Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Congratulations to all our students who received a Merit Certificate last week and to our Year 6 students who led us in Whole School Prayer last Monday. Our senior students created and shared this beautiful prayer with us which we would have normally held in the church - https://youtu.be/IDlzmi01EPg
On Wednesday we celebrated Ash Wednesday, one of the most popular and important holy days in the liturgical calendar. Ash Wednesday heralds the time of Lent, a season of fasting and prayer. Ash Wednesday takes place 46 days before Easter Sunday and is observed, mainly by Catholics, although many other Christians observe it too. Ash Wednesday comes form the ancient Jewish tradition of fasting and penance. The practice includes marking a cross with ashes on the forehead. The ashes symbolise the dust from which God made us. The season of Lent offers an invitation to actively re-orientate ourselves with God.
I was fortunate to spend yesterday afternoon with the students, staff and parents at the Liwara Swimming Carnival held at the Craigie Leisure Centre. I was so pleased to be a able to watch our students put in 100% to each of their events, chanting and barracking for their factions and being so positive and supportive of their peers, while they swam their hearts out! The weather was extremely kind to us all and our parents stepped in to assist in whatever way they could, something that we truly value. I am sure Mr Dols would have so proud to watch the whole event but he was unable to share the experience this year. He has been working so hard and doing everything in his power to make sure we could still hold the carnival for our students, who have been looking forward to it with many of them training regularly and diligently.

We met, albeit remotely, as members of the 2022 School Advisory Council on Tuesday 1 March. I would like to extend congratulations on behalf of the Liwara school community to the following elected members:
- Clare Combe - Chairperson
- Nicola McVay - Deputy Chairperson
- Angela Ford - Treasurer
- Jessica Schafer - Secretary
- Basil Manganaro - General Member
- Kanwar Trevisan-Singh - General Member
- Alysia Davini - P & F Representative
Together with all members of the Council, I look forward to working collaboratively with members to enhance all aspects of Liwara Catholic Primary School. I would like to extend my very special thanks to Basil Manganaro for leading us with strength and fortitude as Chairperson of the Council for the past four years. Basil’s consistent support, advice and counsel has always been his greatest asset and I look forward to Basil continuing on the SAC as an general member in 2022. I look forward to working alongside Clare in 2022, our new Chairperson, as she always been a strong advocate for our beautiful school. Clare has had the role of Treasurer for the past four years and she has done a wonderful job working with the members to keep them abreast of the school's financial position and responsibilities.
To serve on the Advisory Council membership conditions are:
(a) a commitment and desire to promote Catholic education and give service to the Catholic School Community;
(b) a commitment to the safety, well being and pastoral are of all students and staff;
(c) an ability to work cooperatively and constructively with the Principal, school leadership team and all other members of the Advisory Council;
(d) the possession of skills, competencies and experience that are reflective of, relevant and beneficial to the Catholic School Community; and
(e) a sufficiency of time to devote to Advisory Council duties.
MAIN ROADS - Smart Freeway
I have attached some information from Main Roads about the Smart Freeway Mitchell Southbound: Hester Avenue to Warwick for the community. Main Roads are still finalising the comprehensive revegetation and landscaping plan to be undertaken by specialised landscaping contractors and the team has been working with TRACE Ecology who have done a survey for WGA undertaken on Eucalyptus species located on the school ground that could be impacted by the proposed works. The tree survey and assessment is focused on all the vegetation surrounding the PSP works but mainly on the trees that could be impacted by the works on the school site.
The Eucalyptus camaldulensis, situated in the left hand corner of Carpark One – Tree 1“….has visible large cracks from the base of the trunk into the lower canopy which indicates that it is experiencing pressure and it is likely to be structurally compromised. It presents cankers on its root structure which are visible above ground surface. The cankers indicate that the tree root structure has been exposed and undergone physical trauma which has allowed pathogens enter and infect the tissue underneath the top surface level…” Based on the finding of the tree survey and assessment, it is recommended that: Tree 1 should be removed to ensure that the health and safety of visitors to the carpark is not put at risk. Once finalised, the plan will be available on the project webpage.
Level 2 public health measures were introduced yesterday, Thursday 3 March 2022. These measures include mandatory mask wearing for students in Years 3-6. Thank you for sending your children in these year groups with their well fitted masks and supporting and preparing them for this. As many of these students have already been wearing their masks to school, whilst indoors, they are well practised. A document prepared by CEWA with FAQs for our community has been posted on the school website and Facebook page - https://www.liwara.wa.edu.au/covid-19/
Please note that the State Government has announced that school continues to be compulsory and that students are expected to attend. If you choose to keep students at home, long term as a precaution, this is not currently supported by the government requirements and schoolwork will not necessarily be provided. School work will be provided for students who are close contacts and are isolating or for students who have COVID and are unable to attend school.
If your child is unwell, especially with the following symptoms, they SHOULD NOT attend school:
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Fevers
- Runny nose
- Headache
To help keep our school community safe, we recommend that students displaying any of these symptoms follow the government protocol and take a COVID test.
Negative results can be emailed to enquires@liwara.wa.ed.au before the student returns to school.
Thank you to the many families who have been impacted by COVID in our community, in the last couple of weeks, for your support and understanding in following WA Health Guidelines.
CANTEEN NEWS: I am pleased to introduce Mrs Julie Romeo who will be joining Deb Fraser in the canteen from next Tuesday 8 March. Mrs Lucy Siciliano who stepped in at the beginning of this year, has been offered a full time position at Sacred Heart in Mundaring as the Administration Officer, a role that she is highly qualified for, so will be leaving us at the end of this week. We have enjoyed having Lucy working at Liwara and wish her all the very best in her new position.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend with family and friends.
God bless,
Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
Sacramental Enrolment Masses
All children in Years 3, 4 and 6 who will be celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation will need to attend any Parish Mass on the weekend of Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th March to enrol.
General Theology of Sacrament Meeting
Parents of children receiving a sacrament this year are asked to attend this meeting on Tuesday 15th March 7pm in the Ahern Centre. You will need to attend this meeting once on your child’s sacramental journey.
Important Dates
Please note - all events will be conducted under the appropriate COVID procedures and protocols in accordance with Catholic Education WA directives.
March 7 - Labour Day Public Holiday
March 8 - Parish Mass Yr 4
March 10 - WACA Girls Cricket Clinic
March 11 - Performance Assembly - Yr 5
March 14 - School Prayer Year 4
March 15 - Theology of the Sacrament Meeting
March 16 - Parish Mass Year 3
March 17 WACA Girls Cricket Clinic
March 18 - Certificate Assembly
March 21 - Harmony Day
March 24 - Interschool Swimming Carnival & WACA Girls Cricket Clinic
March 25 - Parish Mass Year 2
March 28 - School Prayer Year 3
March 30 - Parish Mss Year 1
March 31 - Parent Meetings Half Day Closure
Our Classroom News
From Year 5
Each year, our Year 5 students participate in Whadjuk Gift Day at Mater Dei College. This is a
reconciliation initiative combining sport, creative design and culture. Central to the project are t.shirt designs, with our students creating a design that represents an Aboriginal nation. Liwara has been allocated three Noongar nations: Yuat, Anangu and Kaneang. After doing a little bit of research on their allocated nation, all students had the opportunity to create a design that incorporated a shape, colour and an animal or plant, as well as a Noongar word. Three designs were chosen and will be printed on t.shirts for the children to wear on the day.
Unfortunately, Whadjuk Gift Day has been postponed to Term 4, but the printing of the shirts will go ahead and we look forward to wearing them with pride.
The following students have shared their designs and the meaning behind them.
Daniel K– Yuat nation
I chose the colour because it represents dirt and sand. I chose the red tail cockatoo because it is native to the Yuat region. Kaya is a Noongar word that means ‘hello’. I chose to put these in the shape of a square because it represents a warrior who lived in the area.
Levi T – Anangu nation
I chose the oval shape because the Anangu region has many rivers and it is wet and damp. I chose the Noongar word bilya because it means river. I chose the lizards as they live in the region.
Luke H – Kaneang nation
I chose the triangle shape because it represents the mountains. The blue colour represents the water. The place ‘Ongerup’, is within the Kaneang nation and means the place of the kangaroo. The Noongar word Wanjoo means
Extra Curricular Activities

Canteen News
The pikelets made to celebrate Shrove Tuesday were very popular, we sold just under 100, thank you to everyone that ordered.
We have had a few enquiries from parents offering to help us in the canteen. Unfortunately this is not possible at this present time, but we will certainly organise to have the roster put up for you as soon as we can.
Thank you for your continuing support of the canteen.
Deb Fraser.
Uniform Shop
Due to the current Covid19 directives, the Uniform Shop will NOT BE OPEN to the public until further notice. All orders will need to be done online. Should you need to exchange an item, please place a note with the item and return to the office for exchange. JFE contact details are:-
Phone - 9204 1701
Email - sales@jfe.net.au
Ordering Details
Uniform order forms can be found on the school website https://www.liwara.wa.edu.au/school-uniform/. Full payment is required when you place the order and items will be delivered to your child's class on arrival. If you have any questions about uniforms please send them via email to sales@jfe.net.au or call 9204 1701
Parents & Friends News
2023 Aranmore Catholic College Scholarships Program - APPLY TODAY
Aranmore Catholic College in Leederville offers full and partial scholarships to students who display the talent and a commitment to pursuing Academic, Music, Netball, or Rugby excellence.
Apply today for our 2023 Academic, Music, Netball & Rugby scholarships.
For further information & to apply, please visit aranmore.wa.edu.au.
Please note, the Academic Scholarships closing date is Wednesday, 16 March 2022.

Dental Health Services
Welcome to all new families in our schools. In the coming weeks dental enrolment forms will be issued to each family.
Please take the time to read the information provided before completing forms, there is a white form and a green form to be filled in - if you would like to enrol your child.
If you already attend a family dentist and DO NOT wish to enrol, please still return the forms with a "NO".
Return the completed forms to either the school office or post it to Greenwood Dental therapy Centre by March 18, 2022.
Please attach to a separate piece of paper the names and year levels of older siblings already enrolled at our Dental Therapy Centre as unfortunately with the new forms this information has been omitted.
Kind Regards,
Janet & Cath

All of our students are covered for 24 Hour Accident Insurance through Catholic Church Insurance Ltd. Students are covered even if the injury occurs out of school hours. Claims can be made online using the link - https://ccinsurance.org.au/Client-Centre/Claims/Pages/SchoolCare-Claim-Form.aspx OR download and complete the PDF and return it to the School Office. CCI School Care
ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. Enrich your love for one another away from everyday distractions. What better way to celebrate the gift of your unique love than to make time to focus on each other and your marriage. We invite you to join us on our next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend 12-13 March 2022 (Live-out at Prendiville College Ocean Reef) or 29-31 July 2022 (Live in Atrium Hotel Mandurah). For more information or booking contact: Valerie & Brendon on 0424 220 625 – Email: WAbookings@wwme.org.au Website – www.wwme.org.au
Centre for Faith Enrichment

All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 0466604754
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
PARISH OFFICE OPENING TIMES: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 6.00am & 9.00am
Saturday – Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.30am, 10.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & 5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request
Church Cleaning
All Saints Catholic Church is looking for volunteers to join their cleaning crew! As a volunteer, you will be given a cleaning task that will take you 30-60 mins and you will be on roster once every 7 weeks. You can clean at a time that suits you best. If you can help, contact Heidy Verweij, 046 6251 314 or heidyverweij@gmail.com
Are you an adult thinking about becoming a Catholic?
Not sure where to begin? Like to find out more without obligation or pressure? If you are interested, in discovering what the Church has to offer or for further information, please contact Fr Elver (0466 604 754) or Juliet Southgate (6113 2799)
24:7 Greenwood Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6-12
This Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Church meeting room
Click on the links to download the latest newsletters.
24-7 Greenwood 27th February 2022
24-7 Greenwood 20th February 22 2022
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers