Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Our students and staff were very excited last Friday and were all out together to soak in the sunshine around our new playground equipment that was installed by Adventure+ playgrounds with a community grant funding of $20K going towards the project provided by an ‘Invitation Only’ opportunity that Anne Aly put our P&F forward for a Stronger Communities Grant application. Our hard working P&F applied for this grant late last year, with the Liwara Netball Club as their sponsor, and were successful! Thank you P&F and the LNC!
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION - The Sacrament of Eucharist
Our prayers, best wishes and congratulations go out to our Year 4 students and families on such a very special occasion and hope that by receiving Jesus they will grow in love, forgiveness and service for others. Thank you to our teachers, Mrs Karen Swift and Mr Barry McGilloway, Fr Elver and the Parish Sacramental Team who have been guiding and supporting our students through their preparations. The Masses will be held over the next two weekends. Your support and prayers for our children and families at this special time is greatly appreciated.
KINDY 2023/2024 AND PRE KINDY 2023
If you have a child who is due to start Kindy in 2023, I urge you to contact our enrolment officer, Karen Rosser, to discuss the enrolment process as the places are filling steadily. I am currently meeting with future and current parents for our Kindy 2023/2024 & Pre Kindy 2023 interviews.
Jessica Stojkovski MLA visited our Year 6 students last week and shared a lot of interesting information about Civics and Citizenship and the Australian Government. Following are some interesting facts the students shared about what they had learnt from the visit:
What we found interesting…
- Mrs Stojkovksi gets no annual leave or any sick leave!
- There is now a new rule that women are allowed to take their babies in with them when parliament is sitting!
- It will soon be a rule that you can’t have barrier bags at supermarkets.
- What I found interesting was just the amount of things she has to do each year!
- What I also found interesting is that she only won her election by 307 votes.
- She works 70 hours a week
- I found it interesting that there are many different departments responsible for different things like the Bureau of Meteorology.
- What I found interesting is that Mrs Stojkovski is part of the Legislative Party
Play is an essential part of life and can be fostered and strengthened in preschool classrooms to promote learning and growth.
If all pre-schoolers do is play all day, how could they possibly be learning? Outsiders might believe that play is just play, but to an educator’s eye, play serves a multitude of different and important functions.
Imaginative play is an outlet, a safe space where children can explore the world around them and process their experiences. They might work through their fears and apprehensions of their recent check up by playing the role of the doctor in their next imaginative play session. Perhaps they play the part of “mum” or “dad” to harness that feeling of control they very rarely have in their lives. Through these dramas, children have a chance to process their thoughts and feelings and explore their relationships with other children. Imaginative play is a great instrument to use to learn the rules of friendship making (and keeping), negotiation, and communication.
Imaginative play also serves the important purpose of allowing children to practice skills and concepts taught during teacher-guided learning. There are certain simple adjustments that educators can make to their classroom in order to facilitate learning through imaginative play.
Literacy skills are organically fostered in imaginative play as children communicate with each other and build coherent stories to act out. Imaginative play corners are turned into a restaurant where children create signs for the restaurant and menus to give to their customers.
Keeping with the restaurant theme, children can practice their mathematical skills by figuring out how many plates, cups, forks, and spoons their guests will need. They can add prices to the menu and practice their addition and subtraction skills when settling the bill at the end of the meal. Finally, the children can employ their engineering skills to construct their restaurant using cardboard boxes or other recycled building material.
This is just one example of one period of play that utilizes skills from several subjects. The possibilities to incorporate integrated studies into imaginative play are quite honestly endless. Creating situations where our students can demonstrate or practice what they’ve learned through teaching, imaginative play is used as evidence of their learning. Excerpts taken from an article by Maggie Sabin April 4, 2022

On the last two days of Term 2 the staff will be travelling down to the St John of God Retreat Centre in Shoalwater for our bi-annual Staff Spiritual Retreat. It is a time set apart to be in quiet, rest and solitude with God. For generations, people have gone on spiritual retreats to encounter God and experience spiritual renewal…… it is a way of entering into the presence of God and allowing him to nourish our souls.
The Liwara CPS Vacation Care Program for June and July is now available. To discover all the fun things the children will be involved with head to our website where you will find the full program: https://www.liwara.wa.edu.au/out-of-school-hours-care-oshc/
Wishing you God’s blessings and a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
Holy Communion
Please keep in your prayers the Year 4 and Catechist students as they receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion this weekend and the following weekend.
Class Visits
Fr Elver will be meeting with Kindy Green in Week 8 and Kindy Red in Week 9.
Parish Mass
Year 1 will be attending All Saints Parish Mass on Wednesday 15th June.
Performance Assembly
The second of our revived Performance Assemblies this term will be performed by the Year 2 classes on Friday 24th June in the All Saints Parish Church.
End of Term Mass
The End of Term Mass will be held in the All Saints Parish Church on Wednesday 29th June commencing at 9am. Values Awards will be presented after this Mass.
Liwara Cross Country Carnival
The annual Cross Country Carnival was held in beautiful sunshine as the students did their best to get around the oval and through ‘the ditch’ as quickly as possible. It was great to see so many parents/grandparents, there in support of their children.
Congratulations to all students for their outstanding efforts to earn points for their faction and, in particular, to those who won awards for their placings.
Well done also to all those in Boree for their overall win.
Place | Faction | Points |
1st | Boree | 534 |
2nd | Teangi | 409 |
3rd | Aroona | 384 |
4th | Rawlinna | 358 |
Champion Boys | Champion Girls | |
Pre Primary | ||
2nd 3rd |
Xavier B
Harvey W Theo M |
Darcy P
Sophia O Tara M |
Year One | ||
2nd 3rd |
Max B
Cooper O Jack F |
Maddy K
Maggie M Alessia B |
Year Two | ||
2nd 3rd |
Ethan G
Zac P Jonah M |
Makenzie M
Willow W Heidi A |
Year Three | ||
2nd 3rd |
Alexander F
Mason C Mitchell M |
Poppy M
Brooklyn G Chelsea M |
Year Four | ||
2nd 3rd |
Michael L
Aiden S Cody L |
Sienna B
Olivia L Myla O |
Year Five | ||
2nd 3rd |
Daniel K
Ashton B Christian C |
Aiza T
Molly O Holly M |
Year Six | ||
2nd 3rd |
Flynn H
Ryder S Harry J |
Mia B
Katie W Lara C |
NIPSSA Winter Carnival
On Friday 2nd June all the Year 5 and Year 6 students participated in the annual NIPSSA Winter Carnival. Liwara competed in Boys and Girls Soccer, Boys AFL and Netball. By all reports, despite a little bit of early rain, everyone enjoyed the opportunity to meet and play against students from other schools in their chosen sport. Once again, there was much feedback about the terrific sportsmanship shown by the Liwara students. Congratulations to all the players for this. A very big thank you to all the parents (Mr and Mrs Pavlovic, Mr Magorian, Mrs O’Brien, Ms Fitzgerald, Mrs Fitt and Mrs Bright) who volunteered their time and skills to assist with the coaching of the teams.

Interschool Cross Country
The Interschool Cross Country Carnival will be held on Friday 24th June at Mawson Park, Flinders Ave, Hillarys. Students who were invited to represent the school, will have last week received a letter of invitation with further details included. Please note that training for this event will take place on Tuesday mornings at 8am on the school oval and Wednesday’s 15th and 22nd June at Mawson Park, starting at 3.30pm till 4pm.
Important Dates
Please note - all events will be conducted under the appropriate COVID procedures and protocols in accordance with Catholic Education WA directives.
June 11 - First Communion Mass
June 12 - First Communion Masses
June 13 - Communion Retreat
June 15 - Parish Mass - Year 1
June 17 - Music Performance Assembly
June 18 - First Communion Mass
June 19 - First Communion Masses
June 24 - Performance Assembly - Year 2
June 25 - First Communion Certificate Mass
June 26 - First Communion Certificate Masses
June 29 - Last Day Term 2 - & End of Term Mass
June 30 - Staff Retreat - Pupil Free Day
July 1 - Staff Retreat - Pupil Free Day
July 4-15 School Holidays
July 18 - Pupil Free Day
July 19 - First Day Term 3
Our Classroom News
What is happening in Pre Kindy
This term our Pre Kindy students enjoyed participating in Pirate Day. This has inspired our play and imagination. We have made our own telescopes, pirate drawings and treasure chests. We have encouraged the students interests by setting up our own pirate area with mermaids, treasure and sea creatures. It has been an endless source of fun, creativity and cooperation. What an adventure!

Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop should be opening up to the public very soon. However, you can still place your orders online. Should you need to exchange an item, please place a note with the item and return to the office for exchange. JFE contact details are:-
Phone - 9204 1701
Email - sales@jfe.net.au
Ordering Details
Uniform order forms can be found on the school website https://www.liwara.wa.edu.au/school-uniform/. Full payment is required when you place the order and items will be delivered to your child's class on arrival. If you have any questions about uniforms please send them via email to sales@jfe.net.au or call 9204 1701
Parents & Friends News

The Heart Project - Parent and Child Workshop

Join us for an afternoon of growth, connection and fun where you and your young person aged 7-12 years will together learn a little more about each other to grow your relationship and help build a stronger connection in a supported and relaxed space!
Small group workshop, places are limited! Click below to visit our website and to book!
BOOK HERE - The Heart Project

All of our students are covered for 24 Hour Accident Insurance through Catholic Church Insurance Ltd. Students are covered even if the injury occurs out of school hours. Claims can be made online using the link - https://ccinsurance.org.au/Client-Centre/Claims/Pages/SchoolCare-Claim-Form.aspx OR download and complete the PDF and return it to the School Office. CCI School Care
ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. Enrich your love for one another away from everyday distractions. What better way to celebrate the gift of your unique love than to make time to focus on each other and your marriage. We invite you to join us on our next Worldwide Marriage Encounter on 29-31 July 2022 (Live in Atrium Hotel Mandurah). For more information or booking contact: Valerie & Brendon on 0424 220 625 – Email: WAbookings@wwme.org.au Website – www.wwme.org.au
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 0466604754
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
PARISH OFFICE OPENING TIMES: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 6.00am & 9.00am
Saturday – Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am, 10.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & 5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request
Church Cleaning
All Saints Catholic Church is looking for volunteers to join their cleaning crew! As a volunteer, you will be given a cleaning task that will take you 30-60 mins and you will be on roster once every 7 weeks. You can clean at a time that suits you best.
If you can help, contact Adam Davini, 0416 549 905 or adamdavini@iinet.net.au
Are you an adult thinking about becoming a Catholic?
Not sure where to begin? Like to find out more without obligation or pressure? If you are interested, in discovering what the Church has to offer or for further information, please contact Fr Elver (0466 604 754) or Juliet Southgate (6113 2799)
24:7 Greenwood Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6-12
This Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Church meeting room
Click on the links to download the latest newsletters.
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers