note, on Tuesday 30th June there will be a coffee van parked on the oval side of the school. If you wish, you may purchase coffee from 8am.

Important Dates
Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information
28th June - 4th July - Week 10
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday - End of Term 2
Saturday -
Student Achievement
Term 2 Storyathon Competition "A Different World - Living in Lockdown".
Students all over Australia created over 20,000 stories as part of the Term 2 Storyathon "A Different World - Living in Lockdown". It has provided tremendous insight into how children across various ages and locations have responded to the incredibly challenging times.
Ruby Hodge from Year 6G came in the top 10 for the Upper Primary category. Congratulations, Ruby!
“The Story Of Corona!”
Hi, My name is Covid 19 short for Corona. I'm a virus that has caused a huge global pandemic! I have killed hundreds of thousands of people! The type of virus I spread is a lot like the flu but a bit more dangerous. I've impacted many lives... I've closed down schools, stopped jobs and even made toilet paper run out! I'm sure your wondering why I've done this, It's because so many people have destroyed my friend called Earth and I've done this to give payback on all those humans that have destroyed my friend! That's my story!

Our Classroom News
A Day in Pre Kindy
The Pre Kindy children have such fun! We thought you would like to have a peek into our Wednesdays. We play with all the toys in Pre Kindy. We can dress up in the Italian Café or roar with the dinosaurs. Sometimes we have one on one activities with Miss Bodeker and Mrs White and we get to make special things.

Our Pre Kindy days are the best!
Pre Primary Green Classroom Design
Pre Primary Green have been exploring Aboriginal Dreamtime stories. The children have experimented with edicol dye, dot painting, finger painting, water colours and wrapping wool around their snakes, in order to construct our beautiful landscape which contains Australian animals, Tiddalik the frog and the Rainbow Serpent. They have enjoyed learning about Aboriginal Dreamtime stories and have worked together to create an amazing space in our room.

Year 6 Student Ministries
LifeLink Winter Appeal 2020
Wow! Thank you to everyone, staff and students, for participating in the LifeLink Winter Appeal 2020 on Thursday of Week 9. It was wonderful seeing your creativity when wearing blue and white accessories with your uniform. Your generous donations helped to raise $496.20 and we should all be very proud of our involvement in raising money for the less fortunate in our communities.
- Year 6 Publicity Ministry

Hello Liwara! We have had another busy fortnight of Sustainability. Our Green Team have successfully set up the junior primary worm farm pictured below. Our Year 1 and 2 students are now collecting worm wee and using it in their watering cans to further enrich the Junior Primary gardens. Last week, the Year 6 Green Team planted some pea seedlings at the back of the second raised garden bed. The seedlings are still small but will hopefully burst into life soon. Our celery, carrots, beetroot and sweet potatoes are all appreciating our winter rain. As are our potatoes which have been planted in straw inside some recycled four wheel drive tyres. We look forward to adding more hay and more layers of car tyres too.

Our Green Team members have continued their excellent work with an audit of our school recycling. We encourage all students to read the bin signs and sort their waste correctly. Clean waste goes in our red (clean soft plastics for Redcycle), blue (clean paper only) and yellow (clean hard plastics, cans and glass). Plastic free food scraps go into our scrap buckets and all other unclean waste goes into our big green waste bins. Remember that together we make a difference Liwara! Also, keep watching in the next sustainability section of the newsletter for an important update from Greenbatch!
Handy hints for Sustainability
This week’s handy hint for our Liwara parents is to “Upgrade your lights”. If you haven’t already, and are in a financial position to do so, upgrading older style lights in your home such as halogen and incandescent lights, to newer light emitting diodes (LEDs) and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) is the way to go. These newer style lights last longer than the older traditional ones, emit greater light and save you money on your electricity bill. So, if you haven’t made the switch already, we suggest you do so. You could be supporting a local business in the process too!
Stay green Liwara and keep recycling!
The Green Team Report
Our 2020 Green Team has noticed that our school accepts a wide variety of waste for recycling. We think that this is awesome. At Liwara, we recycle type 1 and type 2 plastics as well aluminium cans through Greenbatch. We recycle clean soft plastics through Redcycle. We collect paper in our classrooms in our paper recycling bins which is recycled by SUEZ. We collect bread tags to make plastic limbs and even ring pulls from aluminium cans for recycling by Wheelchairs for Kids. Wow, that’s a LOT of recycling!
The Environment Ministry (Jaime and Wyatt) and our Garden Guru (Jim) have noticed this week that school recycling has been performed well by most of our students. We encourage all students to sort their rubbish correctly and place only clean waste into the red, yellow or blue recycling bins!
We have noticed that there has been leftover food and drink put into our clean paper blue bin and clean plastic recycling yellow bin and even our red bin which is for clean soft plastics. We encourage students to sort your rubbish into clean and unclean waste. All clean waste goes into the red, blue and yellow bins (please read the bin signs) and unclean waste plastic free waste goes either in the food scrap bucket or if it has unclean plastic, foil or paper, please place this into the big green general waste bin!
Our school garden beds have been producing a wide array of fresh vegetables. Our school canteen has loved the lettuce we have given them each week and can’t wait to incorporate more of our freshly grown produce in the terms to come. Highlights for our team so far this year have been growing seedlings for the new Junior Primary raised garden beds, harvesting vegetables for the Liwara canteen and starting the Junior Primary worm farm.
Stay green and keep recycling!
Let’s do it right Liwara!
The 2020 Green Team
News from the library
Year 1 Green have continued their author study of famous Australian author Mem Fox. Here they are in the library very happily wearing their MAGIC HATS. Their Magic hats were made because they were inspired by the book of the same name.


Triple P - Positive Parenting Program
A FREE program that teaches practical and effective ways to enhance family relationships and manage common child behaviour issues.
For more information click on this link - Triple P - Positive Parenting Program
Trinity College Open Day
Trinity College warmly invites you to attend an Open Day for prospective students on Wednesday, 1 July 2020.
Families are welcome to attend the 9:15am or 4:15pm session. Each session will include a welcome by the
Principal, followed by student led tours of the College, concluding with light refreshments and a chance
to chat with some of our teaching staff and admissions team.
Bookings can be made at:
Parents & Friends News
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225 FAX: 9246 2692
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
& Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am
Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am &
5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Would you like to find out more about the Catholic Faith?
We are here to answer your questions, help you to find as much information as possible, and guide you through the process to receive the sacraments and become a Catholic if that’s what you desire.
Sessions are aimed at
- Adults from non-Christian backgrounds;
- Adult Christians from other Christian faiths;
- Adult baptised Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and
Eucharist, or want to refresh their knowledge and understanding.
Come along and find out what the Church has to offer. We commence shortly.
For further information, please contact the Parish Office (Mon, Wed and Fri 10am—3pm) on 0466 604 754
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry 10th May 2020
Youth Group Goal
For the youth to understand the importance of the manna from heaven and the water from the rock on the Israelites journey and how it relates to their lives now.
Goal Status
This was achieved, as through the talk given, we were able to connect these two events and relate it to the youth.
Youth group Attendance - 22
Youth Group Talk
Manna from heaven and water from the rock, presented by Catherine
Three main points:
- God only answered the Israelites grumbling when Moses prayed to him. We should take our worries and concerns to God, not complain about them.
- God will always give us what we need. The Israelites were given a certain amount of manna to collect and if they would try to collect more, it would disappear and if they tried to save some, it would go mouldy. God will always give us what we need, and we should be grateful, not selfish with it.
- Jesus is the new ‘Manna’ as he is our bread from heaven.
Next Youth Group Theme - The bronze snake
24:7 Greenwood Online Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6-12
Every Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Ahern Centre
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers
The Record
To view this newsletter click on the link below.