Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers
On behalf of the School Leadership Team and Advisory Council members I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in our recent School Community Survey. Your care and consideration in filling out the survey, has given us a range of useful data to build on and maintain strong and effective family-school partnerships. What better way to build community than sharing your hopes and aspirations for our beautiful school!
This week has been another busy one as teachers are finalising learning programs ready for preparing the Semester One reports for our students. I have also been spending many wonderful hours meeting with our new Kindy families who will be joining our school community next year and in 2023. So many new families I met are hearing about Liwara from current families so I encourage you to continue spreading the word! If you know of any families wanting to join our vibrant and welcoming Liwara Community please ask them to contact the school office or give them our website address https://www.liwara.wa.edu.au/ , where they can click onto the Enrolment EOI Tab at the top of the home page to send through their details. The front office staff will contact them to organise a tour and enrolment interview as soon as possible.
As Catholics, we know that the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith: it is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Pope Francis has called it the “Sacrament of Love: “The Eucharist is at the heart of ‘Christian initiation’, together with Baptism and Confirmation, and it constitutes the source of the Church’s life itself. From this Sacrament of love, in fact, flows every authentic journey of faith, of communion, and of witness.” Jesus comes to us in a unique way in the Eucharist. When He comes, we receive Him into our body and our soul. This is very beautiful, personal and intimate.
Our prayers and congratulations go out to our Year 4 students and families on such a very special occasion and hope that by receiving Jesus they will grow in love, forgiveness and service for others, to be like Jesus. Thank you to our teachers, Mrs Karen Swift and Mr Barry McGilloway, Fr Elver and the Parish Sacramental Team who have been guiding and supporting all the students through their preparations. The Masses have been lovely and a wonderful reflection of the commitment of our faith. Your support and prayers for our children and families at this special time is greatly appreciated.
Mr Dols had the privilege of accompanying some of our student leaders to the official launch of LifeLink Day 2021 held at Newman College, Churchlands. Through LifeLink, our students are encourage to learn more about the real ‘need’ which exists in the community, and how our Church agencies, through LifeLink, respond to this need. Archbishop Timothy Costello spoke to the students about how God is calling us to be a Christ-centred Church in Australia that is joyful, hope-filled and shows servant leadership.
On the last two days of Term 2 the staff will be travelling down to the St John of God Retreat Centre in Shoalwater for our bi-annual Staff Spiritual Retreat. It is a time set apart to be in quiet, rest and solitude with God. For generations, people have gone on spiritual retreats to encounter God and experience spiritual renewal…… it is a way of entering into the presence of God and allowing him to nourish our souls. We have Fr Elver coming to celebrate Mass with us and the Religious Education Coordinator from Catholic Education WA will be spending the day focussed on ‘Mercy’. We will be looking at the School Value of Mercy and how it connects directly to the Mercy Order of our founding Principal, Sr Leonie O’Brien.
Friday before last, our students participated in the wonderfully organised Cross Country Carnival. The students were cheered on by our families and younger students as they ran the course around the oval. I was so impressed by the sportsmanship that was shown amongst our students, which complemented the natural competitive streak of our natural long distance runners. A big thank you to Mr Dols for organising and facilitating this event for our students and good luck to those students who have been selected to represent our school at the Interschool Cross Country Carnival in Week 10.
Liwara Facebook Page:
If you aren’t yet following our Liwara Facebook page please do. The more ‘likes’ the greater our reach to the community, showcasing and advertising our wonderful community and sharing the exciting learning happening in our school. Please share with your family members! It’s a great way to keep grandparents and extended family members up to date with what is happening at school.
From The Assistant Principals' Desk
First Holy Communion
Congratulations to the students who received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion last weekend. Children will continue to receive this Sacrament this weekend on Saturday June 19th at 6pm and Sunday 20th at 9.30am and 11.00am.
Please continue to remember all the candidates in our prayers and wish them and their families the very best for this significant step in their Faith Journey.
Whole School Prayer
Our next Whole School Prayer in the Church will be hosted by the Year 1 students, commencing at 2.40pm on Monday 21st June.
End of Term Mass
Our Whole School Mass to celebrate the end of term is on Tuesday 29th June at 11:15am. At the conclusion of this Mass we will also be presenting the Values Awards for Respect.
MSP Photography
Class and Portrait photos are scheduled to be taken by MSP Photography on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd June.
Details as such:
- Students are expected to be in full Winter Uniform (including jumpers) for class photos.
- Every student will have their photo taken, whether they are purchasing photos or not.
- The school has chosen to use the online ordering system.
- Your child will be given an online ordering instruction slip and a unique student shootkey.
- Logon to msp.com.au and follow the prompts to place your order.
- If you lose your shootkey the school reception will have a copy to quote back to you.
- The expiry date for online ordering is the 29.06.2021.
- Any orders received after this date will incur a $30.00 archive fee.
- Spare envelopes (green) are available at school reception should you wish to pay via cash.
Family Photos:
- Envelopes can be obtained from School Administration.
- Family photos are taken each morning before school (Surname A-L on Tues. 22nd and M- Z on Wed. 23rd)
- Please ensure that your family envelope and payment are handed to the photographers on photo day.
- If you do not have the correct money, MSP Photography will provide any change needed when photos are delivered to the school.
- Family photos cannot be ordered online.
- Once school has received photos, family photos will remain at reception for parents to collect.
Please Note:
- Individual Portraits and Family Images are not available to view online for Students’ Security.
- If for any reason you need to contact MSP regarding your child’s photos you will be asked to provide your child’s shootkey.
- It would be worth remembering that, with the cancellation of the Liwara Annual Yearbook, this will be the only opportunity to access a copy of your child’s class photo.
Below is a schedule for all photos to be taken. Please note there have been changes to the Wednesday:
Tuesday 22nd June | Wednesday 23rd June | |||
8.00 | Staff | 8.00 | Family Photos (M-Z) | |
8.10 | Family Photos (A-L) | |||
9.00 | OSHC | |||
9.10 | KR | 9.10 | PK (Wed) | |
9.30 | KG | 9.30 | 2R | |
9.50 | PPR | 9.50 | 2G | |
10.10 | PPG | 10.10 | 4R | |
Recess | Recess | |||
11.00 | 6G | 11.00 | 4G | |
11.20 | 6R | 11.20 | 3G | |
11.40 | 1G | 11.40 | 3R | |
12.00 | 1R | 12.00 | Graduation | |
12.20 | 5G | 12.20 | Rock Band | |
12.40 Lunch | 12.40 | Lunch | ||
1.20 | 5R | 1.20 | Senior choir | |
Junior choir |
Cross Country
Liwara Cross Country Carnival Results
God blessed us with the perfect weather for our Cross Country Carnival on Friday 4th June. All students who participated were challenged but persisted in order to earn valuable points for their respective factions.
Congratulations to those students who were awarded medals/ribbons for their early placements in the events.
At the end of the day the results were as such:
1st - Boree (870pts)
2nd - Aroona (772pts)
3rd - Teangi (735pts)
4th - Rawlinna (568pts)
Congratulations Boree!
NIPSSA Interschool Cross Country Carnival
The annual Interschool Cross Country carnival will be held next Friday 25th June at Mawson Park Hillarys. A team of 48 Liwara students will compete against 27 other schools in events for Year 3 to Year 6 students. The students have been busily training in preparation for their event and we wish them well in their endeavours.
Important Dates
Term 2
June 22 & 23 - Class & Portrait Photos
June 25 - Interschool Cross Country
June 29 - Whole School Mass
June 30 - NAIDOC Day celebrations & Last day of term 2 for students
July 1 – Pupil Free Day
July 2 – Pupil Free Day
July 3 – July 18 - School Holidays
Term 3
July 19 – First day of term 3 for students
August 30 - Pupil Free Day
September 24 - Last day of term 3 for students
Term 4
October 12 - First day of term 4 for students
December 10 - Last day for students (TBC)
Last Wednesday, the Year Four students had a great day celebrating their First Holy Communion Retreat run by 24/7 Ministry. The students enjoyed all sorts of games, crafts and learning about the importance of receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time. We had fun getting to know the small group leaders and all about their journey through the Sacraments. We made awesome artwork using the grapes to symbolise the Blood of Christ. We even got to share real bread together! The day was rounded off by a very special recreation of the Last Supper.
Scribe Tribe
We love to write and our focus is to find those Spirit of Jesus (S.O.J) and God moments and share them with our community. Once you pay attention, those moments appear daily!
This week, The Scribe Tribe has focused on ‘God Moments’. These are moments that take our breathe away, and the best part about them, is that they were gifted to us from Jesus. Sunsets, beaches, rainbows after a storm; we just need to open our eyes and feel gratitude. See if you can connect with any of the ‘God Moments’ below…
I was looking up at the sky one night and my Mum called me. She said it was a lunar moon and I was shocked as I jumped up from the couch and started running to the front door. The door was open, the stars shining above our heads, the light shining across our faces. I could not believe that this is a part of the world we live in. I asked my Mum where the lunar moon was and she said, “look up, right in front of you.” So, I did and the light stunned me as bright as five moons combined. I was so shocked that I could not believe it. This is a part of our world and a once in a lifetime opportunity. I cannot believe we were witnessing it, it was beautiful and a God moment. We all looked up one more time, the light still there now shining across. The front of our house, it was beautiful. -Flynn
I opened my eyes, opening my window in the early morning, and to see the beautiful sun rising from the sky, making a shade of pink, orange, red and rose, l looked around seeing the flowers growing in my neighbour’s front yard. The wonderful breeze blowing through my window, l take a deep breath through my nose, and feel relaxed and calm. The wonderful nature around me is so wonderful and l couldn’t be more grateful for everything l have, without the nature there for us, there would be a small population or no population. - Natalia
I leaned against the railing on the jetty, gazing at the beautiful patterns the water had formed. It was early in the morning, so not many people were in the harbour. The usual hum of people eating and talking was replaced with by lapping of the shallow water and birds’ whistles. The water in front of me gleamed and a school of large fish skimmed the water. Shags ducked their head under the water and sped under, looking for food. Bumpy orange starfish were dotted across the sand covered in water, which the bright, clear blue sky reflected on. I counted the starfish sprawled on the harbour floor. One, two, three, four, I got all the way to fourteen! The blue sky and beautiful water made me sigh with happiness. - Stella
Looking Across the River Shannon (In Ireland): The water was sparkling like diamonds and rippling in the wind, making every person who passes stare in amazement. The swans glide gracefully over the water, then honking in fright if a boat happens to cross their path. The sun is shining in the sky, with the echo of birds squeaking in my ears. The grass feels light and dewy, and there are little insects crawling on the ground. There is a soft breeze blowing in the air, and it feels like a good day. - Cora
As I slowly roll out of bed my eyes still half closed, my hair looked like a tornado had hit it. I open my blinds and look out the window to see a blinding light. At first, I think it is a flashlight but as my eyes slowly adjust, I see these beautiful colours of pink and red and I feel the sun beam its beauty into me. I start to feel this warm glow inside of me and as I turn around, I know that this beautiful morning meant that there was a beautiful day ahead of me. After my beautiful day, the rain started. I felt a gloomy feel, the world has turned grey. A few minutes later, the rain had stopped smashing on the roof. I look outside and the sun has gone down. I walk outside and the beautiful white lights twinkle in the sky with a big moon and I think, what a wonderful world. - Aidan
I dragged myself out of bed and tried to see through the darkness and my squinting eyes. I go out the front to see if the bins had been picked up and there it is, a beautiful masterpiece of reds, pinks, oranges and yellows, like it was out of an art gallery. I immediately rush back inside and grab my iPad to take a picture as I didn’t want to miss this beauty of our Earth. - Brianna
‘God Moments’ happen all around us. They are beautiful sights, but I saw an amazing one when I went on holiday. It was early in the morning, and I went outside of my tent and the light house was still going, the sun was coming up and the sky was a beautiful rainbow colour with light blue. It was the best God Moment ever and I loved it. - Chloe
Studies show that reading at home is a key factor in a child’s lifelong learning success, Book Club supports us in bringing affordable books into your homes.
Sales from Issue 4 raised rewards totaling $215.40. With these rewards we will be able to purchase books and other resources from Scholastic for our library and classrooms. From January 1, 2021 the school has sold books totaling $5,880.90 and rewards earned = $856.21
Thank you to our families who purchase books and to our Book Club coordinator Jen Jones.
At our Outside School Hours Care service, the children have shown great interest in sewing and fashion design. Here you can see some of the children’s projects, a poncho, an apron, and a bag. Together as a team, the children have been working hard to design new fashion items and implementing their designs into real life creations.
Canteen News
A big thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that have helped in the Canteen this term.
It certainly makes it easier to provide all the meals that are on our menu.
The next “specials” for this term have been added. Ham Carbonara and Tuna Mornay.
We hope you are enjoying them if you have ordered this week. Very tasty!!
Another supply of lettuce has arrived. Thank you to the students that do such an amazing job in the school vegetable garden.
We added some fun items to our recess choices on Friday for Animal Appreciation Day.
A day definitely worth supporting.
Uniform Shop
Ordering Details
Uniform order forms can be found on the school website https://www.liwara.wa.edu.au/school-uniform/. Full payment is required when you place the order and items will be delivered to your child's class on arrival. If you have any questions about uniforms please send them via email to sales@jfe.net.au or call 9204 1701.
Helping Minds
Each workshop is filled with fun and exciting activities designed for children who are at risk of developing a mental health issue, or who are supporting a family member or friend with mental health challenges. Click on the locations below to find workshops in your area.
Marriage Encounter Weekend
Enrich your marriage in the privacy of your own home, using your own Computer. 16-17 October 2021 to be held at Prendiville Catholic College, Ocean Reef (Live Out). For more information or booking contact: Valerie & Brendon on 0424 220 625 – Email: WAbookings@wwme.org.au Website – www.wwme.org.au
If you would like to receive any more information regarding Worldwide Marriage Encounter please do not hesitate to contact us.

Catholic Church Insurance
All of our students are covered for 24 Hour Accident Insurance through Catholic Church Insurance Ltd. Students are covered even if the injury occurs out of school hours. Claims can be made online using the link - https://ccinsurance.org.au/Client-Centre/Claims/Pages/SchoolCare-Claim-Form.aspx OR download and complete the PDF and return it to the School Office. CCI School Care
Parents & Friends News
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 0466604754
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
PARISH OFFICE OPENING TIMES: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 6.00am & 9.00am
Saturday – Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am, 10.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & 5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request
Parish Notices
All Saints Catholic Church is looking for volunteers to join their cleaning crew! As a volunteer, you will be given a cleaning task that will take you 30-60 mins and you will be on roster once every 7 weeks. You can clean at a time that suits you best. If you can help, contact Heidy Verweij, 046 6251 314 or heidyverweij@gmail.com
Are you an adult thinking about becoming a Catholic?
Not sure where to begin? Like to find out more without obligation or pressure? If you are interested, in discovering what the Church has to offer or for further information, please contact Fr Elver (0466 604 754) or Juliet Southgate (6113 2799)
24:7 Greenwood Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6-12
This Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Church meeting room
Click on the links to download the latest newsletters.
247 Greenwood Update 13th June 2021
24-7 Greenwood Update 6th June 2021
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers