The Good Morning Prayer
Good Morning God!
You are ushering in another day,
untouched and freshly new.
So here I am to ask you, God,
if You'll renew me too.
Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday
and let me try again dear God
to walk closer in Your way.
But Lord, I am well aware,
I can't make it on my own.
So take my hand and hold it tight,
for I cannot walk alone

The Liwara Newsletter, Volume 2
21st February 2025

In this week's newsletter:
- Season of Lent
- Welcome to the 2025 School Year
- P & F Meeting
and more...
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome to the end of Week 3 of the school term! It’s hard to believe we’re already this far into Semester One. As we continue to build a strong foundation for the term, we’re excited to see our students engaged in their learning and activities.
As we prepare for the season of Lent which starts on Wednesday 5 March and ends on Thursday 17 April, take the time to rearrange your priorities – to focus on what matters most and leave behind what matters least. LENT is: your invitation to take your spiritual life seriously; the perfect time to form life-giving habits and your chance to discover the abundant life Jesus invites us to at Easter.
Welcome to the 2025 School Year
Our School Advisory Council were delighted to witness the culmination of their change of focus for the new school year. Their plans to combine a few whole school events was well worth it and the evening was a true example of gathering our community together. The event began from 4:30pm with families visiting their children’s classrooms. Thank you to our wonderful staff for hosting the classroom visits and then attending the Annual Community Meeting on the oval many of them enjoying the free ice creams! Your involvement and support are crucial for the success of our educational programs and the teachers were thrilled to get to meet so many of you and look forward to the year ahead.
New families were welcomed into classrooms and then everyone gathered down at the oval for a family picnic. The evening culminated with our Annual School Community Meeting at 6:00pm with the P&F and SAC reports being sent home in advance. Nominations were called for and the positions successfully filled, with the meeting being held down on the oval. It was succinct, informative and all agenda items were achieved. All our families who registered their attendance received free ice cream vouchers for the children. Well done SAC!
Congratulations to our new School Advisory Council members: Ms Olivia Crowley, Mr John-Ross Torre and Mrs Narelle Cochran who will join Mrs Angela Ford who is in her second term along with current members Mrs Jessica Schafer and Mr Daniel Capolingua. Thank you to Mr Kanwar Trevisan-Singh who has completed his three-year term on the SAC. On behalf of the P&F I warmly welcome our new members, Mrs Clarissa Donnelly, Mrs Linda Jarvis and Mr Nicholas Andrioff who will join Mr Jonathan Egan who re-nominated this year.
We will gather for our first meeting next week on Tuesday, 25 February. Due to the late start to the year, we moved our regular Week 2 meeting, just this term, so we would have our new members joining the P&F after the Annual Community Meeting. The meeting begins at 7:00pm in the School Hall and all community members are invited to attend and encouraged to bring other parents along with you.
Thank you for being part of our wonderful school community! We’re looking forward to another exciting and successful week ahead.

We currently have a limited number of vacancies for 2025 across selected year groups, I urge you to contact our Enrolment Officer, as soon as possible, to discuss the enrolment process as we are currently meeting with future and current families for our 2025 Pre Kindy placements who are yet to turn three. Interviews for Kindy 2026 will commence Week 6 of Term 1.
Enrolment information and applications can be downloaded from our school website HERE or a paper copy can be collected from the school office.
Wishing everyone a fantastic start to the school year!
Mrs Andrea Millar
Liwara Family Mass
This term’s Family Mass will be held in the All Saints Church this Sunday, 23 February (Week 3) commencing at 9.30am. All families are encouraged to attend and those students who attend in school uniform are encouraged to wear free dress at school the following day (Monday, 24 February).
Neurodiversity Meeting
Please see below information from Jane Evans:
The next parent support group for parents of neurodiverse children (don't need formal diagnosis) are invited to come to the next meeting on Tuesday, 25 February at 2pm in the Library. We are delighted and lucky to have Clare Gibellini return as our guest speaker! Please save the date and consider coming along if you haven't been before. We welcome everyone. RSVP to Jane Evans at jane.evans@cewa.edu.au by Wednesday, 19 February. We look forward to seeing you then.
School Tour
Our School Tour for families interested in enrolling at Liwara is on Wednesday, 26 February at 9.30am. Please promote this with family and friend. All those who are interested are asked to book via the school website.
Certificate Assembly
Our first Certificate Assembly is on Friday, 28 February at 2:20pm in our newly air-conditioned School Hall.
Ash Wednesday Mass
All students from Years One to Six will join the parish for Ash Wednesday Mass on Wednesday, 5 March. Family members are welcome to attend.
Year Six Dream & Lead Conference
All Year Six students will attend the Dream & Lead conference at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on Thursday, 6 March. The day is designed to support primary school students in discovering their leadership potential. Students will participate in purposeful activities developing their problem-solving skills, and increasing confidence and independence.
Sacrament Enrolment Masses
Students who are participating in a Sacrament this year will need to attend one of the Enrolment Masses on either Saturday, 8 March at 6.00pm or Sunday, 9 March (all Masses). If you are unable to attend on this weekend, you will need to coordinate this with the Parish.
Information regarding NAPLAN schedule and testing has been circulated to Year Three and Five Parents. Please email Stefanie.Neri@cewa.edu.au if you have any questions.
School Fees
Please be aware that School Fees will be sent out by the end of February.
Public Holiday
Please note, Monday, 3 March is the Labour Day Public holiday.
Miss Angela Leddin & Ms Stefanie Neri
Assistant Principals
In Term One we focused on our school value of Respect. We can show RESPECT by taking care of resources and our belongings, following directions and rules and working co-operatively.

TERM 1 - 5 February to 11 April
TERM 2 - 28 April to 4 July
TERM 3 - 21 July to 26 September
TERM 4 - 13 October to 12 December
Week 4 - 2025
23 Feb - Family Mass @ 9.30am
25 Feb - Neurodiversity Meeting @ 2.00pm
26 Feb - Yr3 Parish Mass @ 9.00am
26 Feb - School Tour @ 9.30am
28 Feb - Clean Up Australia Day
28 Feb - Certificate Assembly @ 2.20pm
Week 5
1 Mar - Labour Day Public Holiday
4 Mar - Visible Wellbeing Week
4 Mar - Shrove Tuesday
5 Mar - PP-Yr6 Ash Wednesday Mass @ 9.00am
6 Mar - Yr6 Dream & Lead Conference
7 Mar - Hymn Singing @ 2.20pm
8 Mar - Sacrament Enrolment Mass @ 6pm
9 Mar - Sacrament Enrolment Mass - All Masses

We celebrated the start of our 2025 leadership journey on Friday, 14 February, with our Student Leadership Day. We focused on our Strong mind, Strong heart and Strong body.
Mrs McGavigan and Mr Varady helped us discover our leadership style and how this helps us interact with others.

We then had David Castelanelli help us develop ourselves as the best leaders we can be.

Mr Varady and Mr Sanders then lead us through the start of our Rock and Water program to help us be strong in our bodies and understand the best times to be a “rock” and when its best to be “water”.
We finished the day finding out which Ministry and Act of Service we will contribute to in 2025. In 2025 our leadership will be aligned with the school Values.

Library borrowing will commence in week 3 for all students.
Please ensure your child owns a library bag and remind them to bring it each week.
Thanks to the fantastic result of last year’s Scholastic book fair, we have lots of new books to enjoy! Library loans are for one week, however students can renew their loan and extend the borrowing time if needed. Students who return their borrowed books before school go into the weekly raffle draw.
2025 Library Days for students:
- Tuesday - Kindy, Year 1 & Year 2
- Wednesday - PP, Year 5 & Year 6
- Thursday - Year 3 & Year 4
Library Bags for Sale
The Liwara Craft Group have made Library bags. The bags are $10.00 each and all profits go towards the craft stall for the School Fair.
If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these beautiful bags, they can be purchased through Trybookings:
Take your receipt to the Library and select a bag!

Mrs Clark
It has certainly been a very busy start to the year. Please bear with us until we get into the flow of the new time changes and serving times. We are doing our very best to keep up with providing all of the fantastic choices available over the counter and of course for lunch ordering.
If you have received an IOU note home, these can be paid on line by ordering the same items with a note in the comments section, noting that this order is for payment of an IOU. Of course, they can also be paid at the Canteen or at the office. Thank you for your prompt payment of these.
Please note we cannot change the sushi or the focaccia as these two items are purchased in ready-made for us, these are green items on our menu, which makes them a healthy option.
We had a little bit of fun for Valentines Day with some heart shape watermelon and scones.
Thank you for supporting the Canteen.

Deb & Adriana
The Uniform Shop is open Thursdays from 8.15am - 9am for all your uniform needs! Doors will not open outside of these hours.
Please note that students are to wear their Summer Uniform for Term 1 2025.
JFE Details
Phone: 9204 1701
Email: saes@jfe.net.au


To read this week's P & F Newsletter - NO newsletter this week
To keep up to date, head to our private Facebook page by clicking here.
7 Liwara Place
Greenwood, WA
Father Elver Delicano
Monday – Friday 6am & 9am
Saturdays 6pm
Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am & 5:30pm
Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am - 3pm
m: 0466604754
e: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au

Last week at 24:7 Greenwood, we had an incredible night filled with games, fellowship, and faith-filled discussions. We started the evening with board games indoors and soccer on the oval before diving into our first game of the night, Wall Tag. Our second game brought plenty of excitement before we settled in for the night’s talk.
We were blessed to have Catherine Osman as our guest speaker, who shared a powerful message on prayer and its importance during the Lenten season. She spoke about her personal experiences with prayer, the challenges of making time for it, and encouraged everyone to be more intentional in their prayer life. Catherine challenged us all to find new ways to incorporate prayer into our daily routines.
On Saturday, February 15th, we held our Leaders' Training Day—an opportunity for both new and returning leaders to gain essential knowledge about leading a youth group. It was also a fantastic chance for leaders from different groups to connect and build a sense of community.
Next youth group, we will continue our Lenten journey by exploring the importance of prayer during this season. We are excited to welcome another amazing guest speaker, who will share their personal experiences with prayer, with a special focus on Ignatian Meditation. It's looking to be an insightful and inspiring night as we deepen our understanding of prayer and how it can transform our relationship with God.

God bless,
Jesse and Lucy
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers

Dental Health Services
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
Greenwood Primary School | Merivale Way, Greenwood,Wa,6024
Ph: (08) 92035611 |
E: GreenwoodDTC@health.wa.gov.au
W: North Metropolitan Health Se

We are now accepting Pre Kindy - Year 6 enrolments for 2026, 2027 & beyond. Please contact the school if you have any questions on 6224 2000 or via email: enquiries@liwara.wa.edu.au for more information.