Our Leadership Team
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Caregivers
As Western Australia moved to the COVID-19 Roadmap Phase 4b on Monday 15 March, we have been busy planning and putting into place the quickest and safest ways for our community to be present at whole school events and in the classrooms, as part of curriculum based activities, in accordance with Phase 4b restrictions, pending no further outbreaks in WA. I ask you to keep in mind that for the remainder of this term all our school based events have been already planned for with the Phase 4 restrictions in place, so we are pleased that from the beginning of Week 9, we will be welcoming our parents back in, albeit in a careful and considered way. We are re-arranging the planning for our Holy Week Paraliturgies, being held in the last week of the term, to safely accommodate family members of the students who are leading the Paralituries. We will be keeping a running tally of adults entering the Ahern Centre and if necessary some attendees may have to be redirected, by staff, but be assured we will work towards accommodating everyone, as much as possible. It is an expectation that all adults scan in using the SafeWA codes situated on the fence near Gate #7 and the doors as you enter the Ahern Centre. If you have members of your extended family with you who do not have the SafeWA App, could you please add them to your registration. Hand sanitiser will be available outside the Ahern Centre as you arrive and on the wall to the left as you enter. NB entry will only be through the top Ahern Centre door which will be supervised by the staff member counting visitors in.
ASSEMBLIES: We will be welcoming the families of students receiving certificates, students in Class Performance assemblies and students performing in our Instrumental Music Performances from our first Certificate Assembly in Term 2, on Friday 30 April. I thank you in advance for adhering to the same protocols as outlined above for the end of this term, pending no further outbreaks in WA.
As all our students will be present family members attending are required to sit on the steps closest to the top doors (opposite the Year 4 classrooms) leading into the Ahern Centre as well as on the chairs but leave the bottom two steps vacant to keep to the 1.5 physical distancing principles, from the students. Staff will be there to usher visitors in and assist with seating. At the end of our class performances and certificate assemblies, whilst we are still in Phase 4b, parents, please take heed of our Year 6 Publicity Ministry who will explain the exiting guidelines. You will be instructed by our Yr 6 students to leave the venue from the top doors, immediately after and to make your way out of the grounds before our students are taken back to their classrooms.
Another exciting development is that parents will soon have the opportunity to enter the classrooms with your child but due to Phase 4b restrictions it has to be on a roster basis with strict physical distancing from students other than their own. More information will be sent out by classroom teachers soon, in readiness for the start of term.
PARKING BAYS IN CARPARK #1 – Could parents using the drive through pick up in the bottom carpark #1 please refrain from parking in the bays as the parents of students in Pre Kindy, Kindy & Pre Primary need to park and leave their vehicles as they are required to pick up their children from the classrooms. I thank you for your support in only using the bays if you are a parent of students in Pre Kindy, Kindy or Pre Primary or if you are leaving your car to enter the school grounds for any reason.
On Sunday 14 March the Advisory Council (formerly known as the Catholic School Board) for 2021, were blessed and commissioned by Fr Elver at the 5.30pm Mass. I look forward to working collaboratively with all members of the Advisory Council as they fulfil their roles in actively contributing to and enriching both the Catholic ethos and informed, proper governance of the school. Through strong partnerships and by the coming together of various people with a range of gifts and talents, the school will become a stronger community and be more effective in its religious dimension, individual identity and educational charter.
Our 2021 School Advisory Council comprises of:
Chair: Basil Manganaro
Vice Chair: Nicola McVay
Treasurer: Clare Combe
Secretary: Jessica Schafer
Co-opted members: Kanwar Trevisan-Singh & John Croxford
P&F Representative: Angela Ford
Parish Priest: Fr Elver Delicano
I met with the P&F Committee for our second meeting of the year, back in the Ahern Centre last night and already there are a multitude of events being discussed and planned for 2021, by the ever enthusiastic group of parents. I encourage you to keep an eye on the P&F section in our fortnightly school newsletter and the P&F Facebook Page to keep abreast of the many events and opportunities for parents organised by the P&F for our parent community. Meetings are now being held on Tuesdays @ 7.00pm to coincide with the Advisory Council Meetings @ 5.30pm. All parents are welcome to attend the P&F Meetings. Our 2021 P&F Committee is listed below:
President: Davide Trevisan-Singh
Secretary: Kath Warner
Assistant Secretary: Sarah Musca
Treasurer: Angela Ford
Assistant Treasurer: Kerrie Serrano
Class Re Coordinator: Cee-Anne Fraser.
Our students from Year 3 to 6 have been working with Mr John Greenhill to create and design individual concepts based on our School Values of Faith, Trust, Respect & Mercy. The students have been producing digital designs to capture the essence of the Values and we will be working with the graphic artist, who designed our school branding package in 2015, to create individual medals for each Value. Please enjoy looking at some of the draft designs by our talented students! We hope to have our first medal for the Value of Trust ready early in Term 2. At the end of this term recipients of the Value award for Trust will be presented with the current medal but they will then be given the new Trust medal as well, when they arrive.
CHILD PROTECTION CURRICULUM - All classes will be working with the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum that has been adopted by all Catholic Education WA schools. The curriculum is based on two main themes: 1. We all have the right to be safe 2. We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust. A separate letter will be sent out to all families so that parents and carers have a sound knowledge of the program so we can work together to ensure all our children can flourish in a safe and healthy environment.
On behalf of Mr & Mrs Keegan I would like to introduce you to their beautiful baby boy, Robin Stewart. Mrs Keegan announced the birth of their beautiful boy on Tuesday 2 March. He was safely delivered the night before and the new family are relishing spending time with their precious bundle.
A letter will be coming out to parents and carers, via Seesaw, regarding the process we will be following as a school for future incursions and excursions, so keep an eye out for it early next week. The letter informs parents and carers that the teachers will still be sending out all the information in a timely manner (two weeks prior to the event) but we are just removing the burden of signing and returning permission slips for compulsory activities. You will be informed of any preparation required with enough detail to allow you to engage with your child’s involvement. Signed permission slips will still be required if it is an optional activity eg Choir performances outside of school and Performing Arts involvement.
If you have a child born between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018, they will be eligible for Kindy 2022. If you haven’t already handed in your Enrolment Application Forms for your child, please do so as soon as possible. The forms can be downloaded from the school website. If you have any friends or neighbours in this age group, please advise them that we will be interviewing soon and that we would love to have them join our Liwara Community.
Wishing you God’s blessing.
Andrea Millar

From The Assistant Principals' Desk
Project Compassion
Every year, Catholics are encouraged to demonstrate faith, love and generosity during Lent. Everyone can be a part of this incredible community, who believe that there are simple actions we can all take to “be more” for our world.
All families were given a small Project Compassion box. Please try to make a donation to Project Compassion. As a family you might also like to talk about ways that you can show compassion in your actions or give something up for Lent. Thank you for your generosity in supporting Project Compassion.
Holy Week Paraliturgies
Each year level will work with their buddy class to prepare a Paraliturgy to celebrate the events of Holy Week. Parents of the year levels presenting on that day will be invited to attend. Please refer to the Phase 4b protocols as outlined at the beginning of this newsletter. Each Paraliturgy will commence at 8:50am with the beating of the drum. The schedule of Paraliturgies are:
Monday 29th March- Year 1 & 6 Palm Sunday
Tuesday 30th March- Year 5 & PP Holy Thursday
Wednesday 31st March- Year 2 & 4 Good Friday
Thursday 1st April – Year 3 Resurrection
End of Term Mass
The Mass will be celebrated with the at 11:15am on Wednesday 31 March. At the conclusion of Mass, the Value Awards for Trust will be handed out. Parents of the children receiving an award will be invited to attend Mass along with other community members. Phase 4b protocols must be adhered to.
Liwara Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to all the Year 4 to Year 6 participants in the Liwara Swimming Carnival last week. It was an event filled with great energy (and noise) as students cheered for their team and swam their 'hearts out' for them. Congratulations to all the Champion boy and girl winners and a hearty congratulations to Aroona for winning the carnival for the 4th year in a row.
Faction | points | |
1st | Aroona | 238 |
2nd | Rawlinna | 223 |
3rd | Boree | 210 |
4th | Teangi | 180 |

Anxiety in Children – Parent Information Session
30 March 2021 - 6pm - 7pm
Leigh Thomas, Senior Psychologist from the CEWA Psychology Team will be presenting information to parents on childhood worry and anxiety.
The talk will include information on identifying worry and anxiety, how to know if your child needs help with anxiety, and simple strategies you can do at home to help reduce your child’s anxiety or worry.
Please follow this link to register -
Parents please enter through gate # 7.
For your convenience there will be number of SafeWA codes available around the different doors of the Ahern Centre for you to scan in for the Govt register.
In Reach we have been writing amazing stories with the theme of big and small to enter the Golden Pen competition. It has been wonderful reading about cockroaches fighting for survival, babies escaping cots, the Bureau of espionage, psychopaths, evil masterminds, rulers and killers and Steve being trapped in an infinite world of Minecraft. We have also been developing our problem-solving skills preparing to enter the first Maths Olympiad challenge of the year. Some students used Lego to build and present inventions that would make their day at school easier. Other students were also learning more about each other and gave a short presentation in front of the class.

Can you work this puzzle out?
In a group of 25 students, eight are in the athletics team. Six of the students are also in the maths team. In total, 13 students are not in either team?

HARMONY DAY 2021 - Everyone Belongs!
Our Celebration
Our school community is represented by more than 25 different cultures. Our celebrations today gave us the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the many cultures represented within our community. The theme 'Everybody Belongs' encourages inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural background, and celebrate core Australian values. Our day was a true celebration of 'Strength in Community'.
Harmony day paper strips were sent home asking families to complete the sentence 'I can live in harmony by........................'
Here are some beautiful responses from our Year 1 students.
A BIG highlight was children meeting with their buddies and working together on Harmony Day activities. The children also loved wearing an orange accessory to school today. Here we can see their commitment and creativity.
An even BIGGER highlight was when the staff and students were photographed by a drone forming the word HARMONY on the school oval.
Our school canteen also went 'orange' in support of Harmony Day. Deb Fraser cooked and prepared an orange feast that was very much appreciated and enjoyed.
All the while the Year 5 students participated in the Whadjuk Gift day at Mater Dei College .........

Whadjuk Gift
Visual Arts - T-shirt Design
This term in Visual Arts, Year 5 students participated in our annual Whadjuk Gift t-shirt design competition. Students drew and coloured an Aboriginal nations design for either the Amangu, Ballardong, Gurindji or Yolngu nation. Students included the Aboriginal nation name, at least two animals, simple line drawing and block colours. Students voted for their favourite designs which best fitted the design brief. The winning designs were sent to the team at Mater Dei College who printed the Whadjuk Gift t-shirts for our students. Pictured are our four winning designers wearing their t-shirts!
We congratulate all of our Year 5 students for their beautiful designing and look forward to participating in the 2021 Whadjuk Gift at Mater Dei College.

The past fortnight has been another great one for sustainability at Liwara. The Semester 1 Green Team (the Environment Ministry and Garden Gurus) have been busy hand-lawnmowing, fertilising our vegetable gardens with worm tea and planting tomato seedlings. It is wonderful to see how the Tommy Toes tomatoes have really shot up due to the warmer weather. Our pumpkins have been harvested for our Harmony Day pumpkin scones. We look forward to planting our lovely lettuces soon!
Below, you can see the growth of our heirloom “Tommy Toes” cherry tomato seedlings in just two short weeks. Just amazing. All the worm tea certainly helps!
Handy Hints for Sustainability
This week’s handy hint is “Purchase recycled toilet paper”.
Here’s an astounding fact: We flush the equivalent of 270,000 trees down the drain each day, and nearly 10% of that is attributable to toilet paper. Recycled toilet paper can be a sustainable game-changer. Why not google companies which offers recycled toilet paper and “forest-friendly” tissues and paper towels. There are plenty of great alternatives!
Thank you for your continued support.
Together we all make a difference. STAY SAFE and KEEP RECYCLING Liwara!
Warm regards,
Mr Greenhill and the Liwara Sustainability Team
Mrs Millar
Mrs Millar enjoyed reading to the Pre Primary children so much, so she visited the library again but this time to read the story 'The Grumpy Monkey' to the Year 1 classes. The children were very good at showing us what a 'grumpy' expression looks like!
Pre-loved Book Sale
Thank you for your great response to our request for pre-loved books for our book sale.
A great quantity of good quality books are being prepared for the sale which will be in the last week of term. The date of the sale will be circulated via SeeSaw and FaceBook.
We expect a large donation to Project Compassion will be made from the proceeds of the upcoming book sales.
Our April Vacation Care program has been finalised. Our program runs from Tuesday April 6 - Monday April 19 as it includes the Pupil Free Day. The program is available on the school website - https://www.liwara.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/Vacation-Care-April-2021.pdf
Just a reminder to parents that when parking in the Staff/Visitors carpark before school to please park in the visitors parking bays.
Thank you for you co-operation.

On Friday March 11, we had the pleasure of having Beki Bampton, president of the WA School Canteen Association volunteering to be our canteen helper for the day.
Beki said she was impressed with our menu as the majority of our menu items are made in the canteen and are predominantly coded 'green'.
After taking some photos at recess and lunch time, Beki commented that she was going to share her photos of all the healthy frozen cubes we make as it proved that canteens can provide their own frozen treats without purchasing in commercial products. Beki was also pleased that a large number of students who look forward to purchasing these from us.
We were delighted that she chose Liwara as one of the schools to visit.
Thank you to the parents who have volunteered their time to help us, it really is appreciated and I know your children love seeing you in the canteen too.
Harmony day is Friday 19th March and we have some lovely “orange” themed food ready for everyone to try.
Deb & Cathy
Uniform Shop
Ordering Details
Uniform order forms can be found on the school website https://www.liwara.wa.edu.au/school-uniform/. Full payment is required when you order and items will be delivered to your child's class on delivery. If you have any questions about uniforms please send them via email to sales@jfe.net.au or call 9204 1701.
Victoria Square
Mercedes College is currently interviewing Year 4 students who are due to start Year 7 in 2024. If you are considering enrolling your daughter at Mercedes, please visit the Mercedes College website at www.mercedes.wa.edu.au to request a prospectus or to enrol online. Applications for Year 7, 2022 and 2023 are also welcomed. Please contact Mrs Julie Lamb on 9323 1340 if you require further information.
Mercedes Fete
Trinity College Open Day & Scholarship Information
Catholic Church Insurance
All of our students are covered for 24 Hour Accident Insurance through Catholic Church Insurance Ltd. Students are covered even if the injury occurs out of school hours. Claims can be made online using the link - https://ccinsurance.org.au/Client-Centre/Claims/Pages/SchoolCare-Claim-Form.aspx OR download and complete the PDF and return it to the School Office. CCI School Care
Parents & Friends News
All Saints' Parish News
All Saints' Catholic Church
ADDRESS: 7 Liwara Place, GREENWOOD WA 6024
TELEPHONE: 0466604754
MOB: 0435 173 454 (for URGENT pastoral needs only)
EMAIL: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au
PARISH OFFICE OPENING TIMES: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 10.00am to 3.00pm
MASSES: Monday – Friday 6.00am & 9.00am
Saturday – Vigil -6.00pm
Sunday – 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.30am & 5.30pm
(Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month)
Reconciliation: Saturday 9.30am – 10.00am & 5.00pm – 5.30pm or by request
24:7 Greenwood Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6-12
This Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Church meeting room
Click on the links to download the latest newsletters.
2:47 Greenwood Youth Ministry 7th March
2:47 Greenwood Youth Ministry 14th March
Call Anthony on 0455 108 885 or Georgia on 0458 197 685 for more information
God bless,
Anthony and Georgia
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers