Dear God,
At the end of this school year, we pray you keep us safe.
So that we can start again, renewed, rested and refreshed.
Please help our teachers rest on break,
and help them prepare for the new intake.
Fill our school with your love, and guide our hearts from above.
Full of faith, full of hope, full of joy, and full of love,

The Liwara Newsletter, Volume 33
9th December 2022

In this week's newsletter:
- Christian Leadership Award
- Staffing Changes
- Class Teachers 2023
- Main Roads Update
- School Fees for 2023
and more...
Dear Families,
As the 2022 school year draws to a close it is time to reflect on another busy and successful year at Liwara. The children and staff have worked hard and achieved so much together. On Wednesday night we celebrated our Thanksgiving Mass with our Year 6 students and families followed by the Graduation Ceremony, and we are all extremely proud of all our senior students for everything they have worked towards and achieved this year. A special note of congratulations goes to our two Christian Leadership Award recipients, Ava Shield and Joshua Schafer who were chosen by their peers to receive this valued honour. They were presented with their awards by Fr Elver at the Graduation Ceremony. Sincere thanks go to Fr Elver for the beautiful sermon he delivered at the Mass, speaking with such appreciation and respect for our students, staff and families of our beautiful school.

Thank you to our many families who have sent through some beautiful cards and emails filled with words of gratitude and thanks for everything their children have accomplished this year because of the amazing team of Liwara staff. On behalf of the dedicated and very weary staff, I thank you! To those families who are leaving us for new places and adventures, thank you for being a part of our community and for the many contributions you have made during your time at Liwara.
Our students have visited their classrooms for next year on Monday and Wednesday to meet both year level class teachers and become familiar with the classroom environments. Our 2023 Year 1, 2 & 6 students did a walk around their newly refurbished classrooms which we hope to have back next Monday so we can begin moving all the furniture and storeroom items back into our newly refurbished learning environments in readiness for the 2023 school year.
I have attached the 2023 class teacher list below for your information. It is important to keep in mind that this list can be subject to change before the beginning of the school year, in the event of any unexpected staff movements.

At the end of this year we say goodbye and good luck to Signora Rosaria Rossi who has had 2022 off on leave and has now decided to retire and spend more quality time with her family. Mrs Deb Nodding, who joined our Liwara staff for 12 months in Kindy this year, will be welcoming a new baby early in the year and Mrs Claire Butler-Ritchie who has been working in a regular relief capacity will be stepping into the Kindy team in 2023. Mrs Payal Kerai, who has also worked as a relief Education Assistant this year, will be joining the Liwara staff team.
Mr John Dols is taking the 2023 year off as special leave and we have Mrs Jesseca Francis taking on his AP role along with Visual Arts for her other days. Jesseca is currently the Assistant Principal at Holy Rosary School, Derby and prior to this she has worked at St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School in Port Kennedy. Mrs Ruth Harris will be returning to a fulltime position at the school which she currently also works at, one day a week. I believe she will be teaching Year 6 next year. We also thank and farewell Signora Jessica Licastro who has stepped into the Italian role for 2022. We wish her and Mrs Harris all the very best for their futures.
Mr Ciaran Sanders will be teaching Physical Education from next year. Ciaran is currently teaching PE at both, St Paul’s Primary School, Mount Lawley and St John’s School Scarborough. Joining Liwara and only working at one school will be a good thing for him as you can imagine two of every carnival would be extremely exhausting! Mr Scott Varady will be joining the teaching team as Mrs Federica Huntington will be on parental leave from the beginning of 2023. Scott is currently teaching at Sacred Heart Primary School in Mundaring.
Mrs Anne Stent will be replacing the position that Mrs Anthea Pickering held till July of this year before she moved, fulltime, to St Patrick’s in Fremantle. Mrs Karen Rosser & Mrs Julie Basso very kindly stepped in to fill her position, till the end of the year, so we had time to advertise and appoint her replacement for 2023. Anne’s current position is at Infant Jesus School, Morley where she has been working since 2019.
Reports will be available on Friday 9 December from 3.30pm. Enjoy spending time together with your child reading through their Semester Two Reports on the SEQTA Engage Portal and create lasting memories reflecting on the year that has been!
Class Lists will be sent out to all families on Friday 16 December, via Seesaw and copies will be posted on classroom doors on the first day of Term One in 2023. It is my wish that students and families begin the year with fresh eyes, positive hopes and wonderful expectations.
Thank you to the Liwara Community and All Saints Parish for continuing to work together so closely for the benefit of our children.
The latest update regarding works being carried out in the school holidays can be found here, so please have a read through to be kept informed of the current works.
Families at Liwara Catholic Primary School will continue to benefit from high quality, Christ-centred and child-focused education in 2023. The changes to school fees, which you can view here, have come about as a result of changes to the overall funding for Catholic schools in Western Australia. Our school and CEWA are able to utilise a greater level of data to inform how we determine fees in a way that better matches our school and community’s unique context. This is a strong sign of Catholic Education’s continued place as the best value for money education option for young people in Western Australia.
God bless.
Mrs Andrea Millar

The Liwara Parents and Friends Association has had another wonderfully successful year coordinating events for our children and school community. The 2022 P&F Committee are thrilled to announce that our Fair this year raised an outstanding $16,590.79. A huge thank you to all our parents for your time, effort, and contributions to making the 2022 Fair a huge success! Furthermore, the culmination of this year's fundraising efforts has resulted in a generous $41,000 donation to the school. These funds will be spent on additions to the oval playground (in conjunction with Dr Anne Aly’s Federal election campaign promise that was secured from the Schools Upgrade Fund), installation of air conditioning in the music and tutorial rooms, an additional honour board, a new buddy bench and new basketball backboards on the school courts. As a P&F we cannot achieve all the things we do without our incredible volunteers. Thank you for giving generously of your time and talents this year and we look forward to what is to come in 2023.
The Liwara P&F Committee
All events will be conducted under the appropriate COVID procedures and protocols in accordance with Catholic Education WA directives.
Term 1
Wednesday, 1 February – Thursday, 6 April
Term 2
Monday, 24 April – Friday, 30 June
Term 3
Monday, 17 July – Friday, 22 September
Term 4
Monday, 9 October – Friday, 8 December
Term 1
Monday, 30 January – PFD Staff Professional Development Days
Tuesday, 31 January – PFD Staff Professional Development Days
Monday, 6 March – Labour Day Public Holiday
Thursday, 30 March - Half Day Closure from 12pm for Parent-Teacher Meetings
Friday, 7 April – Good Friday Public Holiday
Monday, 24 April – PFD Staff Professional Development Day
Tuesday, 25 April – ANZAC DAY Public Holiday
Monday, 5 June - WESTERN AUSTRALIA DAY Public Holiday
Friday, 30 June – PFD Staff Professional Development Day
Term 3
Monday, 4 September – Pupil Free Day
Tuesday, 5 September – PFD Staff Professional Development Day
Friday, 22 September – PFD Staff Professional Development Day

Last week at Liwara we celebrated Italian Day! It was great to see everyone dressed in Italian colours. Teachers and students enjoyed a performance by Mr Accordion Man & had lots of fun dancing to the music. In the afternoon we had some delicious Italian gelato & sorbet.
Signora Jessica Licastro
Italian Teacher

Some fantastic pictures from our Year 6's final ever assembly for 2022. We are so proud of everything they have achieved this year and wish them the very best for all their future endeavours!
Mrs Remy McGavigan & Mrs Federica Huntington
Year 6 Teachers

Several weeks ago, we applied for a Robin Bromley Visionary Grant, a WASCA initiative in partnership with Brownes Dairy. These grants are offered to all schools within Western Australia. Three grants a year valued at $1,000 are presented to schools that are fully compliant with the Department of Education’s Healthy Food and Drink Policy, including having completed ‘Traffic light’ and Foodsafe training along with several other areas of compliance.
We are delighted to say that WASCA contacted us this week, to say that Liwara Canteen was chosen as a recipient of the grant for this year as they were very impressed with our detailed application. This grant will enable us to add to our equipment which will increase our menu options and make the preparation of our food items more efficient.
We also had several of our past Christmas photos added into the latest School Canteen ‘Canteam” News edition which was a nice surprise. This year canteens and food businesses have had to review the packaging they use. We are pleased to report that our canteen had already made many of these changes prior to this changeover. In addition, we have been supplying Bannister Downs Chocolatte, Mango Smoothie and Farm Fresh milk pouches for some time in our canteen. They are a West Australian owned dairy farm which produces these fresh daily and now supply a large number of school canteens across WA. They were a recent winner of the Australian Grand Dairy People’s Choice Award and have won numerous awards for its design and contribution to sustainability with a Global award for Sustainability in Packaging design.
Liwara Canteen is playing our part in the health and well being of our families and the environment. Thank you once again to all of our supportive staff and families. Have a wonderful Merry Christmas!
Deb & Julie
The Uniform Shop is open Thursdays from 8.15am - 9am for all your uniform needs!
JFE Details
Phone: 9204 1701
Email: saes@jfe.net.au


To read the latest P&F Newsletter click here
To keep up to date, head to our private Facebook page by clicking here.
7 Liwara Place
Greenwood, WA
Father Elver Delicano
Monday – Friday 6am & 9am
Saturdays 6pm
Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am & 5:30pm
Anointing every 2nd Saturday of the month
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am - 3pm
m: 0466604754
e: greenwood@perthcatholic.org.au


Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre will be closed from the 16th of December until the Tuesday 31, January 2023.
Our EMERGENCY CLINIC from 19th December - 23rd December will be Landsdale DTC, on 9302 2969.
For the remainder of Summer Holidays please contact if any EMERGENCY - MT Henry DTC - on 9313 0552.

We are now accepting Pre Kindy - Year 6 enrolments for 2023 and 2024.