Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers
A warm welcome to Term Three! It was lovely welcoming all the students back to school on Monday 20 July as they meandered through the grounds , with beautiful smiles on their faces. I hope the holidays gave you the opportunity to step back a little from the busy school days and enjoy many shared family opportunities either at home on somewhere around our beautiful State.
We welcome our new students and families who have joined our community this term. The Shield family with Ava in 4R, and the Cascaes family with Manuela PPG & Eduarda KR. Both families have heard by 'word of mouth' about our lovely Liwara community and want their daughters to be embraced by our welcoming culture!
We also welcome our new Transitioning Life Engagement Officer who is employed by the Catholic Education Office of WA, Melissa Billy-Rooney, who will be supporting our GECKOS Team whilst working with the wider community to develop strength-based partnerships between our school and our local Aboriginal community.
Great news! Our Friday Pre Kindy session will be starting up on Friday 31 July. If you know of anyone outside our Liwara community who have children who have turned three or will be turning three soon, and are thinking about a Pre Kindy program, please get them to contact the school immediately as we still have places available.
With the easing of restrictions in response to COVID-19, life at school will move closer to 'normal' this term. Many regular school activities and events will resume albeit with some modification to accommodate important health and hygiene expectations. Keep an eye on our calendar on the website as it will be regularly updated as the term progresses and will be an important source of information for families.
Congratulations to students who competed in our Faction Cross Country events during their regular PE lessons due to the COVID-19 restrictions with the cancellation of the Interschool Cross Country and our Liwara Cross Country event. Mr Dols did a wonderful job with the students and there were some outstanding performances, which our previous newsletter highlighted. If all things continue as they are, we look forward to seeing you all at our Faction Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 23 September. Like all future events they will show as TBC on the calendar.
We are currently conducting interviews for enrolment into Kindergarten in 2021. If you or someone you are acquainted with has a child born between 1 July and 30 June 2017 and wish for them to attend Liwara in 2021, applications for enrolment should now be completed and forwarded to Karen Rosser in the school office, as numbers are steadily building.
God bless
Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
Masses and Class Visits
- Taking into account our current COVID-19 restrictions and the physical distancing requirements, Fr Elver is working with us to provide opportunities for our students to attend Mass. Year levels from Year 6 through to Year 2 have been invited to attend 9.00am Parish Masses. Each year level, commencing with Year 6 next week, will be allocated a week where they can nominate a day within that week to attend the Parish Mass. The classes will sit in their own reserved section away from the rest of the congregation.
- Class visits with Father Elver on Tuesday mornings have also recommenced this term.
Term 3 Assemblies
- Class Assemblies
Starting in Term 3, we will be returning to Class Assemblies in a modified format, due to COVID-19 restrictions. They will be held in the Ahern Centre, attended by the year level students and their family members only, who will be required to physically distance. Parents will be required to sit on the chairs which will be set up 2 sqm apart. The assembly will be recorded and the class teacher will upload the video for the families of the class hosting the assembly.
- Certificate Assemblies
The Year 6 ministries will continue to run the Certificate Assemblies and class teachers will take photos of the individual presentations and upload them to Seesaw for the child’s parents, as we have been doing since half way through Term 2.
Whole School Prayer
Whole School Prayer services will re-commence with the rostered year level running their whole school prayer in their classroom and uploading a recording to Seesaw for the rest of the school to view.
Dancing Lessons
Dancing lessons for all classes from Pre-Primary to Year 5 will commence Thursday 6th August. Lessons will take place in the Ahern Centre during scheduled class times and will be run by Footsteps Dance Company.
Running Club
Running Club will commence again next week on Tuesday and Thursday starting at 8am on the oval.
A great big THANK YOU is extended to all the people who volunteered to clean the church. We had a very good response and we even have the luxury of having a few spare people waiting to join when a place is required. Thank you all so very much for offering your time to keep our church looking beautiful.

Student Wellbeing
Wellness Week at Liwara in Year 5
In the last week of Term 2 our students celebrated Wellness Week. Our Year 5 students were encouraged to slow down and take time to focus on their mental health and wellbeing.
During the week our students participated in the following activities:
Mindful Movement - The students enjoyed sessions that focused on breathing, stretching. Students learnt techniques to help with their ability to focus, build self-esteem, promote relaxation, develop body awareness and improve their confidence and self-image.
Disco - The Year 6 Special Events Ministry hosted a disco in the Ahern Centre where the Year 5 students showed off their best dance moves!
Buddy Catch Up - With our Pre-Primary buddy classes, we shared acts of kindness and recorded them on love hearts. We also focused on being positive by acknowledging our strengths. We worked on ‘Superhero’ art and shared positive words about each other.
‘Fashion Friday’ (Free Dress Day) - On the last day of term, the students enjoyed a day of free dress - it certainly turned out to be a very fashionable Friday!

Moneysmart Professional Development
Teach Moneysmart: Be Moneysmart
Late last year it was announced that our school was successful in a funding submission for a Moneysmart grant. This grant has enabled us to focus on a whole school project designed to give our students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging 'MoneySmart' projects.
These projects will be set around challenges and problems they may face in the real world allowing our students opportunities to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex problem, or challenge, with deep and sustained attention because they will be ‘learning by doing’.
In support of this project our teachers engaged in Moneysmart professional development led by Sheila Grifffin.
Sheila shared ways to transform the mathematics experience into a fun and engaging experience for our students.
Teachers were guided by Sheila to -
- Examine why financial literacy provides a useful context for teaching mathematics.
- Explore connections between financial literacy and the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics and its sub-strands.
- Use Moneysmart teaching resources and tools to create authentic contexts to teaching financial literacy through maths to engage your students.
- Use Moneysmart teaching resources and tools to develop strategies for adapting resources to suit your student cohort.

Here's how you can show your kids where money goes
Use everyday situations to teach your kids about money, including where it comes from and where it goes.
At the bank
Explain that the cash from ATMs isn't 'free money'. They only give you money that you've made by working and saving. Show your kids that this money is from your bank account. Explain that each time you take money out, you have less money in your account.
While shopping
While shopping, teach your kids how much things cost by showing them:
- different prices for similar items
- how to compare deals
- how to work out which items are better value
- how to work out price differences and discounts
When paying bills
Show your kids an electricity bill or a phone bill. Explain how many hours or days you had to work to pay that bill.
This will help them start to see the connection between work and the cost of things.
Click on this link for more hints and tips to help your child to become MoneySmart.
Important Dates
Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information
25th July - 1st August - Term 3 Week 2
Sunday -
Monday - P & F Meeting
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday - Certificate Presentation
Saturday -
2nd August - 8th August - Term 3 Week 3
Sunday - P & F Movie Night (TBC)
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday - Class Assembly Year 4
Saturday -
Italian Festival Week Student Competition in 2020
Last term the winners of the student competition were announced.
Entries have been returned to us and I have great pleasure in sharing the students beautiful work.
Matilda McCarthy - Kindy Red
Lachlan Murphy - Kindy Red
Samara Widanapathirana - Kindy Green

Zoe Burn - Pre-primary Red
Scarlett Ford - Pre-primary Green
Kasia Watson - Pre-primary Green

Sienna Burrell - Year 2 Green
Charlie Stuber - Year 2 Red
Phoebe Croxford - Year 2 Green

The Week 10 Sustainability Wrap
Welcome back to another wonderful term of sustainability at Liwara. This week we welcome our Semester Two Green Team members Jim, Tessa (Environment Ministry) and Smith (Semester Two Garden Guru), to their new roles. Our enthusiastic team got straight to work this week planting new spinach and silverbeet seedlings in our sustainable garden beds outside the Year Two classrooms. We look forward to sprouting many more seeds as the weather warms into spring later this term.
Handy hints for Sustainability
This week’s handy hint for our Liwara parents is to “go paper free”. If you have not already done so, you can save some trees and paper rubbish in your home by going paper free. Just about everything from utility bills to bank statements can be done completely online, so if you are still receiving paper bills, switching to paperless is something that you may wish to consider. Finally, how about switching your family to recycled toilet paper? At Liwara we use some quality brands of recycled toilet paper. You can ask our friendly admin team about the brands we use.
Have a wonderful week and keep recycling Liwara!
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
July Vacation Care
As the pictures show our July Vacation Care program was full of fun activities that included -
- NAIDOC Day celebrations
- Science Day
- Pirate Day
- Nature Day
- Dr Seuss Day
- Space Day

Mercy College
Click here for Scholarship Information
Thursday 6 August 9.00am – 10.30am
To register, please phone Lee-Ann Hart on 9247 9223

Trinity College Twilight Tour
Trinity College warmly invites you to attend our Twilight Tour on Wednesday, 5 August 2020 to learn more about the unique TC Spirit and the vast curricular and co-curricular opportunities that the College has to offer. Our Twilight Tour will include an address from the Principal and Junior/Senior Head Prefects, student-led tours (including a sneak peek behind the scenes of the College's production of The Mikado), light refreshments and a Q&A with key staff, teachers and the admissions team.
The tour will commence at 4:00pm. Please register your details at: https://www.trinity.wa.edu.au/enrolments/college-twilight-tour/
ATTENTION PARENTS. Rekindle your love for one another away from everyday distractions. What better way to celebrate the gift of your unique love than to make time to focus on each other and your marriage. Consider attending a WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER weekend to renew those feelings you had during your first few years together. We invite you to join us on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend 19-20 September 2020 (live out) to be held at Bateman or 6-8 November 2020 (live in) to be held at Atrium Resort in Mandurah. For more information or booking contact: Valerie & Brendon on 0424 220 625 – Email: wabookings@wwme.org.au www.wwme.org.au
If you would like to receive any more information regarding Marriage Encounter please do not hesitate to contact us.
MercyCare is a not for profit, catholic provider of services and we are trying to raise the profile of services in the community that aim to keep people over 65yrs living at home for longer. These services are government funded and assist individual’s in their own home with services such as transport, meals, gardening, domestic assistance etc.

Parents & Friends News
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225 FAX: 9246 2692
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
& Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am
Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am &
5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Would you like to find out more about the Catholic Faith?
We are here to answer your questions, help you to find as much information as possible, and guide you through the process to receive the sacraments and become a Catholic if that’s what you desire.
Sessions are aimed at
- Adults from non-Christian backgrounds;
- Adult Christians from other Christian faiths;
- Adult baptised Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and
Eucharist, or want to refresh their knowledge and understanding.
Come along and find out what the Church has to offer. We commence shortly.
For further information, please contact the Parish Office (Mon, Wed and Fri 10am—3pm) on 0466 604 754
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry
5th July
Youth Group Goal
For the youth to understand the importance of the spies in Canaan story and how it relates to their lives now.
Goal Status
This was achieved, as through the talk given, we were able to connect this event and relate it to the youth in their lives now.
Youth group Attendance - 20
Youth Group Talk
The spies in Canaan - presented by Anthony
Three main points:
- The Israelites finally made it to the promised land and when they got there, they sent spies and 10 out of 12 said that there was no way they could conquer the people there.
- The Israelites listened to the 10 spies rather than trusting in God and because of that, they were forced to wait 40 years before they could enter the promised land.
- Sometimes we can forget all the amazing things in our life that God has done, just like the Israelites forgot what God had done for them on their journey to the promised land. However, we can always trust that God will be there with us when we face giants in our life, and we can enter into the life he wants for us rather than running like the Israelites.
12th July
Youth Group Goal
To continue to build our relationships with the youth. For everyone to relax and relate with each other during the school holidays.
Goal Status
This was achieved, through the game of Spotlight, Duck Duck Goose and Bang, as all everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were able to unwind from Term 2.
Youth Group Attendance - 23
Youth Group Talk/ Focus
Holiday Games Night
Our focus was on relational ministry, fun and relaxation.
Next Youth Group Theme
Holiday Craft night
24:7 Greenwood Online Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6-12
Every Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Ahern Centre
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers
The Record
To view this newsletter click on the link below.