Prayer for Father's Day
God our Father, we give you thanks and praise for fathers young and old.
We pray for young fathers, newly embracing their vocation;
May they find courage and perseverance to balance work, family and faith in joy and sacrifice.
We pray for fathers around the world whose children are lost or suffering:
May they know that the God of compassion walks with them in their sorrow.
We pray for men who are not fathers, but mentor and guide us with fatherly love and advice.
We remember fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers
who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love

The Liwara Newsletter, Volume 15
30th August 2024

In this week's newsletter:
- Catholic Performing Arts Festival
- Father's Day Celebration
- Liwara Father's Night
- 50th Anniversary Update
and more...
Dear Parents and Caregivers
I am thrilled to announce that our students who took part in the recent Catholic Performing Arts Festival, showcasing their excellent talents and hard work, delivered amazing performances! I am proud to highlight the incredible work of our Music teacher, Miss Natalie Mandry, who has played a pivotal role in fostering a welcoming and fun environment where our students are encouraged to excel. She has created a space where every student feels valued, motivated, and inspired to reach their full potential.
Each event was a wonderful opportunity for our students to shine, and they certainly did not disappoint! Our School Choir and Rock Band captivated the audience with their harmonious voices and impeccable coordination, earning high praises from the judges. Their dedication to rehearsals and passion for music were evident in every note they sang. In addition to the choir’s success, several individual students also stood out with their exceptional performances in various categories. Their skill, poise and musicality were truly impressive, and they represented our school with pride and excellence.
We are incredibly proud of all our students who participated in the festival. Their achievements are a testament to their commitment and the outstanding Music program at our school. Congratulations to everyone involved – you have made us all very proud!
I am delighted to share that our recent Father’s Day celebration was a tremendous success, with an impressive turnout from our community. The day was filled with warmth, gratitude, and reflection as we honoured our fathers and father figures who play such important roles in our lives. After sharing some delightful insights from our students, the guests gathered for a sumptuous morning tea, where attendees enjoyed delicious treats, warm beverages, and wonderful company. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and camaraderie as the guests came together to celebrate this special day.
I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended and contributed to making this event so memorable. Your presence and participation made this day truly special, and we look forward to more gatherings that bring our community closer together.
A reminder for all our dads and father figures that the P&F are anticipating a great turn out for the Liwara Father’s Night on Friday, 6 September from 6:00-10:30pm. To book a ticket click into the link on the Liwara P&F Association Facebook page for a night filled with fun, laughter and unforgettable memories! From interactive games to creative challenges, everyone will have a blast participating and cheering each other on. The event will provide a wonderful opportunity for fathers and other father figures to connect, share some laughs, and strengthen their bonds in a relaxed and fun stetting. Thank you to our P&F for organising this great event. If you are unable to log in to book your tickets, don’t be disappointed, just turn up on the night as you will be very welcome and payment can be made at the door
Try booking is for those who wish to pay in Advance https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1272273

Just under one week to go to our 50th Anniversary Day filled with celebrations. From the formal event at 9:30am, followed by morning tea and the School Open for all guests to wander through, to lots of fun and merriment on the oval for our students and families in the afternoon. As if all this isn’t enough, we are opening our doors to our school community to celebrate all the incredible work and achievement of our school over the past 50 years. The event is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our school’s rich history, vibrant community, and the exceptional talents of our students and staff.
If you has set aside time to come along to the morning events, and you haven’t yet sent through your attendance, please check our FB page and RSVP to the email 50@liwara.wa.edu.au, as outlined in the invitation on so we have a seat reserved and your name tag all ready for you. You will also be advised of the parking arrangements for the day as it is going to be a busy morning. In the afternoon we are looking forward to our school oval coming alive with music, laughter, and dancing from 12:00pm. We hope to see many of our families and friends gathered for a fun afternoon with the lively Mucky Duck Bush Band.
POLY COTTON JUMPERS (NON ITCH) NOW AVAILABLE – Our Uniform Shop would like to remind all families that they have plenty of the non-itch poly cotton jumpers in stock.
KINDY TO PRE-PRIMARY UNIFORMS - Students going into PP next year will be informed soon of when the uniform shop will be holding their fitting day for all Kindy students. The new reversable hats are a one size fits all and will be a bit too large for most of our Kindy children so to ensure they are kept sun safe the uniform shop have a good supply of the school legionnaire style hats available.
PRE-PRIMARY TO YEAR 1 STUDENTS – Students moving into Year 1 will be informed soon of when the uniform shop will be holding their fitting day for all our PP students.

We currently have a limited number of vacancies for 2024 across selected year groups, I urge you to contact our Enrolment Officer, as soon as possible, to discuss the enrolment process. I am currently meeting with future and current parents for our 2025 Kindy and Pre Kindy placements. Enrolment information and applications can be downloaded from our school website HERE or a paper copy can be collected from the school office.
- Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial for academic success. Please ensure students arrive on time and are prepared for classes.
- Car Park Protocol: Parking in student drop off and pick up bays, in either of the drive through areas, is not allowed. Please do not leave your car unattended and/or parked in the drive through areas at any time.
- Communication: Stay in touch with your child’s learning through the school’s communication platform, Seesaw. Regular updates and information will be sent out to keep you informed.
Warm regards
Mrs Andrea Millar
Please feel free to share the information below with any past or present school community members. If you are attending this event, please RSVP to: 50@liwara.wa.edu.au by 30 August.

Catholic Performing Arts Festival
Congratulations to our outstanding choir for their performances at Catholic Performing Arts Festival. Well done Miss Mandry, on leading such amazing performances.
Music Assembly
Our talented musicians will perform for us on Friday, 6 September at 2:20pm in the Liwara Hall. All are invited to attend.
Good luck to all our Confirmation candidates who will be completing their sacrament on the weekend of the 7th and 8th September. Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they make this important step in their faith journey.
Pupil Free Days
A reminder Monday, 2 September and Tuesday, 3 September are Pupil Free Days. We wish all families a safe and restful long weekend.
Liwara Athletics Carnival
All families are invited to join us for the Athletics Carnival on Friday, 13 September. More information can be found via Seesaw. We have been unsuccessful at securing a coffee van, if you know of someone who might be interested, please ask them to contact our administration team.
Miss Angela Leddin & Mrs Jesseca Francis
Assistant Principals
In Term Three we are focusing on our school value of Mercy. We display mercy by accepting others for who they are and by showing compassion and care for their needs.

TERM 3 - 15 July to 20 September 2024
TERM 4 - 8 October to 6 December 2024
Pupil Free Days & Public Holidays 2024:
- 2 September - Pupil Free Day
- 3 September - Pupil Free Day
- 7 October - Pupil Free Day
Week 8
1 Sept - Father's Day
2 Sept - Pupil Free Day
3 Sept - Pupil Free Day
5 Sept - Running Club @ 8.00am
5 Sept - 50th Anniversary Celebration @ 9.30am
5 Sept - Lunch on the oval with MDBB
5 Sept - Learning Journey @ 3.30pm
6 Sept - Yr 6 Incursion: Jessica Stojkovski
6 Sept - Music Assembly @ 2.20pm
6 Sept - P & F LADS - Dad's Night
7 Sept - Confirmation Mass @ 6.00pm
8 Sept - Confirmation Mass @ 9.30am
Week 9
9 Sept - PP-Yr2: Constable Care Incursion
10 Sept - Running Club @ 8.00am
10 Sept - Neurodiversity Meeting @ 2.00pm
11 Sept - AGC Workshop @ 11.00am
12 Sept - Running Club @ 8.00am
12 Sept - Yr2 Parish Mass @ 9.00am
12 Sept - R U OK Day
13 Sept - Liwara Athletics Carnival
14 Sept - Confirmation Certificate Mass @ 6.00pm
15 Sept - Confirmation Certificate Mass - All Masses
The students at Liwara looked amazing at our book week parade as they brought their favourite book characters to life. The staff put on a fantastic performance of Rory H Mathers, Get back in your books. Thank you to our wonderful families for supporting this event and for all the effort that went into the costumes.

Update from the Environment Ministry
Did you know plastic has only existed for 116 years and it’s already a huge problem? Only 14% of plastic is recycled. We are trying to make a massive difference here at Liwara. So, what could you do? You can support Liwara’s Wrapper Free Wednesday! Pack your children a healthy lunch without wrappers on Wednesdays. Let’s make a difference together!

All students are encouraged to return their borrowed books before school from 8.15am to go into the weekly raffle draw.
Library Days
Tuesday – Years 1 & 2
Wednesday – Years 3, 5 & 6
Thursday – Kindy, Pre-Primary & Year 4
Book Returns
If you have outstanding library books, they can be dropped into the main office.
Library Bags for Sale
The Liwara Craft Group have made Library bags. They are selling them for $10.00 a bag and all profits go towards the craft stall for the School Fair.
If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these beautiful bags, they can be purchased through Trybookings:
Bring your receipt to the Library and select a bag!

Mrs Clark
Book Week is always a fun week and we were extra busy making some special recess items to mark the occasion. This year the canteen featured and decorated for the book Bluey and Bingos Fancy Restaurant Cookbook. Extra items we sold included, blueberry pikelets, Bingo Cheesies, blueberry and yoghurt cups and frozen cubes, blueberry scones and berry smoothies along with our other usual items. Thank you for supporting the canteen, we hope you enjoyed book week.
The canteen will not be open on Friday, 13 September for Sports Day, we have removed this day for ordering as we will be on the oval cooking the sausages for the delicious sausage sizzles.
Thank you for supporting the Liwara Canteen. .

Deb & Adriana
The Uniform Shop is open Thursdays from 8.15am - 9am for all your uniform needs! Doors will not open outside of these hours.
Please note that students are required to wear their winter uniform for Term 3 2024.
JFE Details
Phone: 9204 1701
Email: saes@jfe.net.au


To read this week's P & F Newsletter, click here
To keep up to date, head to our private Facebook page by clicking here.
7 Liwara Place
Greenwood, WA
Father Elver Delicano
Monday – Friday 6am & 9am
Saturdays 6pm
Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am & 5:30pm
Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am - 3pm
m: 0466604754
e: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au

Last week at 24:7 Greenwood we had an awesome Games Night. We started our night with some board games and dodgeball before moving into a big game of Spoons. Our final activity for the night was Spotlight which once again saw some unique and creative hiding spots.
Last week on Friday, our youth ministers along with some other leaders helped to facilitate the year 6 retreat at Liwara Catholic Primary in preparation for the students to receive their Confirmation. We also have plans to hold a post confirmation party for the students on the weekend following making the Sacrament.
Next youth group we will be continuing to explore our term theme, Life of Faith, by having youth minister Bella, come to share with us about Faith and Family by looking at how we can bring Christ into our family dynamics and relationships.

Dear Year 4 Parents and Guardians,
Sacred Heart College warmly invites you to express interest in Year 7 2027 enrolment.
The Year 7 2027 enrolment process commences in mid-January 2025. To ensure you are invited to complete an application for your child and for a tour of the College, we strongly recommend completing an Expression of Interest (EOI) for each child by the end of Year 4. The EOI has an $85 non-refundable fee. To commence an EOI please click here.
For more information regarding our enrolments policy, please click here to view our website.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact College Registrar Niki Jenkins on 08 9246 8283 or registrar@sacredheart.wa.edu.au.

As we head towards summer, a lot of families are starting to get back into the water or planning holidays by the beach, rivers, or swimming pools. It is important we help them support their child to stay safe and confident in the water.
VacSwim provides children aged five to 17 years with the opportunity to develop and progress their swimming and water safety skills during the October and summer school holidays. We offer programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced swimmers at over 175 locations across Western Australia.
For further information, details of locations and how to enrol, please visit our website.

Due to popular demand, the Holiday clinic is back for Auskick & Superkick for the upcoming September Holidays at Seacrest Park in Sorrento!
Subiaco - Holiday Program: Subiaco District - Seacrest Reserve, Sorrento
- Tuesday/Wednesday – October 1st + 2nd
- 9.00am – 12.00pm
Registration Links Below:
- Auskick: (Ages 5-7 Pre Primary, Year One and Year Two)
https://www.playhq.com/afl/register/0a767a - Superkick: (Ages 8-12 Year Three, Four, Five and Six)

Dental Health Services
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
Greenwood Primary School | Merivale Way, Greenwood,Wa,6024
Ph: (08) 92035611 |

Term 3 School Holidays 🙂
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
CLOSED : Monday 23rd September
OPEN : Tuesday 24th-Wednesday 25th
CLOSED : Thursday 26th
OPEN : Friday 27th Sept.
OPEN : Mon 30th Sept - Friday 4th October
The Education Minister’s Running Challenge has started this term. A great way to embrace the Olympic spirit and help get students and staff to active this term. Any running, walking or wheeling can be counted towards the challenge. Participating means being in the running for some great rewards:
• Weekly prizes will be awarded to primary and secondary students who have logged activity that week. Prizes include Apple Airtags, Fitbits, Wonderboom Bluetooth Speakers and mini‑golf vouchers to name a few.
• Exciting rewards for some schools when weekly activity is logged.
• Free registration for students in the Perth Running Festival Burswood Park 4km Dash on Sunday 6 October at Optus Stadium.
Registrations are now open and you can sign up at the link below.

For boys and girls aged 8 to 16 years. Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd of October 2024. WA Athletics Stadium. 8.30am-3pm. $125 per day. Or $240 for both days. Includes a personised certificate. Choose ANY 4 events per day. More Info: http://sprintingfast.com/

We are now accepting Pre Kindy - Year 6 enrolments for 2026, 2027 & beyond. Please contact the school if you have any questions on 6224 2000 or via email: enquiries@liwara.wa.edu.au for more information.