Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome back to all staff, students and families to Term 4. I hope all families had a relaxing holiday and enjoyed spending time together. We have a few new students joining our school this term and we welcome them to the Liwara Community. Term 4 is always a busy and fun filled term. Already the classrooms are busy with new units of work commencing and the students settling straight back into work. We have many exciting events this term commencing with our lovely Year 4 students and children from the Parish celebrating their First Holy Communion over the next two weekends. Next week we celebrate Book Week, it is always an opportune time to read with your child and model your own reading habits to your children.
John Dols was acknowledged for his 40 years of service to Catholic Education. Debra Sayce (Director of Catholic Education WA) presented John with his certificate at a ceremony this morning. We offer our congratulations to John on this achievement.
The term has commenced with some warm weather and children are reminded to bring their water bottles to school every day. Children are encouraged to put sunscreen on before they come to school and to reapply during the day. Over the holidays new grass was planted outside the Year 6 classrooms. It is looking lush and green and is a welcome addition to our outside learning environments as well as being used during break times.
Wishing you God's blessings.
Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
Whole School Mass
There will be a whole School Mass held on Friday October 16 at 11.15am to celebrate the beginning of the new term. Due to physical distancing requirements, only the students are invited to attend.
First Holy Communion
Our Year 4 students and the Catechists students from All Saints Parish will be receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion over the next two weekends. Please keep them in your prayers.
Class Masses
The Year 1 and 2 Classes will be attending Parish Masses during the upcoming fortnight.
Certificate Assembly
Our first Certificate Assembly for Term 4 will be held on Friday 23rd October. As the COVID restrictions are still in place, only the students will be attending this assembly.
The sacrament of Confirmation is now able to be celebrated. Our Year 6 students will be celebrating this sacrament on Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th November.

Merit Certificates
Faith Value Awards
PPG Oscar Smith
PPR Mia Tardrew
1G Mali Serrano
1R Isla Richardson
2G Sebastian Matambanadzo
2R Ethan Lee
3G Lucia Maxwell
3R Holly Murray
4G Fernanda Silveira de lima Vieira
4R Caitlin Stewart
5G Benjamin Hawkins
5R Caitlin Portwood
6G Dylan D’Souza
6R Aaron Craig
Athletics Carnival
Liwara Athletics Carnival
The weather was perfect for our Athletics Carnival at the end of last term and the atmosphere was electric. A big thank you to Mr Ridout for organising the oval/ track set-up, to Mr & Mrs Millar & Mrs Jane Evens for running the sausage sizzle, to the P&F Craft Club for the coloured banners that they made for the Faction Shelters and to the school staff for their outstanding efforts to make the day the special event it was for the children. The children thoroughly enjoyed supporting their faction through either, their participation in events or their cheering in the bays.
We wish to also thank all the parents for their cooperation in accommodating the changes and boundaries of the 2020 format and for the positive and appreciative feedback that has been received.
Carnival Results
Place | Faction | Points |
1st | Aroona | 793 |
2nd | Teangi | 682 |
3rd | Boree | 668 |
4th | Rawlinna | 524 |
Champion Athletes
Boy | Girl | ||
Year 4 | |||
Champion | Matthew Staniforth | Edyn Conroy | |
Runner up | Mattia Muscuso | Abigail Allison | |
2nd runner up | Joshua Schafer | Larissa Friedlieb | |
Year 5 | |||
Champion | Campbell Bishop | Mackenzie Gilford | |
Runner up | Sam O’Brien | Charlotte Candeias/Mia Host/Ashleigh Thorsen | |
2nd runner up | Ryan Taylor | n/a | |
Year 6 | |||
Champion | Oliver Clark | Zadie Torkington | |
Runner up | Harrison Gilford | Hope Walker | |
2nd runner up | Finn Allsworth/Josh Ndirangu | Ruby Hodge |
Early Childhood Athletics Carnival
The Early Childhood Athletics Carnival for Kindy and Pre-Primary students will be held on Thursday 29 October on the school oval commencing at 9am. Students will compete in running races and team games. Parents are welcome to attend and are reminded of the need to socially distance.
Interschool Athletics Carnival
The annual NIPSAA Interschool Athletics Carnival for Years Three to Six will be held on Friday October 23rd at Ridgewood Reserve, Ridgewood commencing at 9.30am. Liwara will be attending with approximately 70 representatives competing in events such as Long Jump, Shot Put, Turbo Javelin and a range of running races. Competitors will be preparing for this event with training sessions before school (8am) on the Wednesdays and Thursdays prior to the event. We wish them all well in their endeavours in this area.

Important Dates
Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information
18th October - 24th October - Term 4 Week 2
Sunday - First Holy Communion
Monday - P & F Meeting
Tuesday - Board Meeting
Wednesday - School of Thought & Pre-Kindy Photos
Thursday - Book Week Parade
Friday - Interschool Athletics Carnival, Pre-Kindy Photos & Certificate Presentation
Saturday - First Holy Communion
25th October - 31st October - Term 4 - Week 3
Sunday - First Holy Communion
Monday - School Prayer Year 1
Tuesday - Whadjuk Gift
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday - Class Assembly - Year 2
Saturday - First Holy Communion Certificate Mass
Our Classroom News
News from Year 2
In Year 2 we learn Mathematics in many ways. We have been exploring different concepts including multiplication and division using playdough, white beans, pop sticks and jellybeans.
We are also learning financial literacy using real life experiences; budgets for shopping and recognising how money works in the community.
“I love maths!” and “This is the best day of my life” are some of the comments heard after these lessons.

Student Wellbeing
Spring Safety Tips
There are endless benefits of connecting to the outdoors – but with the rewards of enjoying the outdoors comes the responsibility of exploring it in a safe manner.
As the seasons change, so do the precautions that should be taken. Warmer temperatures mean it’s even more important to drink plenty of water and wear extra sun protection such as a hat or sunscreen; summer weather also means it’s time to be on the lookout for, and avoid, creeping or crawling insects and undomesticated animals.
Library News
Each year since 1945 the CBCA has brought children and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week. During this time schools and public libraries spend one glorious week celebrating books and Australian children's authors and illustrators. You will often see parades with students dressed as their favourite book character.
Our Book Week parade will be on Thursday October 22nd. Children are encouraged to come to school on that day dressed as their favourite book character. Staff are also busy with cardboard, scissors and glue making their special book character outfits.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions parents will not be able to attend this event. However, photos and videos of the day will be uploaded to Seesaw by classroom teachers.
Glenn Swift Entertainer Incursion
After the parade the children will be entertained by storyteller extraordinaire Glenn Swift. Glenn has an enormous repertoire of participation style stories for all ages that we are sure will engage and delight our students and staff alike.
Sustainability Wrap
Welcome back to the new school term. Spring is certainly in bloom. Term Four is shaping up to be another fantastic term for sustainability. Liwara has just received a 2020 WasteWise Accreditation certificate from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. Liwara has and will continue to make excellent efforts to reduce waste, develop positive environmental values and long-term behaviour change in our school community. Our recent recycling initiatives are positive proof of this on-going change. We look forward to remaining actively involved in the WasteWise Schools program and continuing to educate students about the importance of sustainable waste avoidance.
Our Green Team are excited to be back at school for Term Four and are ready to promote recycling, grow and harvest more vegetables, continue worm farming, garden fertilising with worm tea and mulching our sustainable gardens. You can see how green and beautiful our junior primary sustainable gardens are below. Our English spinach is super-sized and its leaves are ever so sweet. Our school canteen has already been using the leaves in salads!
Have you and your family ever thought about composting? Below is a series of photos to show you how some people set theirs up during the school holidays. You can even add your tea leaves and coffee grindings to enhance the compost!
Firstly, peg your compost bin on levelled ground. Then layer in torn newspaper, leaves, sticks from your garden cuttings, and green waste such as that from your vegetables, small weeds and kitchen scraps. Continue layering so that different textures are present about every ten centimetres or so. Include good organics as one of your layering materials, such as blood and bone or manure. This will put the good microbes into action straight away in your compost. We shall check back in on the compost soon and give you an update. The end result should be an excellent fertilising mulch which can be distributed in the garden to prevent water loss. Now that’s sustainable!
Handy hints for Sustainability
This week’s handy hint for our Liwara parents is to “Visit a recycling plant or landfill”. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency each person creates nearly two kilograms of rubbish per day. When you multiply this rubbish by Perth’s population of 1.95 million people, that is an awfully large amount of waste! If you have ever wondered what that looks like, why not take a trip to your local recycling centre to see a just a smidgen of Perth’s total waste. Local recycling centres include those at Stirling and Tamala Park. Ask for a free tour, visit the recycling shop and you may be surprised at the sheer quantity of waste that piles up. You never know, you might even find something you can buy cheaply to reuse at home! Did you know that it takes about a million years for glass to decompose? It takes 500 years to decompose polystyrene, 450 years for a plastic bottle, 450 years for most disposable nappies, fifty years for a tin can, six months for newspaper and two months for an apple core. That’s why Liwara promotes sustainable waste avoidance at our school. Our worm farms help recycle our children’s fruit and vegetable scraps as do Mrs Millar’s chickens. We strongly encourage families to engage in waste avoidance strategies like these at home.
Let’s all keep working hard together with recycling! Enjoy the Spring flowers and sunshine and have a wonderful week Liwara!
Canteen News
Term 4 has got off to a flying start, with Monday and Tuesday spent preparing and cooking many of the delicious items we sell in the canteen. You can be assured that the Pasta Bolognaise, Macaroni Cheese, Quiches, Hamburger Patties, Beef Pies and recess items have been made by us to provide the students with the healthiest choices.
The school garden has been very busy in the holidays, it produced some beautiful spinach, which we have started adding into our salads. Spinach is a leafy vegetable with a high vitamin content, making it a healthy and nutritious food for human consumption. Who remembers Popeye? Popeye uses spinach to give his already extraordinary strength a tremendous boost, helping him withstand his enemies' attacks and all kinds of adverse situations. Let's all be like Popeye and enjoy the benefits of this super food.
Our vegetable and fruit scraps are added into our Bokashi bucket and in no time at all when it has all broken down it is collected and put back into the soil to help with the next crop of delicious vegetables.
Just to advise that we will be limiting the sale of some ‘Amber’ recess items this term.
Although they will of course still be available, the numbers for sale will be slightly reduced. This will help towards our Starcap results for next year.
We have a NEW canteen menu available. Click on this link to view or save -
Can You Spare Half An Hour?
We would love your help. The students love seeing their parents at the counter at recess time (10.40am).
You are also welcome to choose a time to suit your day. Even half an hour at 9am to organise the lunch bags is a great help.
Please call us - 6224 2000
Deb & Cathy
Mater Dei College Enrolments
Is your child currently in Year 4? Mater Dei College will be interviewing Year 7 2023 families in February/March next year. For more information please contact our Enrolments Officer, Ang Lourens on enrolments@mdc.wa.edu.au or 9405 4777. Thank you.
Mater Dei College is very excited to announce that we will be starting a Basketball program next year. For more information click on the following link -
The Warwick Greenwood Junior Cricket Club
Junior Blasters is for boys and girls new to cricket typically aged (K - Y1) as of 30 June 2020. WGJCC focuses on players building their skills through fun, game based activities. The games are designed for small groups to ensure every child gets a go, allowing them to test and learn new skills. When they have mastered the basics they will be ready to graduate to Master Blasters (Y2-Y3) where they can play modified games of cricket.

Council for Catholic Women
The Council for Catholic Women Perth invites you to share how your story of faith and experience of Church have been enriched or challenged by Covid -19. How can we build new communities of faith and develop new forms of evangelisation in a post-Covid world? Please join us at James Nestor Hall, Catholic Education Office 50 Ruislip St West Leederville on Thursday 22 October 5.30-8.30pm. Gather for light refreshments at 5.30-6pm. RSVP by October 20 to kerrymacfarlane2@gmail.com / 9397 5988 / 0400 886 835
MercyCare is a not for profit, Catholic provider of services and we are trying to raise the profile of services in the community that aim to keep people over 65yrs living at home for longer. These services are government funded and assist individual’s in their own home with services such as transport, meals, gardening, domestic assistance etc.

Parents & Friends News
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225 FAX: 9246 2692
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
PARISH OFFICE OPENING TIMES: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am
Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & 5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Would you like to find out more about the Catholic Faith?
We are here to answer your questions, help you to find as much information as possible, and guide you through the process to receive the sacraments and become a Catholic if that’s what you desire.
Sessions are aimed at
- Adults from non-Christian backgrounds;
- Adult Christians from other Christian faiths;
- Adult baptised Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and
Eucharist, or want to refresh their knowledge and understanding.
Come along and find out what the Church has to offer. We commence shortly.
For further information, please contact the Parish Office (Mon, Wed and Fri 10am—3pm) on 0466 604 754
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 20th September
Youth Group Goal -
To explain the importance of the saints in our Catholic faith and how they can help us in our life.
Goal Status -
This was achieved as we had a talk from one of our student leaders on the importance of saints and their favourite saint.
Youth Group Attendance - 17
Youth Group Talk / Focus -
Saints – Josephine
- The saints are just like us, sinners, but they strove to be like God and put everything else below Him.
- The saints are guides for us as they have led holy and Christ-like lives that we can model after.
- The saints can help us in our lives as they can pray for us and help us in our lives.
Next Youth Group Theme - Meet the Leaders
Last Week’s Non-Youth Group Ministry Activities/Mass - We had the privilege of running the year 6 confirmation retreat at Liwara. It was a great day and all the students, and the team loved the day and learning about confirmation.
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 27th September
Youth Group Goal - For the youth to get to know who the leaders are and connect with them
Goal Status - This was achieved as we had questions and activities for the youth to find out more about the leaders
Youth Group Attendance - 17
Youth Group Talk / Focus - Meet the leaders: We had a big activity where the leaders were scattered throughout the grounds and the youth had 20 questions about the leaders which they had to go, find and match to different leaders
Next Youth Group Theme - Games night
Last Week’s Non-Youth Group Ministry Activities / Mass
On Monday the 7th of September, we had the privilege of running the Year 3 Reconciliation Retreat at Liwara Catholic Primary School. It was a great day and we can’t wait for the year 6 Confirmation Retreat in a few weeks’ time.
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 4th October
Youth Group Goal - To continue to build our relationships with the youth. Also, for the youth to relax and relate with each other during the school holidays.
Goal Status - This was achieved, through the games of Spotlight, Bang and The Blanket Game. All the youth thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were able to unwind from Term 3.
Youth Group Attendance - 16
Youth Group Talk/ Focus
Holiday Games Night - Our focus was for a fun, stress free night and relational ministry.
Next Youth Group Theme - Holiday Craft night
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 11th October
Youth Group Goal-
For the youth to have a fun and engaging night to finish off the holidays.
Goal Status-This was achieved as we had a variety of games and activities throughout the night that the youth enjoyed participating in.
Youth Group Attendance- 19
Youth Group Talk / Focus - Games Night - our focus was on a fun, safe space for the end of the holidays and getting everyone involved.
Last Week’s Non-Youth Group Ministry Activities / Mass
Last Friday (9th of October), we combined with 24:7 Whitfords, Woodvale and Ocean Reef to run a North Youth Group Paint War. There was a total of 44 people at the event, with a quarter being from Greenwood and it was a really exciting afternoon. We had so much fun and can’t wait for the next time we combine.
Parish/Newsletter Promotion
24:7 Greenwood Youth Group - 30th August
For all youth in Years 6-12
Every Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Church meeting room
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers
Archdiocesan Newsletter
The Record
To view this newsletter click on the link below.
To view this newsletter click on the link below.