Christmas Prayer
Loving Father,
Help us remember the birth of Jesus,
that we may share in the song of the angels,
the gladness of the shepherds,
and worship of the wise men.
Close the door of hate
and open the door of love all over the world.
Let kindness come with every gift
and good desires with every greeting.
Shower us with blessings
which Christ brings,
and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.
May the Christmas morning
make us happy to be your children,
and Christmas evening bring us to our beds
with grateful thoughts,
forgiving and forgiven,
for Jesus’ sake.

The Liwara Newsletter, Volume 20
22nd November 2024

In this week's newsletter:
- Welcome to Our New Assistant Principal
- Whole School Prayer
- Pre Primary Nativity Performances
and more...
Dear Liwara Families
As we enter the final stretch of the term, there’s plenty happening across our school community. This week’s newsletter is packed with exciting updates and upcoming events. Stay tuned for important information and highlights from our classrooms and beyond!
Welcome to Our New Assistant Principal!
We are thrilled to introduce Ms Stefanie Neri, our new Assistant Principal! Ms Neri brings a wealth of experience, a passion for education, and a commitment to fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment. We are excited to have her join our school community and look forward to the positive impact she will make. Please join us in giving her a warm welcome! Ms Neri has been one of the Assistant Principals at Notre Dame Catholic Primary School in Cloverdale for the past six years.
Whole School Prayer
We gathered as a school community at the All Saint’s Church on Monday afternoon, with a meaningful service led by our Year 2 students. It was wonderful to have such a strong representation from our Year 2 parents and extended families. Thank you for supporting your children by coming along! Our Year 2 students focused on the coming of Advent as a time of prayer and reflection and sang a beautiful rendition of Silent Night.
Pre-Primary Nativity Performances
Our annual Pre-Primary Nativity Concert performed by our talented students is always a highlight of the year and a cherished tradition in our community. This special event brings the story of Christmas to life, showcasing the talents of our students in a heartwarming performance. It’s a wonderful opportunity for our families and friends to come together and celebrate the spirit of the season. We look forward to sharing this magical experience with you all! Our Kindy students enjoyed a special Nativity performance by our Pre-Primary students on Tuesday. It is a wonderful opportunity for our Pre-Primary students to perform in front of different groups leading up to their annual performance at the St John of God Hospital in Subiaco, where they are eagerly and warmly welcomed by the staff and clients of the hospital. Thank you to our Pre-Primary staff who encourage and enthuse the students in the preparations for their many performances. The Pre-Primary parents were given a preview of the Nativity, the PP way, on Thursday 21 November and all students will get to enjoy the performance on Friday 22 November.
Parents & Friends Meeting
We held our final P&F meeting for the year on Tuesday, 19 November and it was wonderful opportunity to share stories and events from 2024 including a debrief of the amazing Fair. Looking ahead to 2025, we’re encouraging parents to get involved with our P&F Group. This is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to our school community, help plan events and support our students. Whether you can give a little time or a lot, your involvement will make a difference. We will be sending out a nomination form before the end of the year, so please think seriously about putting your name down as the more support we get the more events we can plan and organise for our students. If you’re interested in joining or learning more, please reach out. We’d love to have you on board!
Pre-Kindy Parent Information Session
We held our Pre-Kindy parent information session on Wednesday, 20 November to provide important details about the upcoming year. Many first-time families to Liwara were warmly welcomed by the staff and leadership team.
Year 6 Shine at Interschool Summer Carnival
A big congratulation to our Year 6 students for their outstanding participation and sportsmanship at the Interschool Summer Carnival on Thursday 21 November. They demonstrated teamwork, determination, and respect both on and off the field, making our school proud. Thank you to our parents who gave of their time to support the event, either as a helper or spectator. Well done to everyone involved and thank you for representing our school with such enthusiasm and 'positivity'.
Gecko Sports - Fundamental Movement Program (1-2) Lacrosse (Years 3-6)
We had Gecko Sports come into the school on Thursday, 21 November to involve our students in a variety of fun and engaging activities. They know that children love to be active but also involved in something meaningful at the same time, so they have developed programs that help children to develop all round sporting skills and physical fitness, but most importantly the opportunity to boost self-esteem and confidence! Thank you to Mr Sanders for organising Gecko Sports!
Celebrate Student Achievement
A big congratulations to all students who received an Achievement Certificate at our final assembly on Friday! Your hard work, dedication, and positive attitude have been recognised and celebrated. We are incredibly proud of your efforts and the example you set for your peers. Well done!
Annual Community Meeting
Please note that our Annual Community Meeting (ACM) which incorporates the School Advisory Council and P&F AGM has been rescheduled and will be held in the new year. Due to the incredibly busy year incorporating the many 50th Anniversary events and celebrations and even more importantly the busyness leading up to the School Fair, it will now take place at the beginning of the 2025 school year. I am working with the current School Advisory Council and staff to reimagine this important community event. We will keep you informed of the new date, to add to your calendars before the end of the 2024 school year.
This is a valuable opportunity for parents, carers, and community members to meet staff, hear about school achievements, goals, and plans for the coming year. We encourage everyone to attend, as your feedback and support play a crucial role in our school’s success.
Thank you for your ongoing involvement and commitment to our school community.

If your child/ren are not returning to Liwara for the 2025 school year, please advise the front office by email as soon as possible. We currently have families on a waitlist who are eager to join our school community.

We currently have a limited number of vacancies for 2025 across selected year groups, I urge you to contact our Enrolment Officer, as soon as possible, to discuss the enrolment process. I am currently meeting with future and current parents for our 2025 Pre Kindy placements. Enrolment information and applications can be downloaded from our school website HERE or a paper copy can be collected from the school office.
- Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial for academic success. Please ensure students arrive on time and are prepared for classes.
- Car Park Protocol: Parking in student drop off and pick up bays, in either of the drive through areas, is not allowed. Please do not leave your car unattended and/or parked in the drive through areas at any time.
- Communication: Stay in touch with your child’s learning through the school’s communication platform, Seesaw. Regular updates and information will be sent out to keep you informed.
Warm regards
Mrs Andrea Millar
Year 6 Graduation Assembly
The Year 6 students will present their final assembly in Primary School on Friday, 29 December at 9:00am in the Hall. We wish them all the best for their final weeks at Liwara.
Thanksgiving Mass and Graduation Ceremony
Thanksgiving Mass and Graduation Ceremony for our Year 6 cohort will be held on Wednesday, 4 December at 6.00pm at the All Saints Church. The Year 6 Faith Value Awards will be presented at the conclusion of the Mass. The school choir will also be singing to support our graduating students.
End of Term Mass
We will be celebrating Mass as a school for the final time in 2024 on Friday, 6 December at 9:00am. At the conclusion of Mass, we will be handing out the Liwara Faith Value Awards for students in PP-Yr5. It will be lovely to see as many parents attend as possible.
Miss Angela Leddin & Mrs Jesseca Francis
Assistant Principals
In Term Four we are focusing on our school value of Faith. We strive to model Gospel Values to others through our work and play, whilst seeking a stronger relationship with God.

TERM 4 - 8 October to 6 December 2024
Week 8
25 Nov - PP Nativity Performance @ SJOG
25 Nov - Greenwood College Orientation Day
25 Nov - Yr 6 Sacred Heart Transition onsite @ 1.30pm
26 Nov - Balcatta SHS Transition Day
27 Nov - Neurodiversity Meeting @ 9.00am
28 Nov - Gecko Sport @ 7.30am
29 Nov - Yr 6 Graduation Assembly & Morning Tea @ 9.00am
29 Nov - Hymn Singing @ 2.20pm
Week 9
2 Dec - Transition Day @ 10.00am
3 Dec - Yr 1 EOY Excursion
3 Dec - Yr 5 EOY Incursion
3 Dec - Yr 2 Shared Pizza Lunch
4 Dec - Y3-6 Bethanie Xmas Carols
4 Dec - PK Inc: Al Kazam The Magic Man
4 Dec - Yr 2 EOY Excursion
4 Dec - Thanksgiving Mass & Graduation Ceremony & Yr 6 Faith Value Awards @ 6.00pm
5 Dec - Yr 3 EOY Excursion
5 Dec - Yr 4 EOY Excursion
5 Dec - Yr 6 Graduation Disco @ 5.00pm
6 Dec - Yr 3 End of Term Mass & PP-Y5 Faith Awards @ 9.00am
6 Dec - Yr 6 EOY Excursion
We have had a very creative term designing and making puppets. Our task was to make either a marionette, a rod or a hand puppet. We needed to choose suitable materials, and it needed at least one moving part. It was challenging figuring out how to fix the moving part, but we did it and are proud of how they turned out. Now that they are finished, we are working on puppet plays.

Private Music Tuition includes a 30-minute lesson on a weekly rotating timetable with the students' chosen instrument. Lessons are held during class time and rotate weekly to ensure students don’t miss the same class every week.
Students are required to purchase their own musical instrument or can hire instruments from the school. A limited number of violins, woodwind and brass instruments are available for students to hire and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. All hire fees are non-refundable.
The school currently offers Private Music Tuition in the following instruments:
- Flute [fife for younger/smaller students]
- Clarinet
- Trumpet
- Piano
- Guitar
- Drums
- Violin
- Voice (singing)
Please note that Private Music Tuition is a year-long commitment. If a student decides to discontinue their lesson’s part way through the year, one full term’s notice is required in writing to Mrs Mary Rose & the child’s tutor.
Private Music Tuition Fees
Music tutors will send out individual accounts to parents at the beginning of each term. Fees will need to be paid within two weeks of receiving the account.
The cost is $37 per lesson in 2025.
Private Music Tuition Application Form and information letter were sent home to the eldest in the family from Year 2-5 on Thursday, 7 December and also uploaded onto Seesaw.
Applications Close: 28 November 2024 - click here for the link
Update from the Environment Ministry
Did you know plastic has only existed for 116 years and it’s already a huge problem? Only 14% of plastic is recycled. We are trying to make a massive difference here at Liwara. So, what could you do? You can support Liwara’s Wrapper Free Wednesday! Pack your children a healthy lunch without wrappers on Wednesdays. Let’s make a difference together!

The library is now closed for borrowing. Please return all books as soon as possible.
During week three, the Scholastic Book Fair was held in the library. It was a great success, being our best book fair ever. Thank you to our Liwara community for your support.
Library Bags for Sale
The Liwara Craft Group have made Library bags. They are selling them for $10.00 a bag and all profits go towards the craft stall for the School Fair.
If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these beautiful bags, they can be purchased through Trybookings:
Bring your receipt to the Library and select a bag!

Mrs Clark
As there are now only two more weeks of the school canteen opening, we will begin the run down of certain menu items for this year. This is so we can close down our freezers and canteen for the holidays. We apologise in advance if your favourites are not available but assure you they will be back next year.
We are planning a few Christmas specials in the last week, so bring your spare change and see what surprises we have on offer.
There are still quite a few IOU notes outstanding, could you please arrange to have these paid as soon as possible. Thank you.
A big thank you for supporting us throughout the year by purchasing lunch and recess items, and to our helpful Year 6 students who have willingly offered to help us serve on busy days. You have all been amazing, best wishes and happiness to you at your new schools.
We hope that everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday with family and friends.

Deb & Adriana
The Uniform Shop is open Thursdays from 8.15am - 9am for all your uniform needs! Doors will not open outside of these hours.
Please note that students have transitioned to their Summer Uniform for Term 4.
If your child is currently in Kindy or Pre Primary, you can now purchase your uniforms for 2025, you don't need an appointment for a forward order.
The online ordering system is also available for placing these orders as well.
The Uniform Shop will be open on Monday, 2 December from 10.00am-11.00am onsite.
For families who place an online order after the end of year closure, you can collect your orders on 23 January from 9.30-10.30am at Gate 3 - the bottom carpark located off Tuart Road. You do not need to exit your car, just give your name and your order will be handed to you through the window.
We will have a size range available for try on at our Osborne Park showroom from 8 January. JFE will have extended opening hours for January only - click here for details.
Finally the uniform shop will open onsite (school shop) on Thursday, 30 January from 8.00am-10.00am.
JFE Details
Phone: 9204 1701
Email: saes@jfe.net.au


To read this week's P & F Newsletter - CLICK HERE
To keep up to date, head to our private Facebook page by clicking here.
7 Liwara Place
Greenwood, WA
Father Elver Delicano
Monday – Friday 6am & 9am
Saturdays 6pm
Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am & 5:30pm
Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am - 3pm
m: 0466604754
e: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au

Last week at 24:7 Greenwood we had our Encounter Night along with some fun and games. We started off with cricket on the oval and card games inside before moving into our formal games for the night.
We then moved up into the Church for our talk and Encounter part of our night. We were lucky enough to be joined by Mario Borg who shared his testimony and faith journey with us before moving into some prayer and reflection time to finish off the night.
At our next youth group this week we will be having a games night and will have the PlayStation set up with games, as well as a heap of fun board games and cards.

God bless,
Jesse and Lucy
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers


As we head towards summer, a lot of families are starting to get back into the water or planning holidays by the beach, rivers, or swimming pools. It is important we help them support their child to stay safe and confident in the water.
VacSwim provides children aged five to 17 years with the opportunity to develop and progress their swimming and water safety skills during the October and summer school holidays. We offer programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced swimmers at over 175 locations across Western Australia.
For further information, details of locations and how to enrol, please visit our website.

Dental Health Services
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
Greenwood Primary School | Merivale Way, Greenwood,Wa,6024
Ph: (08) 92035611 |

We are now accepting Pre Kindy - Year 6 enrolments for 2026, 2027 & beyond. Please contact the school if you have any questions on 6224 2000 or via email: enquiries@liwara.wa.edu.au for more information.