Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers
It has been a great week with a few school events being re-launched and implemented, which we are extremely grateful for. We are coasting into Week Four soon and the term continues to 'roll along' smoothly and happily with the students and staff working diligently and contentedly. Although school life has settled into a relatively steady routine, Phase 4 of COVID-19 restrictions still require us to keep certain parameters in place, until further notice.
- Only parents of children leading a performance assembly are able to attend with 2 sq metre physical distancing firmly in place
- Merit Certificates will be continue to be presented at student only assemblies
- Our Term 3 Whole School Mass is currently being coordinated with Fr Elver and we hope to be attending with just the students and staff in a few weeks time, at a later time slot to the 9.00am Parish Mass
- Book Week Parade, currently scheduled for Thursday 22 October, will be attended by the students and staff only
Your ongoing cooperation is greatly appreciated.
We celebrate the feast of St Mary Mckillop on Saturday 8 August and at Liwara we are honouring the work of this dedicated and very determined woman by planting two Saint Mary MacKillop Callistemons outside the Ahern Centre on Monday with our Christian Service Ministry. She was the first Saint of Australia, and her influence in the country has spread far and wide. She is recognised for her commitment to the poor, helping those who needed it the most in any way she could. Some details below of the style and growing habits of the plant. The background of the prayer depicts the beautiful floral display of the St Mary McKillop Callistemon.
Callistemon Saint Mary MacKillop
Every plant sold will contribute royalties to the charity that bears her name. Vivid scarlet brushes entice mobs of honeyeaters all spring; the dense bright green foliage and soft new growth give protection and nesting sites for small birds. Planted as a mid-height hedge or screen, it thrives in cool to warm climates, likes full sun, doesn’t mind wet or dry soils, is seaside-friendly and is moderately frost hardy.
God bless
Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
Please note the following dates regarding Sacraments this year:
- Reconciliation will take place on Saturday 12th September at 10am and 2pm.
- Reconciliation Certificate Masses will be on the weekend 19th and 20th September
- First Communion will take place at the Parish Masses on the weekends of 17th &18th October and 24th & 25th October at all Masses except the 7.30am Mass.
- First Communion Certificate Masses will on the weekend 31st October and 1st November
- Confirmation remains ‘suspended’ until Covid Phase 5 is introduced, at which time the Archbishop will reconsider his directive.
A great big THANK YOU is extended to all the people who volunteered to clean the church. We had a very good response and we even have the luxury of having a few spare people waiting to join when a place is required. Thank you all so very much for offering your time to keep our church looking beautiful.

Merit Certificates
Week 2 - 31 July 2020
PPG Alexis Blackwood & Savanna O'Connor
PPR Luca pavlovich & Sophia Leather
1G Imogen Kyanga & Patrick milne
1R Blaise Maxwell & Charlie Scott
2G Phoebe Croxford & James Leather
2R Albie Deurloo & James Macdonald
3G Evie Muir & Sienna Lowry
3R Coco Watson & Lucy Harnett
4G Emerson Scott & Sam Sadler
4R Tom McVay & Matthew Staniforth
5G Indigo Ravi & Mia Host
5R Riley O'Hehir, Campbell Bishop & Brianna Czerwionka
6G Annaleigh Brennan & Christina Edwards
6R Oliver Clark & Amelia Jones
Student Wellbeing
Wellbeing at Liwara
Wellbeing and learning go hand in hand. When your child feels connected to their family, peers and teachers, they feel secure in the knowledge that they will be supported throughout their learning journey. Safe and trusting relationships create a positive learning environment where wellbeing can flourish.
The following approaches are used to support our students to achieve success in a safe and engaging school environment -
FUN FRIENDS an early intervention and prevention of anxiety and depression as well as a focus on social skills. For more information click on the link: FunFriends
URSTRONG FRIENDOLOGY SCHOOLS PLUS is a friendship program that inspires children to feel empowered, develop a strong sense of self and love themselves while learning to manage the most important thing to them….their friendships. To find out more information please click on the link: UrStrong Friendology 101

Important Dates
Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information
9th August - 15th August - Term 3 Week 4
Sunday -
Monday - Mass - Year 4 & Class Prayer Year 5
Tuesday - Board Meeting
Wednesday -
Thursday - Footsteps Dance - PP - Year 5
Friday - Certificate Presentation
Saturday -
16th August - 22nd August - Term 3 Week 5
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday - Footsteps Dance - PP - Year 5
Friday - Mass - Year 3 & Class Assembly Year 1
Saturday -
Our Classroom News
News from Pre primary
We are under the sea in Term 3!
This term in Pre-Primary we are learning about the ocean and all the different things that live within.
Did you know?
“Fish can breathe from their sides, they are called gills” - Hudson
“The female swordfish is bigger than the male swordfish” - Zoe
“Sharks have been around longer than dinosaurs” - Mia
“That all oceans are connected”- Ciaran
“That when turtles see danger they hide in their shells” - Alexis
“The ocean is noisy because of the waves” - Shaun
Here are a few snapshots of our term so far. We have enjoyed learning about the ocean and all the different sea creatures that live within.
Miss Lenzo and Miss Homer

Sustainability Wrap
Another wonderful fortnight of sustainability at Liwara has seen even more plant growth in our sustainable gardens. Our beetroot have continued to grow and our peas have begun climbing up their trellis frame, much to the delight of our Year 1 and 2 students.

Handy hints for Sustainability
This week’s handy hint for our Liwara parents is to “Recycle and dispose of waste properly”. Our school is doing our best to actively recycle and we are grateful for your continued assistance. Our students are bringing cleaned type one and two plastics and aluminium cans for Greenbatch regularly ( we stockpiled another two bags of recycling this week! ) and we are still recycling clean soft plastics with drop-offs to Redcycle bins at local shopping centres. Our students are doing a wonderful job and you can too.
To find out ways to make sure as little of your home waste unnecessarily goes to landfill, how about contacting your local city council? For most of our parents, that’s either the City of Stirling or the City of Joondalup. Both have experts to assist you. If you have not seen the Tamala Park recycling shop, it’s well worth a visit. You never know what recycled items are for sale and in these uncertain times, being thrifty makes good sense.
Did you know that we recycle household batteries at school? We have a drop off bin for regular small appliance batteries in our office photocopy room. As long as batteries are not swollen or leaking fluid (e.g. AA, C and D sized batteries such as those used in remote controls and children’s toys), they may be sent to school with students in ziplock bags for recycling in our school battery recycling bin and the bags will be recycled too. All larger sized batteries such as motorbike and motor vehicle batteries can be recycled at a local battery recycler or contact your local council to find out which products they accept. You might be pleasantly surprised!
Have another wonderful week Liwara! Let’s all do our bit and keep recycling!
Outside School Hours Care News
A Fortnight of Activities
The OSHC children have begun a project called 'Knit a Square for Charity' and are learning to knit or crochet as part of this project. Children are hoping to knit enough squares to make a blanket for the charity.
As it was the International Friendship Day on July 30 the children have been busy making friendship bracelets, kindness rocks and a garden wall of friendship flowers. The flowers were made out of egg cartons and the children have been encouraged to write 'good friend' characteristics on the petals.

Canteen News
At the end of Term 2, myself and Cathy began the training for the StarCap2 Accreditation Programme.
With the training completed, we are now collecting the information we need to aim for a 4 Star Accreditation which will be awarded at the end of four completed terms. The award is based on the amount of sales and percentage level of ‘green’ items we sell over this time.
Our menu has been assessed at 92% green, with WASCA being very impressed with this high percentage. So, to all of our wonderful families keep up the great work, we really do appreciate your support.
Just a quick note to advise that if any students forget or are unable to collect their frozen items on the day they have ordered, please remind them to come and see us as we do keep their names at the canteen and will try to locate them so they do not miss out.
Thank you for the wonderful lettuce from the School Garden last week, we used this in our salads. We think we have some students with very green thumbs.
Thank you, Deb & Cathy.
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program
A FREE program that teaches practical and effective ways to enhance family relationships and manage common child behaviour issues.
Program Details -
1. Seminar Series, Warwick Stadium
Friday's 9.30am - 11.30am
14th, 21st and 28th August 2020
2. Discussion Group (Dealing With Disobedience), Warwick Stadium
Thursday 9.30am - 11.30am
20th August 2020

Warm greetings from the Centre for Faith Enrichment,Centre for Faith Enrichment, the adult faith education agency of the Archdiocese of Perth. Please note we are running an number of face to face and online courses this term.
Click here for information on upcoming courses and events.
MercyCare is a not for profit, catholic provider of services and we are trying to raise the profile of services in the community that aim to keep people over 65yrs living at home for longer. These services are government funded and assist individual’s in their own home with services such as transport, meals, gardening, domestic assistance etc.

Parents & Friends News
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225 FAX: 9246 2692
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
& Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am
Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am &
5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Would you like to find out more about the Catholic Faith?
We are here to answer your questions, help you to find as much information as possible, and guide you through the process to receive the sacraments and become a Catholic if that’s what you desire.
Sessions are aimed at
- Adults from non-Christian backgrounds;
- Adult Christians from other Christian faiths;
- Adult baptised Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and
Eucharist, or want to refresh their knowledge and understanding.
Come along and find out what the Church has to offer. We commence shortly.
For further information, please contact the Parish Office (Mon, Wed and Fri 10am—3pm) on 0466 604 754
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry
Youth Group Goal
To find out topics and themes that the youth want to learn about for term three.
Goal Status
This was achieved as we got the youth to write down questions and give it to us. The term will then be structured around those questions.
Youth Group Attendance - 18
Youth Group Talk / Focus
Our focus was on what the questions and needs of the youth were.
Next Youth Group Theme
Faith: Part 1
Youth Group Goal
To show how lucky we are to have our faith and what having our faith and being part of the church means during this time.
Goal Status
This was achieved as Georgia gave a talk sharing from her own faith journey and knowledge and how we are so lucky to be part of the Catholic church.
Youth Group Attendance - 21
Youth Group Talk / Focus
Faith in the world today - Georgia
- During times of such inconsistencies such as the state of the world now, we will always have one constant: God.
- We are given many graces through the sacraments and we can sometimes forget how lucky we are to have them.
- Sharing from own life - Georgia was so lucky to be introduced to the Church and the sacraments as someone who had a non-Christian background and it was something that made her feel complete.
Next Youth Group Theme
Faith: Part 2 - what is our faith?
24:7 Greenwood Online Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6-12
Every Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Ahern Centre
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers
Archdiocesan Newsletter
The Record
To view this newsletter click on the link below.
To view this newsletter click on the link below.