Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Congratulations to our Year Six students who recently received the sacrament of Confirmation. Our thanks go to Fr Elver, Mrs Remy McGavigan, Mrs Federica Huntington, our Parish Catechists and the choir led by Mrs Keegan who sang so beautifully once again.
Thank you to our amazing P&F who managed to plan and execute the 2020 Fair in a very short time frame, with many restrictions and planning management regulations due to COVID-19. The day ran smoothly and the ‘vibe’ around the oval, even though the numbers were reduced, was filled with fun and excitement. A change in pace for the organisers was appreciated and the close knit community support was greatly appreciated.
We celebrated NAIDOC Week on Thursday 12 November. Our amazing GECKOS Team planned a day filled with the sharing of stories, reflections, relationship building, fun, games and acknowledgement of our First Nation’s Peoples. Our invited guests were Mr Samuel-Yombich Pilot Kickett (Welcome to Country), Mikayla Morrison recently drafted to the Fremantle Dockers WAFL, Mr Graham Mills – Fremantle Dockers Community Manager, Ms Melissa Billy-Rooney and Councillor John Logan. The COVID-19 event planning management was executed perfectly by the GECKOS with our guests being housed at the top between the Ahern Centre and the Bush Tucker garden and all our students at ground level outside the Year Four classrooms. A great day was had by all!
The Annual Community Meeting will be held on Monday 30 November at 6.30pm in the Ahern Centre. Nominations for the Advisory Council, formerly known as the School Board, and the P&F Executive positions close on Wednesday 25 November. Click here to view the nomination form if you would like to nominate yourself or someone else. All parents are encouraged to attend.
We welcome our Pre Kindy 2021 parents on Wednesday 18 November and our Kindy parents on Wednesday 25 November for our 2021 information sessions. The duration of the session should be about an hour. We look forward to welcoming families, old and new, as they begin their Liwara journey with their child.
TRAVEL DURING THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS As previously communicated, with the COVID-19 pandemic constantly evolving, sometimes rapidly, I encourage you to evaluate the necessity and impact of planned travel over the upcoming Christmas holiday break. Please note that the Western Australian State Government requires overseas travellers to undertake mandatory quarantine in a Perth hotel at their own expense. Students who intend to travel to/from overseas destinations who are not listed in the Australian travel exemption categories will require two letters to support their applications to return to Australia:
Should you wish to travel, I ask that you consult the following websites and contact numbers to inform yourself about border restrictions, exemptions and quarantine requirements:
Entry to Australia
Website: COVID-19: Entering Australia
Phone: 1800 020 080
Entry to Western Australia
Website: COVID-19: Entering Western Australia
Phone: 13 26 843
- A confirmation of enrolment letter from Lisa Rodgers, Director General of the Department of Education, Western Australia
- A travel support letter from Dr Andrew Robertson, Chief Health Officer, Western Australia.
SUPPORT LETTER REQUEST PROCESS Should you require support letters for your child:
- Email enquires@liwara.wa.edu.au and acknowledge that you are aware that your child may be required to quarantine for 14 days in a Perth COVID-19 hotel upon return to Australia at your own expense.
- Please also provide your child’s:
- First name
- Surname
- Date of birth (e.g. 13 May 2002)
- Full Australian address
- Full overseas address
Wishing you God's blessings.
Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
Class Masses
The Year 5 and 6 classes will be attending Parish Masses during the upcoming fortnight.
Year 3 Assembly
Year 3 hosted their year level assembly this afternoon. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing their many talents on display.
Music Performance
The Music Performance will be held on Friday 20 November at 2:30pm. The parents of the children performing have been invited to attend.

Merit Certificates
Term 4 Week 4
PPG Brent Apolinar, Dashel Bradshaw & Manuela Cascaes
PPR Luca Pavlovich & Mia Tardrew
1G Class 1G
1R Hana Rose, Caitlyn Brennan & Lucy Crogan
2G Olivia Lamoureux & james Walsh
2R Oscar hayter & James Virgo
3G Connor Clark, Lucia Maxwell & Levi Temov
3R Sebastian Kalinowski, Aiza Torkington & Holly Murray
4G Mackenzie Martin & Lochlan Smoker
4R Isabelle Moala & Harry Jones
5G Cooper Flatman, Gabrielle Androsczuk, Ryan Taylor & Oscar Falkingham
5R Hudson Allsworth, Zac Carmignani & Benjamin Johnston
6G Harrison Gilford
6R Seanna Ravi & Mackenzie Scott

Important Dates
Please refer to the school calendar on this website for more information
15th November - 21st November - Term 4 Week 6
Sunday - Confirmation Certificate Mass
Monday - Year 5 Parish Mass
Tuesday - Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday - Scholastic Book Fair & Pre-Kindy Parent Information Session
Thursday - Scholastic Book Fair
Friday - Scholastic Book Fair & Music Performance
Saturday - Confirmation Certificate Mass
22nd November - 28th November - Term 4 - Week 7
Sunday - Confirmation Certificate Mass
Monday - P & FMeeting
Tuesday - year 6 Parish Mass
Wednesday - Kindy 2021 Parent Information Session
Thursday - Summer Carnival - Year 6 & Pre-Primary Nativity Play (Rehearsal)
Friday - Pre-Primary Nativity Play
Saturday -
Where Are they Now?
To answer that question we are very pleased to say that they are right back here and still active members of our Liwara school community.
Meeting in Year one in 1989, Jessica and Michelle began a friendship that lasts today. Both won the School's Christian Leadership Award in 1993 and after graduating Sacred Heart and university both Jessica and Michelle spent time living and travelling abroad.
Jessica spent a number of years sailing the West Australian coast on The Leeuwin Sail Training Ship and travelling to the US to work in the ski fields. Jessica is now the Business Manager for a haematology and oncology day hospital in West Perth.
After completing a commerce degree Michelle has spent her career working in the mining industry in London, Africa and here in Australia. After living in the US for some time Michelle has returned to Australia and currently works in Corporate Finance for a mining company.
Coincidentally, both Jessica and Michelle met and married Americans and now live back where they grew up, with five boys between them, life has come full circle, they are back at Liwara, this time as parents and life long friends.
In that same year group were Bree Murphy-Johnston (nee Johnston) whose three boys attend, together with Brendon Mak whose 2 boys and 1 girl attend and also Belinda Towart (nee Hyde) with one son attending Liwara. Between them this class of '93 have 12 children currently attending our school. Of note our count tally of children of past students is well over 50 - this is gives testament to our core value 'Strength in Community' and our Liwara community is proud that past students have such happy memories that they decided to enroll their children in their 'old' school.
This photo of Jessica and Michelle was taken in 1992 when they were in Year 6.
Our Classroom News
From Year 3
There was great excitement on Friday 30th October as the Year 3 students entered Servite College for their STEM excursion.

The students worked together in small groups to build a Marble Run Maze, using a variety of materials supplied to them. Each group had to plan, design, problem solve and co-operate, to build a run that would roll a marble through their maze for 10 seconds.

Student Wellbeing
Crazy Hair and Free Dress Day
Thank you to the Liwara teachers and students for participating in the Crazy Hair and Free Dress Day on Thursday of Week 4. It was delightful seeing your creativity in hairstyles and bright coloured clothing. Your generous donations helped to raise $501.70 and we should all be very proud of our involvement in raising money for the animals at RSPCA
-Year 6 Publicity Ministry

Our Favourite Memories of 2020!
The Year 6 Publicity Ministry visited classes this term and asked the students to share their favourite memories of the school year. Here are some of their responses.
Kindy Green/Kindy Red
Nuala “My favourite part of this year was the Book Week Parade.”
Thomas “My favourite part of this year was playing with friends.”

Pre-Primary Green/Pre-Primary Red
Sam “This year I enjoyed doing Art.”
Luca “This year I enjoyed making butterfly paintings.”

Year One Green/Year One Red
Xavier “This year I enjoyed spending time with my friends.”
Leila “This year I enjoyed spending time with my friends.”

Year Two Green/Year Two Red
Holly “This year I enjoyed having Book Week.”
Ellena “This year I enjoyed making pizzas.”

Year Three Green/Year Three Red
Lucia “This year I enjoyed competing in the Sports Carnival.”
Charlie “This year I enjoyed dressing up for Book Week and going to the parade.”

Year Four Green/Year Four Red
Sam “This year I enjoyed the Easter Raffle.”
Eva “I really liked the Chicken Divas day.”

Year Five Green/Year Five Red
Brianna “This year I enjoyed the Whadjuk Gift.”
Grace “This year I enjoyed the Whadjuk Gift.”

Year Six Green/Year Six Red
Seanna “This year I enjoyed Year 6 Camp.”
Finn “This year I enjoyed participating at Interschool”

Library News
Scholastic Book Fair
Our annual Book Fair takes place next week.
Fundraising is a definite benefit from holding a Book Fair because our school will receive a percentage of all Book Fair sales.
The other benefit is uniting children with literature and bringing the community together by providing you with the opportunity to engage in reading with your children.
This year is the perfect time to select books as Christmas gifts for your families. All books purchased can be taken home on the day of purchase - no need to wait for them to be delivered!
We look forward to seeing you at the Book Fair.

Our students enjoyed a day of NAIDOC celebrations on Thursday 12 November.
The day began with a Welcome to Country facilitated by Samuel Pilot- Kickett. Samuel also raised the Torres Strait Islander flag on our newly installed flagpole.
Students enjoyed listening to guest speaker Mikayla Morrison form the Fremantle Dockers AFLW team. Mikayla spoke of her early interest in playing football and her determination to improve her skills. Mikayla presented our colouring-in competition winners with Fremantle Dockers hats. Our competition winners were Emily W - Yr 6G, Mattia M - Yr 4 G & Charlie Davies - Yr 1G
Throughout the day the children took part in Waabiny Time games on the school oval, Waabiny Time video with dance and song and a Walkabout using QR codes to learn more about the bush tucker plants in our Bush Tucker Garden.
The afternoon activity was a buddy activity. Each child was given a small circle to decorate and this circle will be used to create a mural soon to be on display in the Ahern Centre.

St Vinnies Christmas Appeal
The Year 6 Social Justice Ministry is once again supporting the St Vinnies Christmas Appeal and we really need the help of the Liwara community.
We would appreciate any of the following items:
- Shortbread/sweet biscuits/crackers/savoury biscuits
- Christmas cake/dried fruit/fruit mince pies
- Jelly/pudding mix/cake mixes
- Soft lollies
- Cordial/juices/soft drink
- Tea/coffee/milo/long life milk
- Canned veges
- Breakfast cereals
- Toiletries
- NEW Christmas decorations/toys are also welcome
Donations can be placed in the baskets in your child’s classroom from next Monday 16th.
Your support is appreciated.
Year 6 Social Justice Ministry
We have had another wonderful week of sustainability at Liwara. Thank you for supporting our school fair and placing your recyclables into the Greenbatch bins. Ten cents from every plastic and glass bottle that you recycled on fair day will go back to support our P&F fundraising through the Container Deposit Scheme. Thanks to our Liwara P&F who actively support fundraising through recycling in our school. We are grateful to you and could not do this without your on-going support!
Please remember to remind students about “Wrapper Free Wednesdays” when our school canteen is closed. Each Wednesday, all students are asked to take their rubbish home to reduce the number of plastic wrappers in the school. Better still, students may even wish to remove wrappers before placing items in their lunchboxes on Wednesdays!
Our Year 6 Green Team have been busy supporting and encouraging students to sort their waste correctly into our bin system. Our recycling at Liwara for student is as follows.
- We recycle all clean paper and cardboard in classroom paper recycling bins.
- We recycle our plastic-free food scraps in our scrap buckets. These feed our worms and Mrs Millar’s chickens too!
- We place any clean soft plastics in our red bins on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
- We place any other waste in the green General Waste wheelie bins.
Following these four simple steps, students reduce the waste footprint of Liwara Catholic Primary School! Thanks to parents for your continued support of recycling by sending students with spent pens and markers for recycling with Officeworks and for sending aluminium cans and Type 1 and 2 plastics to our Greenbatch recycling point outside the Visual Arts room.
Working together we can all reduce waste at Liwara!
Handy hints for Sustainability
This week’s handy hint for our Liwara parents is to “Pick Up Litter”. Litter is any waste that is dropped on the ground instead of correctly in a bin. Common litter includes plastic bags, soft drink cans, straws and plastic wrappers. Why not, put on a pair of rubber gloves and correctly dispose any rubbish that may have blown in around your front yard, a local park or your favourite beach. Safely collecting plastic rubbish, along a beach for example, is a fantastic way to spend family time in the great outdoors as well as improve the appearance of the beach. You may even like to become involved in the annual “Clean Up Australia Day” which is held on the first Sunday of March every year. Beach combing safely is the way to go!
Keep recycling and have a wonderful week Liwara!
Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Opening Details
The uniform shop will be open, by appointment only, on Tuesday 15 December 2020, between 8am and 12 noon.
There will be another opening in January 2021. Further details of the January 2021 opening times will be communicated later this term, via SeeSaw.
Canteen News
For NAIDOC morning tea on Thursday the children had the opportunity to taste some Lemon Myrtle Scones and Pikelets as well as Bush Tomato Quiches. The feedback was that they were delicious.
We have a NEW canteen menu available. Click on this link to view or save -
Can You Spare Half An Hour?
We would love your help. The students love seeing their parents at the counter at recess time (10.40am).
You are also welcome to choose a time to suit your day. Even half an hour at 9am to organise the lunch bags is a great help.
Please call us - 6224 2000
Deb & Cathy
Mater Dei College Enrolments
Is your child currently in Year 4? Mater Dei College will be interviewing Year 7 2023 families in February/March next year. For more information please contact our Enrolments Officer, Ang Lourens on enrolments@mdc.wa.edu.au or 9405 4777. Thank you.
Mater Dei College is very excited to announce that we will be starting a Basketball program next year. For more information click on the following link -
The Warwick Greenwood Junior Cricket Club
Junior Blasters is for boys and girls new to cricket typically aged (K - Y1) as of 30 June 2020. WGJCC focuses on players building their skills through fun, game based activities. The games are designed for small groups to ensure every child gets a go, allowing them to test and learn new skills. When they have mastered the basics they will be ready to graduate to Master Blasters (Y2-Y3) where they can play modified games of cricket.

WAAPA Summer School 2021
This summer WAAPA is thrilled to be able to offer an exciting school holiday program at our campus in Mount Lawley. There are classes for students from Year 1 to Year 12 in drama, acting, screen performance, film making, music theatre and of course Shakespeare. For information about the many courses on offer please visit waapa.ecu.edu.au/summer-school or contact Gabrielle Metcalf at explore.waapa@ecu.edu.au or 9370 6775.
MercyCare is a not for profit, Catholic provider of services and we are trying to raise the profile of services in the community that aim to keep people over 65yrs living at home for longer. These services are government funded and assist individual’s in their own home with services such as transport, meals, gardening, domestic assistance etc.

Parents & Friends News
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 9447 6225 FAX: 9246 2692
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
PARISH OFFICE OPENING TIMES: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 9.00am
Saturday – 9.00am & Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & 5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Would you like to find out more about the Catholic Faith?
We are here to answer your questions, help you to find as much information as possible, and guide you through the process to receive the sacraments and become a Catholic if that’s what you desire.
Sessions are aimed at
- Adults from non-Christian backgrounds;
- Adult Christians from other Christian faiths;
- Adult baptised Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Confirmation and
Eucharist, or want to refresh their knowledge and understanding.
Come along and find out what the Church has to offer. We commence shortly.
For further information, please contact the Parish Office (Mon, Wed and Fri 10am—3pm) on 0466 604 754
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 1st November
Youth Group Goal - For the youth to learn about the Parable of the Talents and the importance of it, both in Jesus’ time as well as how it relates to us now.
Goal Status - This was achieved through the talk given on the night, where one of our leaders explained the parable to the youth and linked it back to how it is still applicable in our lives.
Youth Group Attendance - 22
Youth Group Talk / Focus -The Parable of the Talents- Georgia
Three key points:
- Jesus tells the story to show that God wants us to use the gifts that he has given us, and that we should not hide them but try and grow and share them to the world.
- There are many gifts that God has given us; we may be good at sports, academics, music, etc, but we also have other gifts such as being a good friend or being kind that we can use as well.
- We should be grateful for the gifts that God has given us, and we should use them to bring glory to God and lead others to Him.
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministry - 8th November
Youth Group Goal-
For the youth to learn about the Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the importance of it, both in Jesus’ time as well as how it relates to us now.
Goal Status -
This was achieved through the talk and the treasure hunt that we did on the night, where Anthony explained the importance of this parable to the youth and linked it back to how it is still applicable in our lives.
Youth Group Attendance- 19
Youth Group Talk / Focus -
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure- Anthony
Three key points:
Jesus tells the story to show that we should never let go of the kingdom of God and it should be the most important thing in our life.
Just like in the treasure hunt, we can come across obstacles and it can take us a long time to get there but once we know this knowledge, we should treat it like the most precious thing in the world.
We should be ready to sacrifice everything to get to heaven and should always keep it as our number one goal in life.
Last Week’s Non-Youth Group Ministry Activities / Mass
Last Saturday we helped out at the Liwara School Fair. We ran a games station and had a great afternoon hanging out with the parents and students while playing games with them.
Parish/Newsletter Promotion
24:7 Greenwood Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6-12
Every Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Church meeting room
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers
Archdiocesan Newsletter
The Record
To view this newsletter click on the link below.
To view this newsletter click on the link below.