We celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Tuesday 8th September and we honour her with this beautiful prayer....... The Hail Mary.

Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers
This Sunday we will be celebrating Father's Day and I’m sure that you will do your best to spoil all of our fathers and grandfathers. We are now over halfway through this term and we are very pleased with the efforts and achievements of our students. We encourage them to continue working diligently and always strive to reach their full potential. We thank our parents and carers for their ongoing support and co-operation and for assisting the school in providing wonderful learning and personal growth opportunities for our students.
Our annual Athletics Carnival will be taking place on Wednesday 23 September. It will be run a little differently this year with an outline of the day having been posted on Seesaw for all families. We hope to have a wonderful community day. Please ensure you read all the details carefully so we can work together to ensure the well-being and safety of all community members, by following the protocols outlined. Mr Dols and Mr Ridout will be positioning the spectators' and students' areas differently this year to maximise the space for physical distancing, to make the day as safe as possible. I suggest you bring a large picnic blanket and place your chairs on it to use as a guide. If each family group remains on their blanket, we should be able to maintain the two square metre rule between families.
I wish all fathers and grandfathers a wonderful day on Sunday. I hope you get to enjoy the day with your families.
Wishing you God's blessings.
Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
The Year 3 students will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday 12th September. Please keep them in your prayers.
Class Masses
All Year 6 and Year 5 students will be attending Parish Masses with their Year level during the next fortnight.
Learning Journey
Due to Covid restrictions, the annual Learning Journey Night has been re-designed into a digital format where student work and commentary will be uploaded to Seesaw for parent viewing on the proposed Learning Journey date of Tuesday 15th September.

Merit Certificates
Week 6 - 28 August 2020
PPG Chevy McCarthy & Tiannah Germano
PPR Erin Zinmerman, Makenzie Magorian & Kasia Watson
1G Elvira Conroy, Ava Bonanno & leila Spivey
1R Cohen Rappeport & Mitchell Marlow
2G Lotte Fox & Riley Flanagan
2R Charlotte Lane & Molly Buck
3G Campbell Portward & Harlow Mak
3R Dante Pendergrast & Christian Condelli
4G Sophie Moala & Rory Hill
4R Stephanie Brennan & Katie Walsh
5G Elijah Lopresti & Izabel Pylarinos
5R Sebastian Magorian & Ashleigh Thorsen & Benjamin Perkins
6G Ashleigh Grant & Taylor Beresford-Peirse
6R Sophie Hetman & Jake Lees
Where Are They Now ?
Past Student Success Story - "Where Oh Where is" Rebecca Hamer?
Currently, our past student Rebecca is teaching at the Australian International School in Singapore where she has settled after spending time in Jakarta, Moscow and Bali. All great background for her published book series "Where Oh Where is Monty Bear".
Much to the delight of some of our students Rebecca presented a 'virtual' Monty Bear session in 2019 and one of our students was lucky enough to take our Monty Bear with her when she visited Singapore. We are planning some future 'virtual' sessions for our Kindy & Pre Primary students before the end of this term.
Rebecca also has two YouTube channels - Bec The Boss & Monty Bear.
Rebecca attended Liwara from 1984 -1988 and is planning on returning to Australia soon to take up a position teaching Middle School Drama.
Athletics Carnival
Liwara Athletics Carnival
This year’s Athletics Carnival will go ahead on the scheduled date of Wednesday 23rd September (weather permitting) in a Covid-modified format. Running races (including relays) will be held in two stages with Year 1 – 3s commencing at 9am and the Years 4 – 6 at 11.15am. The Team/Tabloid games (usually run before the recess break) will be run in Physical Education classes, like the Field events, in the weeks prior. Please note that it was always the intention that, in 2020, Pre-Primary would become part of the Early Childhood/Kindy Carnival in Term 4 and therefore, will not participate in this carnival.
All Champion Boy/Girl and Faction Awards will remain the same and, relevant presentations and announcements will be made after each of the sections.
Parents are invited to attend but will have restricted access to the oval area where the students will be. Parents will not be allowed onto the track or playground area at any stage of the day. The carpark side of the oval will be available for set-up and viewing events and, to make viewing easier, the main straight of the track will be located on the same side as the parent area. As parents/grandparents will not have access to the school facilities, portaloos will be provided. A coffee van will also be on site for this event.
Parents are asked to comply with current social distancing expectations at all times.
The Staff will be running a pre-ordered sausage sizzle on behalf of the P&F for lunchtime. The order form will follow soon.
Although some inconvenience may be experienced in this case, we wish to stress that these changes have been made to our Carnival on the basis of ensuring continued student safety and public social distancing expectations.
Field Events Results
Congratulations to these students on their success in the Athletics Field events for Years 3 to 6 held in Physical Education lessons this term.
Shot Put | Long Jump | Turbo Javelin | |
Year 3 - Boys | |||
1st | Isaac Ndirangu | Connor Clark | Connor Clark |
2nd | Mason Shanks | Isaac Ndirangu | Isaac Ndirangu |
3rd | Blake Bialy | Daniel Kerby | Blake Bialy |
4th | Sam McCallum | Blake Bialy/Noah Bradshaw | Campbell Portwood |
Year 3 - Girls | |||
1st | Leila Croxford | Leila Croxford/Aiza Torkington | Leila Croxford |
2nd | Leah Colley | n/a | Poppy Stevenson |
3rd | Evie Muir | Harriet Barker | Aiza Torkington |
4th | Charli Slevin | Charli Slevin | Holly Murray |
Year 4 - Boys | |||
1st | Jett Sims | Matthew Staniforth | Mattia Muscuso |
2nd | Thomas Bozich | Sam Sadler | Matthew Staniforth |
3rd | Mattia Muscuso | Mattia Muscuso | Harry Jones |
4th | Matthew Staniforth | Isaac Canzurlo | Kai Rose |
Year 4 - Girls | |||
1st | Abigail Allison | Edyn Conroy | Larissa Friedlieb |
2nd | Ruby Deurloo | Abigail Allison | Mia Willoughby |
3rd | Lara Chester | Larissa Friedlieb | Abigail Allison |
4th | Ava Shield | Sophie Moala | Ashley Fitt |
Shot Put | Long Jump | Turbo Javelin | |
Year 5 - Boys | |||
1st | Campbell Bishop | Campbell Bishop | Cooper Doepel |
2nd | Sam O’Brien | Benjamin Johnson | Sam O’Brien |
3rd | Jake Temov | Darcy White | Hudson Allsworth |
4th | Cooper Doepel | Ben Hawkins | Campbell Bishop |
Year 5 - Girls | |||
1st | Gemma Fox | Mackenzie Gilford | Stella Williams |
2nd | Stephanie Finlay | Ashleigh Thorsen | Chloe Pires |
3rd | Stella Williams | Caitlin Portwood | Stephanie Finlay |
4th | Ashleigh Thorsen | Mia Leather | Eliza Virgo |
Year 6 - Boys | |||
1st | Oliver Clark | Oliver Clark | Oliver Clark |
2nd | Josh Ndirangu | Antonio Panetta-Iannantuoni | Evan Anderson |
3rd | George Hemmingway | Sebastian Pope | Tyler Pires |
4th | Tyler Pires | George Hemmingway | Finn Allsworth |
Year 6 - Girls | |||
1st | Zadie Torkington | Hope Walker | Hope Walker |
2nd | Emaleah Burns | Ruby Hodge/ Zadie Torkington | Samantha Millington |
3rd | Ava Kimberley | n/a | Seanna Ravi |
4th | Hope Walker/Seanna Ravi | Amelia Jones | Mackenzie Scott |
Running Club Finale
The last session of Running Club will be held on Tuesday 15th September. Students who have achieved distance milestones will be presented with a certificate in their classroom later in that week. Presentations of medals to Running Club Champions will be made with the Athletics Carnival Presentations.

Important Dates
Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information
6th September - 12th September - Term 3 Week 7
Sunday - Father's Day
Monday - Year 3 Retreat
Tuesday - Class visit Kindy Red & Board Meeting
Wednesday -
Thursday - Footsteps Dance - PP - Year 5
Friday - Dance - Yr 6 & P & F Fathers' Night
Saturday - Reconciliation 10am & 2pm
13th September - 19th September - Term 3 Week 8
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday - Class visit Kindy Green & Online Learning Journey
Wednesday -
Thursday - Footsteps Dance - PP - Year 5
Friday - Certificate Presentation
Saturday - P & F Quiz Night & Reconciliation Certificate Mass
Our Classroom News
News from Year 6
The Year 6 ministry groups have been working hard to plan new, exciting experiences to create the best Term 3 possible. We are also working hard to let you know about the school community by announcing at assemblies, advertising around the school, etc. Some of the events that have happened around the school are Smile Week, Talent Quest and many other events in the works! We even had Jessica Stojkovski take time out of her busy schedule to chat to us about her role as part of our Civics and Citizenship studies!
The Year 6 Special Events Ministry is organising a Liwara Talent Show for students in Year 1 to 6. This will be held for the students in Week 10 on Monday afternoon, the 21st September. Auditions will be held for each year level on Friday 18th September. One act from each year group will be chosen to perform in the Liwara Talent Show. The acts need to be 3 minutes or less. Students can audition in groups or individually and can dance, sing, tell jokes, play an instrument or any other creative ideas. Each act will be recorded and uploaded to the student’s Seesaw account. We cannot wait to see the students shining and showing us their talents on the stage. Please encourage your child to create an act to perform and audition in front of their own year level. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Footsteps Dance
Dancing Lessons
Every Thursday during Term 3, the Ahern Centre has been filled with toe-tapping music and the prancing feet of many dancing queens and kings as Tayla, from Footsteps Dance Company, leads all our students from Pre-Primary to Year 5 through a range of dance routines. Each Year level will then focus on their favourite routine to perform at the Showcase at the end of the term.
We can't wait!

Library News
CBCA BOOK WEEK 2020 - October 17-23
This year we will be holding our Book Week parade on Thursday October 22nd. Children are encouraged to come to school on that day dressed as their favourite book character. More parade details will be circulated in Term 4.
We like other schools and public libraries across Australia will spend the week celebrating books, and Australian authors and illustrators. Children will have opportunities to participate in activities relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading.
Sustainability Wrap
Wow! What a fantastic fortnight of sustainability here at Liwara CPS! We have harvested a few vegetables for our school canteen as you can see in the photos below and we have planted rocket and other seedlings in the lead up to spring. When grown slowly, the natural way, our vegetables have sprouted in irregular shapes, much like those you find in the ‘Odd Bunch’ vegetables at Woolworths. We pray for more rain like we had earlier this week (minus the stormy weather of course!) to grow bumper crops of vegetables to supplement our canteen’s supply in the months to come.

Recycling News
Did you know that in addition to Greenbatch and redcycle recycling, Liwara also now recycles spent pens and markers? We are very fortunate that Heidy Nemere, mother of Chalize (1R) and Emily (3G) has volunteered to take our school collection of spent markers and pens to Officeworks for recycling. Please collect your old, pens, textas and markers from home and at school for recycling. Ask your child to place them into our new camouflage coloured recycling bin outside the Visual Arts room, pictured below. Let’s all do our bit to stop adding needless rubbish to landfill!
Handy hints for Sustainability
This week’s handy hint for our Liwara parents is to share the following video with your family.

The video comes from Caritas Australia and concerns stewardship which was outlined in Laudato Si’, an encyclical of Pope Francis back in 2015. As it is the poorest communities in our world that are most greatly affected by the changes to our planet, for example consumerism, Catholic organisations such as Caritas Australia are attentively addressing these environmental concerns by promoting actions that are caring for our planet and its resources. Stewardship or ‘respect for Creation’, which is real sustainability in action, is clearly shown in this video link above. By supporting Caritas Australia and other LifeLink organisations, and by actively recycling whenever you can, you too can help to care for our common home and live in stewardship with our planet. This is Pope Francis’ key sustainability message from Laudato Si’.
Stay calm and keep recycling Liwara! Have another wonderful week Liwara!
Outside School Hours Care News
Vacation Care is Just around the corner.....
Our Vacation Care program will be circulated next week.
Some of the vacation care highlights are -
- Magic Palooza
- Silent Disco
- Ninja Warrior Bouncy Castle
- Messy Play Day
- Royal Show Day
- French Fashion Day
- Book Character Come to Life
- Art Extravaganza
- Tricky Trivia Day
- BYO Wheels Day
- Pyjama and Movie Day
A Fortnight of Activities
The children have enjoyed -
- learning the Year 6 dances and they even did a small performance at OSHC
- making magnetic fishing rods practicing their fishing skills.
- making cards and shrink art key chains for Father's Day
- having Hama Bead fun
- building different designs with the waffle blocks. One of their favourite creations was a plane, which they took to fly to Ireland and Bali
- practicing our hand eye coordination with Foosball.

Canteen News
Thanks to the wonderful students that tend the school garden we received some lovely purple and orange carrots and some huge beetroot. These have been added into our salads and quiches.
The beetroots were really amazing, we made some chocolate and beetroot muffins and a yummy beetroot hummus which has been added to the options list on several items on the menu while our stock lasts.
We appreciate your hard work.
Deb & Cathy


School holidays are fast approaching and it's now time to book a free HelpingMinds workshop for your kids!
Each workshop is filled with fun and exciting activities designed for children who are at risk of developing a mental health issue or supporting a family member or friend with mental health challenges. Click on the workshop in your area to find out more.
Perth Metro Area Workshops
Rockingham - Ages 8-12
Baldivis - Ages 8-12
Canning Vale - Ages 8-12
North Beach - Ages 8-15
Midland - Ages 8-15
Ellenbrook - Ages 8-15
Perth - Ages 8-12
Places are limited and bookings are essential. To register, or for more information, visit our website or call us on 9427 7100

MercyCare is a not for profit, catholic provider of services and we are trying to raise the profile of services in the community that aim to keep people over 65yrs living at home for longer. These services are government funded and assist individual’s in their own home with services such as transport, meals, gardening, domestic assistance etc.

Parents & Friends News
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225 FAX: 9246 2692
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
& Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am
Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am &
5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Would you like to find out more about the Catholic Faith?
We are here to answer your questions, help you to find as much information as possible, and guide you through the process to receive the sacraments and become a Catholic if that’s what you desire.
Sessions are aimed at
- Adults from non-Christian backgrounds;
- Adult Christians from other Christian faiths;
- Adult baptised Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and
Eucharist, or want to refresh their knowledge and understanding.
Come along and find out what the Church has to offer. We commence shortly.
For further information, please contact the Parish Office (Mon, Wed and Fri 10am—3pm) on 0466 604 754
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 23rd August
Youth Group Goal - To explain what original sin is, how it affects us as humans and how baptism helps us get over original sin.
Goal Status - This was achieved as we had a talk from one of our leaders who explained these points and it was well received by the youth.
Youth Group Attendance - 21
Youth Group Talk / Focus - Sin Part 1: Original Sin and baptism - Catherine Acres
- Original sin was created after Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden.
- Original sin broke our relationship with God, ourselves, each other, and creation.
- Baptism helps restore us to our true human nature and corrects the wrongs that have been created by original sin, through Jesus.
Next Youth Group Theme - Sin Part 2: How Jesus saved us from our sin
Last Week’s Non-Youth Group Ministry Activities / Mass
Both our student and volunteer leaders had the opportunity to attend one of our 24:7 Leadership Training days, Faith on Fire, along with our Youth Ministers last Saturday. It was a fantastic afternoon, where we had the chance as a leadership team, to discuss ideas and vision for where we want 24:7 Whitfords to go in the future. There were separate workshops for volunteer and student leaders, run by 24:7 Youth Ministers from all over the Archdiocese.
The afternoon finished with input from an amazing guest speaker, Marty MacFarlane, a close friend of the 24;7 Family, who talked to us about why and how we can have discussions of Faith with others. He inspired us with his love for our Catholic Faith, Our Lady and the Rosary.
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 30th August
Youth Group Goal- To explain why it had to be Jesus who saved us from our sins, not someone else.
Goal Status- This was achieved as we had a talk from one of our youth ministers who explained why it had to be Jesus as well as holding small groups to look further into this topic.
Youth Group Attendance- 23
Youth Group Talk / Focus - Sin Part 2: Why it had to be Jesus who saved us from our sins-Anthony
- At the fall, God said that one of the sons of Eve will crush the serpent’s head. This verse was prophesying that someone would come along and restore humans to our true nature.
- When we read the old testament, we should always be thinking of this, and as we go along we can see that people like, Moses, Abraham, David, etc., all found favour with God, but still ended up falling into sin during their life.
- We then broke into small groups and discussed what was different about Jesus (other than being the son of God) and why there had to be a change from sacrificing, like the Israelites did.
Next Youth Group Theme- Sin Part 3: Justice and Mercy
Parish/Newsletter Promotion
24:7 Greenwood Youth Group - 30th August
For all youth in Years 6-12
Every Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Church meeting room
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers
Archdiocesan Newsletter
The Record
To view this newsletter click on the link below.
To view this newsletter click on the link below.