Prayer for our Pope Francis
Loving and Merciful God,
We come before You in prayer, lifting up Your servant, Pope Francis, in his time of need. You are the Source of all healing, and we ask You to surround him with Your loving presence, granting him strength and recovery. May Your divine grace rest upon him, restoring his health and filling him with renewed vigour to continue leading Your Church with compassion and wisdom.
“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord.”
(Jeremiah 30:17)
We place Pope Francis into Your hands, trusting in Your eternal care. May he be comforted by the love of the Church and the prayers of all the faithful. We ask, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that his recovery be swift, and his spirit be strengthened in Your peace. May Your will be done in his life, O Lord, and may Your healing power be with him always.
We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit.

The Liwara Newsletter, Volume 3
7th March 2025

In this week's newsletter:
- Season of Lent
- Guest Speaker - Clare Gibellini
- P & F Meeting
- Visible Wellbeing Week
and more...
Dear Parents and Caregivers
On Wednesday morning, our students and staff attended Mass with the Parish to mark the beginning of Lent, observing Ash Wednesday. Lent, the 40-day period leading up to Easter, is a time for reflection and self-examination, reminding us of the importance of Christ in our lives. During Mass, we received a reminder of this reflection as a cross was placed on our foreheads. The cross serves as a powerful symbol, reminding us of our commitment to live out our faith more deeply. Our Assistant Principals went down to the ELC area after Mass for the students and staff to receive the cross in their classrooms.
Lent calls us to grow closer to Jesus through three key practices: prayer, fasting and almsgiving, or works of charity. Fr Elver spoke to the children about some of the things they could give up during Lent. He also encouraged us all to replace theses sacrifices with acts of kindness and compassion.
Although we have been extremely busy all round, the highlights of Week 4 & 5 have been our Family Mass on Sunday 23 February when we had a wonderful representation of our Liwara families. On Tuesday 25, we were thrilled to have Clare Gibellini, the new Chair of the National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP) Board spend the afternoon with us. She met with parents during the day and then spent time with the staff after school. Clare is a woman with multiple disabilities, including Autism who is a passionate advocate for the inclusion of people with disability in all areas of the community and we are incredibly lucky to have Clare work with our school community.
We also held our first P&F Meeting for the year and the group that gathered are keen to get many more families involved and have started planning events for the year ahead, beginning with the Easter Raffle. We hosted our first School Tour of the year with 17 new families coming along to take a look at the school with the possibility of future enrolments and on Friday we celebrated Clean Up Australia Day and also held our first Certificate Assembly of the year. Congratulations to all recipients.
Our Visible Wellbeing Team highlighted the importance of looking after our health and wellbeing not just in our VWB Week each term but all year round. The canteen produced some wonderful treats for Shrove Tuesday and our Year 6 students accompanied by their teachers and Assistant Principals, took part in the Dream & Lead Conference at the PCEC on Thursday 6 March. It was a highly engaging event designed to support primary school students in discovering their leadership potential, whilst providing them with strong foundations to succeed. Throughout the day, students participated in purposeful activities developing their problem-solving skills, and increasing confidence and independence facilitated by international-trained young leaders.
Please take the time to read the second letter from the Executive Director Catholic Education WA. A copy was also sent to families via Seesaw earlier this week.
Please CLICK HERE to view a copy of the letter.
A STORY ABOUT POPE FRANCIS - In a celebration of life, peace, joy and harmony, thousands of children representing young people on every continent greeted Pope Francis during an afternoon event in the Vatican's Paul VI hall.
Dedicated to the importance of peace, fraternity and respect for others and creation, the event was titled, "Let Us Learn from Boys and Girls," to focus attention on children's simple and sincere desires for peace and harmony in the world.
"There is much to learn from you," the pope said. "I am always happy when I meet you because you teach me something new every time. For example, you remind me how beautiful life is in its simplicity and how beautiful it is to be together!"
"Two big gifts God has given us," he said, are life and being together with simplicity.
The pope encouraged the kids to embrace their adolescence, which is "a wonderful age" and to make their thoughts, feelings and experiences heard by adults.
The pope cut short his prepared speech in order to dedicate more time to questions from the children, who asked him questions about climate change, wars, his friends, his work habits and what he dreams about at night.
"I don't know what I dream because I am asleep!" he joked as the kids laughed. Sometimes, he said, he dreams about things he remembers when he was a child. "Dreaming is beautiful," he said, because it shows something alive is stirring inside.
With each question, the pope had a tidbit of wisdom for the kids to remember, making them repeat each phrase a number of times.
His words of advice included: "Whoever destroys the earth, destroys us." "Take care of nature because nature takes care of us." "Work gives us dignity." "Do not waste food." "Let's work for peace." "Peace is made with the heart and an outstretched hand." "Children's voices are needed" because "kids are messengers of peace." "When you are angry, drink a glass of water before you respond."
When a 9-year-old boy from Syria asked the pope, "Why do they kill kids during a war and no one defends them?" the pope said, "This shows the wickedness of war."
That innocent civilians and children are killed in wartime, he said, "is cruelty," and he led the children in praying the Our Father for all children killed in wars.
He urged all the children to work for peace after a 12-year-old girl from Palestine asked whether there would be no more peace if World War III broke out.
"We have to work for peace," the pope said, asking everyone wave to the girl so she could let the people back in Palestine know that everyone there said "Hello."
"Peace is beautiful!" the pope said, as the children repeated it loudly.
Liwara CPS Code of Conduct
As we continue to maintain healthy relationships and a positive school community at Liwara we invite all members of our community to take the time to look through our new Code of Conduct flyer. Same information just in a friendlier format - CLICK HERE: Code of Conduct

We currently have a limited number of vacancies for 2025 across selected year groups, I urge you to contact our Enrolment Officer, as soon as possible, to discuss the enrolment process as we are currently meeting with future and current families for our 2025 Pre Kindy placements who are yet to turn three. Interviews for Kindy 2026 will commence Week 6 of Term 1. A reminder to all current families, if you have a child due to commence Kindy in 2026 and have not submitted your application, I urge you to do so promptly as we only have a limited number of vacancies.
Enrolment information and applications can be downloaded from our school website HERE or a paper copy can be collected from the school office.
Wishing everyone a fantastic start to the school year!
Mrs Andrea Millar
Year Six Dream & Lead Conference
All Year Six students attended the Dream & Lead conference at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on Thursday, 6 March. The day was designed to support primary school students in discovering their leadership potential. Students participated in purposeful activities developing their problem-solving skills, and increasing confidence and independence.
Sacrament Enrolment Masses
Students who are participating in a Sacrament this year will need to attend one of the Enrolment Masses on either, Saturday 8 March at 6.00pm or Sunday 9 March (all Masses). If you are unable to attend on this weekend, you will need to coordinate this with the Parish.
Students in Years Three and Five will participate in the NAPLAN assessments from Wednesday 12 March to Monday 24 March. Please contact Stefanie Neri if you have any questions. Stefanie.Neri@cewa.edu.au
Certificate Assembly
Our next Certificate Assembly is on Friday, 14 March at 2:20pm in our School Hall.
General Theology Sacrament Meeting
This meeting will take place on Tuesday, 18 March at 5.00pm in the School Hall. Parents of students in Year Three who are participating in the Sacramental program are encouraged to attend. If you have missed this meeting in the past, it would be beneficial for you to attend.
School Swimming Carnival
Our Year 4-6 School Swimming Carnival will take place on Thursday 20 March at Craigie Leisure Centre from 9.00am-2.00pm. Information has gone out to parents via SeeSaw.
Year 2 Performance Assembly
Our first performance assembly for the year will be presented by the Year Two classes on Friday 21 March, at 2.20pm in the School Hall.
Miss Angela Leddin & Ms Stefanie Neri
Assistant Principals
In Term One are focusing on our school value of Respect. We can show RESPECT by taking care of resources and our belongings, following directions and rules and working co-operatively.

TERM 1 - 5 February to 11 April
TERM 2 - 28 April to 4 July
TERM 3 - 21 July to 26 September
TERM 4 - 13 October to 12 December
Week 6 - 2025
10 Mar - Y4 Parish Mass @ 9.00am
10 Mar - Kindy/PP Health Screen - Day 1
11 Mar - Lockdown Drill
12 Mar - NAPLAN Testing commences
14 Mar - Certificate Assembly @ 2.20pm
Week 7
17 Mar - Kindy/PP Health Screen - Day 2
18 Mar - Constable Care Inc: PP-Y2, Y6
18 Mar - General Theology Sacrament Meeting @ 5.00pm
18 Mar - P & F Meeting @ 7.00pm
19 Mar - Y1 Parish Mass @ 9.00am
20 Mar - Liwara Swimming Carnival - Yr 4-6
21 Mar - Y2 Performance Assembly @ 2.20pm
On Friday, 28 February 2025, students at Liwara Catholic Primary School came together to celebrate Clean Up Australia Day. The school community worked hand-in-hand to help care for the environment, picking up litter and tidying the outdoor spaces. The sunny day was filled with laughter and teamwork as everyone enjoyed spending time together in the fresh air, making a positive impact on their local environment while fostering a sense of unity and responsibility. It was a fun, meaningful day where students not only helped the planet but also bonded with each other in the sunshine.
Mrs Pia Tilka

My name is Mr McGilloway, and I am thrilled to be the new Visual Arts teacher. I can’t wait to get to know all our amazing students and have fun exploring the world of art together. From painting and drawing to collage and sculpture, we’ll be experimenting with different techniques and letting our creativity shine. I look forward to an exciting year of artistic adventures!
Our students have been exploring exciting art styles and techniques this term! Year 5 is creating surreal collages, combining unexpected images to spark imagination. Year 6 is designing bold and expressive street art name tags, inspired by urban graffiti styles. In Years 3 and 4, we are diving into colour theory, learning how colours interact and influence emotions. Meanwhile, our Pre-Primary and Junior primary artists are having fun with Pop Art, using bright colours and bold patterns to make their artwork pop! We can’t wait to see their amazing creations!

Library borrowing will commence in week 3 for all students.
Please ensure your child owns a library bag and remind them to bring it each week.
Thanks to the fantastic result of last year’s Scholastic book fair, we have lots of new books to enjoy! Library loans are for one week, however students can renew their loan and extend the borrowing time if needed. Students who return their borrowed books before school go into the weekly raffle draw.
2025 Library Days for students:
- Tuesday - Kindy, Year 1 & Year 2
- Wednesday - PP, Year 5 & Year 6
- Thursday - Year 3 & Year 4
Library Bags for Sale
The Liwara Craft Group have made Library bags. The bags are $10.00 each and all profits go towards the craft stall for the School Fair.
If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these beautiful bags, they can be purchased through Trybookings:
Take your receipt to the Library and select a bag!

Mrs Clark
This week for Shrove Tuesday we sold banana, berry, apple & cinnamon and plain pikelets. They were very popular and a nice addition to our regular recess options.
If you have received an IOU note sent home, these can be paid online by ordering the same items with a note in the comments section, noting that this order is for payment of an IOU only. Of course, they can also be paid at the canteen or at the office. Thank you for your prompt payment of these.
Please note that we cannot change the sushi or focaccia as these two items are pre prepared purchases. These are ‘green’ items on our menu, which make them a healthy option.
Due to the public holiday, we apologize if some items are not available for ordering, we will have them back as soon as possible.
Thank you for supporting the canteen.

Deb & Adriana
The Uniform Shop is open Thursdays from 8.15am - 9am for all your uniform needs! Doors will not open outside of these hours.
Please note that students are to wear their Summer Uniform for Term 1 2025.
JFE Details
Phone: 9204 1701
Email: saes@jfe.net.au


To read this week's P & F Newsletter - NO newsletter this week
To keep up to date, head to our private Facebook page by clicking here.
7 Liwara Place
Greenwood, WA
Father Elver Delicano
Monday – Friday 6am & 9am
Saturdays 6pm
Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am & 5:30pm
Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am - 3pm
m: 0466604754
e: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au

Last week at 24:7 Greenwood it was an incredible night filled with energy, fellowship, and faith! We were fortunate to be joined by the Youth Mission Team, making the evening even more special. We kicked things off with indoor card games, while others enjoyed footy and soccer on the oval.
Our first game of the night was a new and exciting challenge - Ultimate Bin Toss - followed by a crowd favourite, Commando, which brought out everyone's competitive spirit.
For our talk segment, our Youth Minister, Jesse, spoke about fasting - its significance and why we practice it during Lent. He emphasized that fasting isn't just about giving something up but can also be about taking something up - embracing positive habits that bring us closer to God. We then broke into small groups and took part in a meaningful activity: writing letters to parishioners, asking them to pray for us over Lent.
This week, we will continue exploring the season of Lent, focusing on the theme of fasting - its significance in our spiritual lives and how letting go of attachments can help us grow closer to God.
We are excited to have one of our volunteer leaders, Patsy, share with us about this important practice and her personal experience with fasting. We are looking forward to a night of faith, fellowship, and reflection as we deepen our understanding of Lent together.

God bless,
Jesse and Lucy
24:7 Greenwood Youth Ministers

Dental Health Services
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
Greenwood Primary School | Merivale Way, Greenwood,Wa,6024
Ph: (08) 92035611 |
E: GreenwoodDTC@health.wa.gov.au
W: North Metropolitan Health Se

We are now accepting Pre Kindy - Year 6 enrolments for 2026, 2027 & beyond. Please contact the school if you have any questions on 6224 2000 or via email: enquiries@liwara.wa.edu.au for more information.